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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. I'd bet that Horace Hogan would have traded you his for a sandwich or something. Scott Norton would have given HIS up for 298 pancakes. Oh wait, it was the red-and-black you wanted. Unlike the white-and-black, they weren't just giving THOSE away.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKxXr1s2TDw
  2. In those later years, Nitro was even jobbing to the Westminster Dog Show, which preempted Raw, which still had more viewers than Nitro when it finally came on around midnight or so.
  3. I'm pretty sure that I MYSELF was even in the New World Order for a brief period of time in the summer of '98 or so, ranking somewhere between Scott Norton and Virgil. To quote Andy Warhol, "In the future, everyone will be nWo 4 Life for 15 minutes". Man was a fuckin' prophet...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I kind of like when a movie creates that kind of manic reaction to things though, because that's how me and my friends are, especially after having watched something separately, when you're just waiting to spill your guts on this thing and everyone wants to talk about their favorite parts or what bugged them first, and while it might become a little bit of a mess, everyone DOES get their piece in. A lot of the time, it reflects the batshit nature of the thing you just watched, and more often than not, those movies don't exactly invite or deserve a calm, polite, mediated discussion where people take turns. Also, I'm sure that even though they're professionals, they're just like us in that they're afraid of forgetting something and want to get it out of their brain before it's gone forever, especially when it's a movie that they'd never WANT to revisit. I guess I don't have a hard time or get as annoyed with interruption-heavy episodes, because I'd be doing the same thing.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Black Dynamite

    Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    I love how in the first half of it, Sherri's just doing shit with her hands for no real reason. She looks like a magician or something...
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    It's been forever since I've seen this, so I might not remember if they addressed it, but does the audience know about any of the backstage or behind the scenes shenanigans at ALL to know to be happy when an otherwise anonymous TV executive (not to mention the wrestler) are MURDERED in front of them?
  8. From the WIkipedia page (yes, the Billy and Chuck angle has it's own Wiki page): The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, which had consulted with WWE on the storyline and helped the angle secure mainstream media coverage, denounced WWE for securing GLAAD's assistance under false pretenses. "The WWE lied to us two months ago when they promised that Billy and Chuck would come out and wed on the air." The funniest part about this was that there was no backlash from GLAAD until the episode AIRED, which was later in the week. Aside from the occasional live episode, overseas tour, or holiday week, Smackdown is taped on Tuesday, and used to air on Thursdays (now Fridays), and I believe this episode was no different. Spoilers would have popped up the night it happened, revealing it all to be *gasp* a publicity stunt (within a publicity stunt) all along, but for the next two days, these guys were still doing morning shows promoting the wedding segment, meaning that GLAAD found out right along with anyone else that hadn't looked up the show's results in the last two days. I seem to specifically remember Billy and Chuck being given a gravy boat on The Today Show or Good Morning America or something (WHY do I remember this? God, why...).
  9. When it comes crashin' down and it hurts inside...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Swimfan (2002)

    I don't remember much from this film except for a part where Erika Christensen is trying to get to the guy's girlfriend at the hospital or something, she steals a doctor's coat, and IT FOOLS EVERYONE. She's clearly about 18 and couldn't possibly be a doctor, but she's got the coat, so she must be legit...even though no one's ever seen her there. Speaking of Erika Christensen, she had a pretty good run in the early '00s of being NOT Julia Stiles, and I actually like her a lot now on "Parenthood". That show is so, so good.
  11. The be all, end all in gay wrestling stuff is THIS. Ladies and gentlemen, the Fabulous Ones promos... The non-wrestling bits play out like some sort of video wedding album...
  12. Hey, that guy's my dentist! Seriously though, I really, really want to read Kane's book if he ever writes one. I think he and Taker probably have the best stories to tell.
  13. I had mentioned Pat Patterson earlier... Those sweaters + Pat Patterson + Kevin Nash's fanny pack + Big picture of Elton John = The Voltron of Gay
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    Yeah, it aired right around Christmas, and the match had been taped at a house show or something. I didn't see it until it popped up on like WWF Supertape 2 or something. My Blockbuster always got the old Coliseum Home Video releases. Jeez, you could have caved someone's skull in with Wrestlemania IV, which was two full tapes. Man, that thing was a brick. The No Holds Barred period was so weird, because the movie treated wrestling like it was totally real, except for when it wasn't, but then it was again, and then on TV Zeus attacked Hogan, but he'd died, but not really, and *headexplode*
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    Saw this pop up today... "There are plans for a No Holds Barred Blu-Ray featuring the film and several Zeus matches as extras. (PWI)" He only had a handful of WWF matches, I think. I believe he debuted on a Saturday Night's Main Event around the time when the movie opened, tagged with Savage at Summerslam, did something at Survivor Series, and then tagged with Savage again in a cage match against Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. I don't remember if he EVER had a singles match, as he had all the agility of a post-accident Christopher Reeve and needed to be protected, but if he did, it probably involved him murdering Tugboat or Hacksaw Jim Duggan or something. I hope SO fuckin' hard that his Z-Gangster stuff from WCW is included. I think he was part of the Dungeon of Doom, which was a group of like 15 guys, many of whom were Hogan cronies, who all got to lose to him all over again, all at once.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 67 — Sharknado

