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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. Can you imagine if that's really how it worked though, like if guys were pulling up to the arena exactly 5 minutes before they were supposed to be there? From all accounts though, that's kind of what WAS happening in the dying days of WCW. Speaking of TNA, there's a local wrestling blog here in Pittsburgh run by some indy guys that talk about the business, recap shows, and generally make fun of stuff. They had a running thing for a while when talking about guys in the WWE pulling up in limos where they'd keep going back to this clip of AJ Styles, when he was champion of TNA at the time, pulling up in a rental car. It wasn't fan footage of him coming to the arena earlier in the day, it was an actual scripted backstage segment on the show where he was getting out of a rental, carrying the belt, and hauling a carry-on bag. He was probably wearing a fanny pack too. And TNA wonders why they're treated like a glorified indy...
  2. I don't know who else watches Raw, but Hogan's been back lately, and he'll be "hosting" WrestleMania in a month. Anyway, he came out at the beginning of the show last night and started talking about his WMIII match with Andre, and I was so afraid/hoping that he was going to add another layer of bullshit to that story, which gets crazier and crazier with every telling. I think at last count, Andre was something like 128 feet tall, weighed eleventy million zillion pounds, and was slammed to the core of the Earth, throwing the planet slightly off it's axis, which is why we now have global warming or something. Instead, Hogan was just using Andre's name to hype a memorial battle royale that will at least give most of the roster something to do at 'Mania, which is always nice.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    In case anyone missed last week's episode of "Community"... STARDOZ!
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    BMX Bandits (1983)

    A pretty fun little song and video by the band Wheatus about how this film inspired a lot of us to go out and do some really stupid shit.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    For fans of "True Detective": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHWLpJRlBYA
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    300: Rise of an Empire

    This "300" sequel looks to be the conclusion of the "Wait, these AREN'T all the same movie?" trilogy of First Quarter 2014, and while my girlfriend told me it was just OK, I have to imagine that this trio of films at least went out on a high note...or at least the highest note it was capable of going out on.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Guests I'd Love To Hear of HDTGM

    I'd love to see them get Chris Jericho. His podcast is pretty great too.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nic Cage pillow

    This picture of Paul looks like his name should be scribbled off to the side, with a voiceover saying "when people stop being polite... and start getting real."
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    RoboCop 3 (1993)

    The IMDB boards are a fucking wasteland of people that don't know what they're talking about, and it's so, so frustrating, and I try so, so hard to stay away, but I keep going back. Not that we're necessarily the authority on anything over here, but we know that no amount of online petitioning is going to get a sequel to "Vampire Academy" made when it was seen by approximately 9 people, and they're all there on that page. "But there are X more books! They HAVE to get made!". It's fucking "Vampire Academy" people, not "Nundercover", alright? I'm sure if we went over and started talking about THAT (Liam Neeson stars in America's #1 movie...) non-stop, people would be all "That's not even a real thing!" and "That's just that fake thing from that podcast!" and "Wait, is that a penis as your profile picture?". Fuckin' nerds...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    Does his Oscar win mean that we can FINALLY get the Criterion Collection treatment for "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation"? I think they missed the boat by not doing it when Zellweger was fresh off of HER win, but it may have worked out better this way, because now both leads are Academy Award winners!
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    RoboCop 3 (1993)

    I enjoyed the remake quite a bit as well, but did it seem to you at all like there were 5-10 minutes missing towards the end somewhere, like where someone might have learned something or there was some sort of revelation or whatever? It seems like it leaps ahead a little bit, because it goes right from a scene where Murphy's wife is talking to Michael Keaton, she goes away, and then a couple minutes later, she's like "I need to talk to (whatever Keaton's character's name is)" like she wasn't just there two minutes ago. I'm trying to remember what was going on at that point in the story, but I forget...
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Waterworld (1995)

    When I first saw it, I kind of wondered where all the money went, because it didn't seem to be onscreen. Everything looked beat up and shitty, which I know was the point, but it sure didn't LOOK like the most expensive movie ever at that point. I also recall it not being all that terrible, or too terribly interesting.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Theories on movie universes that could overlap

    And "Leprechaun" starred Jennifer Aniston, who co-starred in "Picture Perfect" with KEVIN BACON! *runs around the room giving high fives*
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Theories on movie universes that could overlap

    I'd argue that Rocky IV is even MORE of a cartoon than anything the Chipmunks ever popped up in.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Theories on movie universes that could overlap

    Someday, I'd like for someone to be listening to the radio or something in a movie when seemingly out of nowhere, a song starts up, and it's a cover of a popular tune that's being performed by a trio of singing rodents, to which no one gives it a second thought, because they're just the hottest act in the land, and there's no reason to find anything unusual about it. That's right, a movie universe where Alvin and the Chipmunks are real, and I'd prefer that it be in a Michael Mann police drama or heist film. It's just a part of the world.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wraith (1986)

