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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    I know many of the guys that worked on this, as it was filmed pretty close to me and used a lot of the local indy wrestling talent. I even remember the insane Craigslist posting looking for crew and talent that seemed to be written by someone that didn't understand that when you're looking for extras to throw on zombie makeup, you DON'T need to throw half the script up there as well. Anyway, it actually premiered a few months ago and had been making the festival and convention rounds, so it's nice to see it finally getting distributed by TROMA no less! It looks like it's a blast, and I heard it was a fun set, but silly me, I ended up working on the OTHER wrestling movie that was filming in the area, Steve Carell and Channing Tatum's "Foxcatcher". Man, did I ever pick the wrong horse!
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wizard (1989)

    I think he'd roll with it just fine. It obviously wasn't a career-killer or anything, and unlike other movies the gang has covered, they haven't had the opportunity to have a guest that has insight as to what it's like to star in what was essentially a feature-length commercial. There was probably a Nintendo guy on set and all kinds of crazy guidelines they had to adhere to. Come to think of it, this could very much be like the "No Holds Barred" of the video game movie genre.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Noah (2014)

    I haven't seen it, and I wasn't aware of the fantasy elements, so when I was at work and did a walk through the theater and saw lava rock monsters, I'd forgotten what theater I'd gone into. It's like "The Greatest Neverending Story Ever Told".
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Miami Connection (1987)

    It would have been great watching this and NOT knowing that it was his vanity project. I mean, we know he made it, and it's screamingly obvious why he's front and center in everything that's going on, whether he really should be or not, but I think I'd enjoy the "What the Fuck?"-edness of wondering why the Asian guy that can sparely speak English is getting all these motivational speeches and moments. Also, as I mentioned before, it's awesome when someone writes themselves to be awesome at something when it's clear they have no aptitude for it at all. He's the lead guitarist in Dragon Sound (which is pretty impressive, as they appear to have about 28 guitarists), and he's performing like he's never SEEN a guitar, much less ever held one.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    No Hold Barred Corrections and Omissions

    Hogan's opponent in that first match? None other than Bill Eadie, who was also in the WWF at the time as Ax of the tag team Demolition.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Noah (2014)

    And then Samuel L. Jackson shows up after the credits and does something.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    I think EVERYONE was wearing their clown gear in "No Holds Barred", some just more literally than others.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    He was also Lucifer in "Supernatural" and Dexter's wife's ex-husband in the first season of "Dexter"!
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    Are we talking about a remake of the entire film, or just a remake of that particular video? Imagine if they reenacted it like a hundred times with a different person saying the line each time...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    Which led to one of the most nonsensical gimmick matches ever and something that had to be an absolute fucking bore to watch live in person...
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    In the mid-90s, the WWF was accused of being too cartoony, but look at what Hogan was up to over at WCW...
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, and I remember seeing them air on Prime Time Wrestling (the Monday night wrestling show on USA that was eventually replaced by Raw), but I couldn't find them on YouTube or anything Maybe they'll pop up on the upcoming "No Holds Barred" Blu-Ray! Anyway, I recall Savage's beef being that HE was a bigger star and should have been the star of the movie, so that's why he was still in the picture too. Poor guy had to do the heavy lifting for that entire Hogan/Beefcake vs. Savage/Zeus feud that ran through the second half of '89.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    Hey, he co-wrote a whole BOOK about paying the bills!
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    This is bordering on science fiction, and more implausible than ANYTHING else in the movie, as Hogan's never been one to turn down a payday. Also, who knows how much that network even has? At the very least, Hogan could have written TOO high of an amount and stuck them with a $20 returned check fee. Kurt Fuller should totally be made the fictional figurehead of the new WWE Network.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    The "No Holds Barred"-inspired t-shirt of Gregory Iron, "The Handicapped Hero", a pretty awesome guy that wrestles a lot in the Pittsburgh and Cleveland areas.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    I don't know if anyone else out there checks out the OSW (Old School Wrestling) Review video podcasts, but here's their "No Holds Barred" episode from a couple years back. They did reviews of every PPV of the "Hulkamania" era (1985-1993 or so) and have since moved on to other things, including an episode that covers every WWE Films production released through about a year ago. They put out a new episode every month or so, so check them out!
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    Funny you should mention just how close the one redneck had to get to the two execs to check out their dicks, and that he must have bad vision or something, because that's ABSOLUTELY TRUE. That was Stan Hansen, and while he works super stiff to begin with, he's also pretty much blind without his glasses, so he can barely see out there when he's completely pummeling dudes.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 84 — No Holds Barred: LIVE!

    How great would it have been if he ALSO had the voice of Peter Serafinowicz?
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    RoboCop 3 (1993)

    Passed over for the Hall of Fame AGAIN. More like RoboCockBlocked, am I right?
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nundercover kind of sounds like 'Nuns on the Run'

    Thank you, Your Honor!
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nundercover kind of sounds like 'Nuns on the Run'

    I demand that this be stricken from the record! Nundercover is a wholly (holy?) original concept, like nothing that's ever come before, and no amount of sorcery or time travel will convince me otherwise! I'm sorry that you guys ever had to read the original comment. It's CLEARLY the work if a madman...
  22. They're working on it. I think as far as the older stuff goes, they're adding more stuff that's relevant to storylines or guys that are big now, like shows that had big debuts or memorable matches on them. It's kind of random. They're starting a Monday Night Wars series, and I'd have to think that as they cover those periods, more of that stuff will make it's way there, and it'll be awesome to once again do a side-by-side comparison of what was going on in each company at any given time.
  23. There's the "live" aspect of it that you mention, which can be anything really, and it's how they premiere things before adding it to the on-demand archive if it's not there already. They've been experimenting with airing certain events live, like NXT Arrival, Main Event, and Raw pre and post shows with the hopes that they'll have all the kinks worked out by Mania. The Hall of Fame will be streaming live the night before that. On launch day, EVERY WWE, WCW, and ECW PPV was available, and they've been adding documentaries, various clip shows, episodes of ECW and World Class, old Raws, and various odds and ends ever since. I'm really digging it. I saw the new slate of pilots that might become series soon, and one of them is a bounty hunting show starring STEVE MOTHERFUCKING BLACKMAN. Hells yes...
  24. I didn't even realize that David Flair HAD an entrance in the WWF/WWE. I remember him getting murdered by Undertaker at least once in the build-up to his dad's match with him at Mania 18. Was one of those times an actual match on TV? Reason #3547 why the WWE Network is sooooo sweet...
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Equilibrium (2002)

    I didn't care for "Boondock Saints" once I got around to seeing it, with one of my biggest problems being that while watching it, I was constantly thinking "I get it, Troy Duffy, you've seen Pulp Fiction and True Romance too many times too", but I think that a lot of the praise that's heaped on it by the millennial set has to do with the fact that they HADN'T seen all the crime movies that those of us at least a decade or so ahead of them had grown up on. "Overnight" was pretty incredible in showing what a fuck-up Duffy was in regards to pissing off anyone that could help him and burning all his bridges before he even HAD any, but I think that the fact that it took for-fucking-ever to get made and then even longer to actually be SEEN by much of anyone benefited it in that it put more distance between itself and everything that popped up in Pulp Fiction's wake. It might not have been as memorable and may have gotten lost in the mix of a dozen other movies that it looked like at the time. I've found that it's a fantastic "gateway movie" to better movies though, as there have been a lot of people I've known that have loved it that haven't seen the better movies that inspired it, and I'm always happy to share those with people.