    Oh sure, we SEE New York on the poster, but I'm going to guess that we don't get a building taller then like 6 stories and there will be countless geographic anomalies, like canyons and mountains and stuff. This will make "Jason Takes Manhattan" look like "The Muppets Take Manhattan".
  17. The man is 60, his run at the top started 30 years ago this January, and he'd been around for a while before that, including having appeared in Rocky III, so even if this story about turning down the advances of a producer when in his "early 20s" are true, Hogan still had ALL of his success after supposedly being blackballed. Also, if rumors are to be believed, turning down advances from higher-ups could have damaged wrestling careers as well, but I don't know what Patterson's position (heh...) with the company was at the time. Someone in an earlier post asked if we knew that Hulk Hogan was just a character, and I'm not sure that Hogan HIMSELF knows that Hulk Hogan is just a character.
  18. I'm working with an indy fed in the Pittsburgh area, and the promoter had recently talked to Sean Waltman (X-Pac) about working a show, and during that conversation he apparently mentioned that Scott might be going in and that he'd be the one inducting him. That could all just be talk, but it makes sense.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    While "inspired" isn't the first word that comes to mind when discussing the misunderstood masterpiece that is "No Holds Barred", it certainly did inspire the excellent Gregory Iron t-shirt pictured here, so head on over to his page and support the Handicapped Hero when he comes to your town! https://www.facebook.com/thehandicappedhero?fref=ts
  20. To be fair though, Triple H is much more instrumental in the running of things and has more to lose if things go completely to shit than the guys in WCW did, who were more concerned with getting themselves over while working as hard as they could to not work at all since they were making crazy money, even after the company went under. I guess one of the biggest problems creatively in WCW was that ALL of the big guys had creative control over their characters, so when they'd work together, nothing ever got done, because no one was willing to make themselves look weak. Kevin Nash was a wrestler/booker, and he was able to walk away from the wreckage and ride out his contract, but Triple H IS a McMahon and will be running the company someday, so it's in his best interests to not let things get too out of hand. I'm not as bothered with him and Steph popping up in the main event picture as I am with them appearing in what seems like EVERY segment as of late, because holy shit, when he's in villain mode, he takes forever to convey something you should be able to say in two minutes. Meanwhile, Undertaker always comes back after nearly a year off, interrupts someone's promo, points at the Wrestlemania sign, it's on, and that's all you need to know. When it comes down to it though, Vince still has the final say, and while Triple H has his ear, I suppose we won't know exactly HOW much of him being shoved down our throats is his idea. I do like though that as of this week, Triple H is more of a stepping stone in the overall Daniel Bryan storyline than the actual big bad itself. Here I am at the Rumble a few weeks back...
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    Oh, and what's this bullshit from Paul about not being ready for or not knowing what to do with a kid? If you look back at your long, illustrious history, "How Did This Get Made?" has brought you to this moment! You can't tell me that "Jack Frost", "Jingle All the Way", "Over the Top", "Crossroads", "Old Dogs", and even "Sleepaway Camp" weren't master classes in successful child-rearing and that you haven't learned almost all you need to know about raising kids in these last three years or so. Just make sure you keep getting your kid the coolest Christmas toys with all your arm-wrestling earnings and that you make peace with your loved ones after you're reincarnated as a Clooney-like snowman, and all will be well. Do I really need to tell you what snow dad is better than guys?
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    I think "Patent Troll" would go largely ignored, but we kind of need it out of the way first to get to "Patent Troll 2", which is where the magic REALLY happens. Nilbog is "Frivolous Lawsuit" backwards!!!
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    Next thing you know, they'll marry Jason off to a female guest that's only been around for three episodes, the title will officially be shortened to "How...?!?!?", Ted McGinley will start dropping by, and the show will be moved to Friday nights!
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83.5 — Minisode 83.5

    The talk of babies and subjecting them to movies they shouldn't see reminded me of a tale from my own past, as my parents have told me that they used to frequent the drive-in movie theater, because they had an infant son and they weren't assholes. Anyway, the night would often end with them falling asleep and my baby self likely being subjected to unspeakable horrors. For instance, they went to see "Alien" when I was one, and they don't remember a frame of it, but there I was, strapped helplessly in my car seat, being subjected to the horror all "Clockwork Orange"-style. Fast forward to 1986: They have an eight-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter that want to see "Space Camp", which probably BORED them to sleep, which I can't understand, because Joaquin Phoenix put on a fucking clinic. The second feature? "Aliens". Oh, I remember being traumatized by this one. Holy shit, do I remember. "Kill me...killlllll meeeeee....." *SPLORCH*