    There's already a thread for it right here... http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/9043-the-wraith-charlie-sheen-ghost-car/page__hl__wraith__fromsearch__1
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83 — Winter's Tale

    OK, so how's THIS for being absolutely terrible human beings... At the theater that I've been working at for forever, there's this group that comes in that's made up of mentally handicapped adults, accompanied by a couple of chaperones. They're all paid for separately, but it was decided a long time ago that the chaperones get in for free. We get bitched at for our pass percentages a lot, and when it comes to ways to reduce it, to cut back on who gets passes, we always suggest eliminating pass privileges for THESE people, because there's definitely something fishy going on with the chaperones, but we get shot down every time, because blah blah showing the community we care blah blah whatever. Anyway, this doesn't happen all the time, as it's not always the same people accompanying the group, but when it's these two middle-aged women in particular, it gets really fucking stupid, because they seem to basically use the group as a way of seeing the movies that THEY want to see while not having to pay for it, whether its going to benefit the group at all. I remember way back when, there was a time when "Spider-Man", "Star Wars Episode II", and maybe a Disney movie like "Lilo and Stitch" were all out at the same time. You would think that any of these movies might offer something to someone with limited mental capabilities, like at least there's a lot of action, shiny objects, and visually interesting stuff, right? Fuck that, the ladies ended up taking them to "Life or Something Like It" or whatever Angelina Jolie movie was out that's aimed squarely at our moms. Fast forward to last week, and you can probably see where this is going. The group comes in, accompanied by these old broads again, OK? Well, we've got some pretty good options right now for kids that would be great for these guys, specifically "LEGO Movie" and "Frozen", or at even less kiddy stuff that at least has crazy special effects like "Robocop" or "Pompeii", but what do these bitches haul the group to? "Winter's Fucking Tale". Just like the HDTGM crew, I've heard from other adults that are of able mind and body that they didn't know what the fuck was going on in this movie, and these fucking bitches hauled a half a dozen unsuspecting handicapped people along with them just so they didn't have to pay to see it. I'm like 99.999999999% sure that it wasn't even put to a vote. So yeah, fuuuuuuuuuuuck those ladies...
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Box (2009)

    I swear there was a thread for this already, but I didn't see one. Maybe it got talked about a bit in the "Southland Tales" thread. Holy shit, do they ever need to do "Southland Tales"...
  19. So there's a pregnancy storyline in the "Teen Wolf" TV show? Does EVERY fucking show on MTV nowadays have to be about teen pregnancy? What the hell...
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 83 — Winter's Tale

    Speaking of Crowe's antics, I was an extra for a few days on "The Next Three Days" a few years back in a scene where Crowe and Elizabeth Banks are running through a crowd of Pittsburgh Pens and Pirates fans, down into the subway, and then on to a train where they make their escape. I don't think I made it onscreen at all, but they run past me TWICE (I was in two different places) as they board the train, which then goes into the very same tunnel that I probably got murdered in two years later when it blew up in "The Dark Knight Rises" during my one day as a member of the Gotham Police Department. Anyway, between shots, me and a couple of the other extras were hanging out by this coffee stand, and Crowe and his people were always coming back to it. I'd do the "don't talk to the actors" nod, he'd give a little wave to us, get his coffee, and leave. One time, he came by, and the person was on a BREAK, so the stand was closed temporarily. He left calmly without incident, and probably just went over to the next one, but I was so furious on his behalf that I went over, ripped a pay phone out of the wall and beat the living shit out of that coffee stand right in it's smug fucking face. OK, not really. That didn't happen at all. I used my cell phone. My piece of shit little flip phone, and no one noticed... *sigh*
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Graffiti Bridge (1990)

    "Glam Slam" sounds more like a place in the universe where THESE guys would be playing...
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 82.5 — Minisode 82.5

    Paul's description of the kinds of Nic Cages makes me wonder, is there a "Nic Cage Playing Poker" painting somewhere?
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    RoboCop 3 (1993)

    This is actually THE only line that I remember from the entire movie.
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    No Holds Barred (1989)

    The plans at one point, had the movie not been such a dud, and Lister not been such dead weight in the ring, was to have the payoff to the feud end at Wrestlemania VI, which ended up becoming Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior. Hogan was never a master technician in the ring, his best matches having been either worked out months ahead of time or with guys like Randy Savage that could have good matches with ANYONE, and Post-accident Christopher Reeve had more agility than Lister, so the matches between the two were pretty atrocious. Also notable for having appeared in "No Holds Barred": Peter Dinklage. Oh man, he was barely in the thing, but I would listen to Dinklage talk about this movie all day long...
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nic Cage pillow

    Who's the asshole that gave this thing a 2 star review? I mean, even a 1 star review would be more forgivable, but who ever says 2? Really?