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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81.5 β€” Minisode 81.5

    WHAT? My Jim Kelly picture isn't showing anymore? I blame "The Man".
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    A Letter From Death Row (1998)

    I remember seeing a clip of this in the Poison "Behind the Music" episode as part of the "But now he's BACK, making terrible shit that's going to be ignored" wrap-up segment.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81.5 β€” Minisode 81.5

    Mini-Episode Corrections and Omissions: NO ONE was the Kareem, because Kareem was in "Game of Death", NOT "Enter the Dragon"! BAM! R.I.P. Jim Kelly
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81.5 β€” Minisode 81.5

    I've also been mentioned twice within a reasonable amount of time! I think it's getting a little crowded for all this high-fiving though. I mean, maybe we could do some sort of wacky jump in the air freeze-frame thing if this is going to continue. Or strike our fighting poses...
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    And wrong some MORE! Replacement Raiden is Dexter Morgan's ADOPTED dad! BAM!
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Die Another Day (2002)

    SHIT, as soon as I saw the first picture pop up, I was going to look for the Power Glove kid from the Wizard, and when I scroll down just a little more, what should appear? Well played, Sir. Well played.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    I wonder if any of the story comes from the shitty comics and other stuff that launched during the initial success of the games, like if any of that carried over into the mythology at all? I think Malibu (soon to be purchased by Marvel) put out the MK books, and I seem to remember there being more wacky variants than ACTUAL issues of the comics.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    Are you saying that this film is on the spectrum?
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    That Awkward Moment (2014)

    Having only seen the TV spots, I think the more appropriate title would be "Embarrassing For All Involved".
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    Also, its "Mortal Kombat" we're talking about here, not "Southland Tales". Right guys? It'd sure be great to talk about "Southland Tales"... #HDTGMFearsSouthlandTales
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 19 β€” Unsucking β€˜Star Wars’

    To most people that have ever seen Star Wars, the movies are the ONLY Star Wars they're familiar with, and many of the things that they brought up in the podcast have not happened in a movie. What's contained in the films may be a small portion of the overall amount of Star Wars stuff out there, but what the people that have read ALL the books, etc., often don't realize is that they make up a microscopic slice of the overall Star Wars audience, and as mentioned on the show, a lot of the book and comic stuff may be stricken from the record or at least ignored as far as the future of the films is concerned. A lot of that extra stuff is fun to know as a fan, but if it gets jettisoned for the sake of being superfluous to the plot, pace, or overall enjoyment of the film, I'm fine with that. I was always more of a superhero guy, I had so much ridiculous Spider-Man and X-Men knowledge stored up in my brain, but when it came to the world of the movies and people hypothesizing what would happen if this guy fought that guy, or if Spidey found himself in this situation or that, I didn't start calling everyone idiots for not being as versed on the fictional lore of these characters and not already knowing the answer. In this case, the comics, cartoons, etc. clearly came first, they didn't originate with a film like Star Wars did, but you have to realize that no matter how many people you think have read and care about every single book, no matter how many people you think bought all the action figures, no matter how many people you think have played the video games, it's a relatively small portion of the overall chunk of the billion and half dollars that The Avengers made in theaters. This reminds me, after having managed a movie theater and worked at a comic shop for approximately forever, I'm really shocked at how opposed to new ideas and original stories "fans" really are. The same people that will piss all over the idea of remakes or reboots will still be there to see them on opening night, and then they'll be the most excited at the prospect of a new version of a character they've already seen, until an out-of-left-field casting choice is made, in which case it becomes the worst idea ever, which they'll discuss to no end over the course of the next couple of years, until they SEE the movie and proclaim it the greatest thing ever made and start shitting on everyone that doesn't share this belief. They'll then proclaim that the series should just stop now, because nothing's ever going to top this ICONIC performance of this character, which makes the previous actor's portrayal look like complete shit. In fact, maybe they should just start over with a reboot...
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    Do yourself a favor (?) and go to 8:13. I had no idea this ever existed, but I completely understand why. http://cinemassacre.com/2013/01/09/atari-jaguar-cd/ I guess "Highlander" was at the absolute ass-end of the period when R-rated properties were being re-tooled and marketed to kids. We had it so great in the late 80's with "Rambo", "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Robocop", and even "Toxic Avenger" to a lesser extent. The thing with "Highlander" though is that was NEVER popular in that way, like at all, and all the stuff to come out of it was mostly inspired by that second film. Weird...
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    Y'know, I wonder if he does that same laugh in "Southland Tales" as well? I guess the gang better watch it and find out...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    More believable: Christopher Lambert the mystical Chinaman or CHristopher Lambert the immortal Scotsman? It's kind of a toss-up...
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    I know it never got made, but I still don't think Tim Burton would appreciate you plagiarizing his Superman story like that.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Corrections & Omissions: Mortal Kombat

    In 1995, some places were still taking the Footloose Initiative very, VERY seriously, and it wasn't uncommon for the Feds to shake down these illegal dance speakeasies on a regular basis.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    Nah, "Highlander 2" is still the better example. The first one was a total bomb, so someone had to be high to think that spending money on a sequel was a good idea to begin with, and then they took the relatively simple concept of the first one and said "Fuck that noise. Let's ignore everything from the first one and just make Blade Runner". Oh, yeah, and it inspired THIS... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhEPNGQ4eGM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc44DmupfQE My God, the mullets and Liefeldian shoulder pads...
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    I, Frankenstein (2014)

    Nunder the Cherry Moon Nunderworld: Rise of the Lycans.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    Best Buy has a Blu Ray collection with this, Annihilation, the first Legacy web series, and fucking SPAWN on it for $20 or less.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Double Dragon (1994)

    After today's new "Mortal Kombat" episode, I just wanted to give this a bump.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Freaked (1993)

    It's on here somewhere already. I think...
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    That last review sounds like it was written by Amy the gorilla. Also, are there any stories of a bus load of people being murdered from around that time? I'll bet there are...
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    I was a big fan BEFORE "Mortal Kombat" turned me onto it...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 81 β€” Mortal Kombat

    "Benjamin Button" was SUCH a rip-off of "Mork & Mindy".