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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80.5 — Minisode 80.5

    My theory: Paul, who admitted to being a comic book guy, learned everything he knows about human anatomy from Rob Liefeld. When I get home, I am SO posting some Liefeld shit...
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    3 Ninjas (1992)

    The bully team doesn't make a God damn bit of sense. At no point are they getting the upper hand, but they're acting like they are? Dude flips one of the ninja kids, whose shot (like the eighth point in a row) still goes in, and then the villains high five like they just won the game and didn't come a point closer to losing the thing. Whhhaaaaa? They seem to get LESS frustrated as the game goes on, despite having done absolutely jack shit. I know I saw this when I was much younger, but I don't remember it being so frustrating.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    3 Ninjas (1992)

    His real name? Estevez Sang-ok. No shit.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

    I would have actually felt less betrayed by the "Deadpool" we got if it was JUST some dude they called Deadpool and the film hadn't spent the effort making such a great Wade Wilson. It's like we KNOW someone knew the character and went "Yeah, we're just going to take a shit on that".
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    Try ALL eras. Disney, in particular, has been strongly anti-parent from the start! How else are kids supposed to get in fantastic magical adventures if they're being properly supervised?
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I'd remembered that as I was writing, but forgot to make mention of it, which is probably a crime as far as I'm concerned, as I live in the capital city of the Romeroverse! The cops are probably coming for me right now. They never fare very well in his movies though, so maybe I'm safe...
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    she's out of his league

    This was shot a year and a half before I started working on movies in Pittsburgh and still didn't come out until a year or so after that. This thing say on the shelf for a long, long time...
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)

    There was nothing about the casting, the names behind the scenes, the trailers, the promotion, etc. that got me excited. I know what you mean, you think Chun Li movie and your imagination runs wild, but nothing I knew about THIS movie, from what I saw of it going into it, gave me any hope whatsoever.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987)

    The first thing I thought of when Retaliation was delayed was how it was EXACTLY like what had happened 25 years before, only on a much larger scale. I think they eventually admitted "Yeah, killing off Duke, who is played by a guy that just had an AWESOME year, was a huge fucking mistake", and I thought they would make his demise more ambiguous, like we wouldn't see a body, leaving it open for his return in the next film, but nope, we got his charred corpse. *sigh*
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    10,000 BC (2008)

    And by "corn kernels being passed", he means "a shit being taken". By Roland Emmerich, on our eyes. Zing.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)

    How is that possible?!?!?! The high hopes part, I mean.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    World War Z

    An alternate MOVIE is what it is, really. It's like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book or something. "All hell is breaking loose. Do you get on the first plane, or do you decide to board the second plane?". We got the shitty third act that had him crashing in England and trying to be really quiet in a hospital instead of the more action-packed finale in Russia. Just another classic case of the behind-the-scenes workings being infinitely more interesting (for better or worse) than what we actually got. That's about the only thing keeping "World War Z" from being completely generic.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I think that a really good and/or successful filmmaker needs to make it a goal to reclaim these titles from shitty movies that keep using them, to make it a POSITIVE thing when someone brings up a movie called "Jack Frost" or "Season of the Witch" that's completely unrelated to anything we've seen before. I think it can be done! I mean, we've already had two of them, but I think the third time's the charm, and someone like a Steven Spielberg or a George Clooney can make an Academy Award-winning movie that just happens to be called "The Hills Have Eyes Part 2"...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    World War Z

    I was pretty aware of all that, and Matthew Fox still got something like fourth or fifth billing despite being almost completely missing from the film. But yeah, my God, something dark and disturbing happening to the only characters worth remembering in a movie about the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE? Those first two acts were really setting it up to be the feel-good hit of the year before that, right? Seriously though, I can understand things getting cut for budgetary reasons, or endings being changed to make things more sequel-friendly, but it's almost like the cut we got had the opposite effect. I wonder if it really WAS more a case of it being too dark and/or expensive, or if it was more a case of the studio not having faith in the film and wanting something more self-contained or "uplifting" in case they had to put the brakes on the franchise in a hurry? Its success was kind of unexpected, and they're talking about possible sequels now, but man, with that original idea for an ending, they could have really hit the ground running with the next one.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Running Man (1987)

    Actually, Ventura had a cameo in Batman & Robin as well!
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    World War Z

    One of my biggest problems with the movie was that I never felt that the main character or his family were in any danger AT ALL, which is strange, because the truly terrible shit always seems to happen RIGHT as Brad Pitt gets there. It's almost like everyone would have been better off if he would have never shown up. Also, what the fuck was with NOTHING happening to Pitt's family when they cut them loose after thinking he was dead? Oh shit, there's going to be some danger there, right? NOPE. After Pitt saves the day, he's reunited with his family, who have just been chilling out in some safe place, not having to fight for their lives or anything. Fucking lame.
  17. Actually, my theater schedule over last week and this coming week is super light, and I imagine that we'll be dumping this thing at the two week mark, so since I have yet to be in that auditorium when it's playing, my new goal is to NOT see a single frame of it. I think I can do it.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)

    It looked pretty awesome in 3D. I'd totally forgotten about this scene until seeing it mentioned here.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    World War Z

    I have to disagree with the "worst zombie movie ever" claim, as this gentleman certainly must not have Netflix. I believe that Danny Trejo has been in like 10 shittier zombie movies in the last two years alone.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    razzie noms

    I think that not only should "Grown Ups 2" win everything, it should tie with itself in the Supporting Actor category JUST so it can technically win more times than the actual number of categories that it's nominated in.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Southland Tales (2006)

    Someone may have even brought that up here already, but holy shit, there's like 100 posts (I think like 20 of 'em are mine...), and I'm not about to re-read them all. Hmmmm, if a certain group of professional comedians would just watch this fuckin' thing already, we could renew the conversation in another thread...
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    Hmmmmm, when researching the "Who's older?" thing, I discovered that I'm one of the few on here that displays my actual age. If we're really going to determine who the oldest/wisest/most important people are here, y'all need to cough up some birth certificates. Show yourselves, cowards!!! I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't really mean that. I don't know what came over me...
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Mad Dog Time AKA Trigger Happy (1996)

    This brings to mind another Tarantino clone, "Blood, Guts, Bullets, and Octane", which I caught on Cinemax one time and thought was complete garbage. In an interesting turn of events though, the guy that made that was Joe Carnahan, who went on to make some pretty good things, including the pilot for the upcoming "Those Who Kill" on A&E that I was briefly a production assistant on! Cheap plugs away!