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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I don't know if they'll ever make up or if they'll be enemies for life, but man, if they ever meet face-to-face, that sex is going to be incredible.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Southland Tales (2006)

    Actually, Darko wasn't a hit at all. It got some acclaim, it got everyone noticed, and it put Kelly on the map, but it barely got released in theaters and picked up a cult following later on. While it may have gotten him some extra clout, he wasn't M. Night coming off of Sixth Sense or anything like that where he was going to get free reign over the cut of his movie, how it was released, etc. Southland Tales looks to be the work of a guy that was up his own ass waaaayyyy more than he had any right to be (which is odd, it being his own ass and all), and I think the comics came about more because of what he couldn't get for the movie. Sometimes it's fun to go outside the movie for extra information, but when it's required reading to understand what's going on, when it's homework, it's the fault of the filmmaker a for not making a coherent self-contained thing. Holy shit, does this movie ever need to get done. A perfect guest would be just about anyone that was on SNL around the turn if the century, because I think the ENTIRE CAST is in this movie.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    It made me think of this....
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I would argue that that's a less disturbing-looking snowman. This was also followed by a sequel where the killer snowman goes to Hawaii or the Bahamas or something, or at least the resort set from the "Saved By The Bell" summer job episodes.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    And to think that that WASN'T the one that Paul thought was the most upsetting. You'd think that this was Darren Aronofsky's "Jack Frost" or something.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 17 — Pop Culture Expiration Dates (Pt. 2)

    I was in the Air Force from 1996-2000, and there are things that I KNOW happened in pop culture that I completely managed to miss, because I was out of the country for three months or so. Strangely enough, as well-connected as we are to every person, place, and thing now, it's still pretty easy to avoid stuff, because almost as soon as a thing becomes a thing, people are already jumping on it and doing their own version of it, and if every asshole and their brother can do it, it must not really be that great. I'm pretty sure I've never heard Gangnam Style in it's entirety, I've never seen the Harlem Shake, and I have no fucking clue what the fox says. If it's something that grandmothers are doing at weddings, I know that it's something that I don't need in my life, even if the video has 20 million hits on YouTube and 3000 parodies, half of which claim to be "official". Infinitely quotable comedy that stands the test of time: "Dumb and Dumber"
  7. I just saw a TV spot for this that had lightning power special effects that looked straight out of "Krull" or something. I work at my theater tomorrow for the first time since this thing was released, and I'm half-curious/half-terrified to get a good look at it.
  8. Holy shit, after seeing this thing take a dive over the weekend, I think it would be beneficial for the marketing departments behind those other films to play up the "we're SO not the same movie as that piece of shit Hercules thing" in the ads, even if they basically are. Ironically though, I don't see there being any confusion at all with the actual Hercules movie that comes out this summer, as this one will be long, long, long forgotten by the time that that one hits.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 79.5 — Minisode 79.5

    It could very well take place in the same cinematic universe where the hottest musical group in the land is a group of singing chipmunks that plays nothing but covers.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 79.5 — Minisode 79.5

    I might be a little curious if you told me it was "The Mist" of bad Christmas movies.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 79.5 — Minisode 79.5

    Wait, his old man dies and they STOP making fun of him? Wouldn't that just be MORE fuel for the fire? COME ON! These guys are fucking terrible at bullying.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    junes pregnant!!!

    Thanks, but I don't think I appreciated it's (relative) uniqueness at the time. I mean, it was frustrating growing up and looking at those little license plates or coffee mugs or whatever and seeing Jason on literally EVERYTHING, while PlanBFromOuterSpace appeared on pretty much nothing but my dad's hand-me-downs and poor custom-made jobs. On top of being rare, it's incredibly long, like far too much to fit on a basketball jersey.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    American Hustle (2013)

    I liked it just fine, but I'm SO glad that I saw it before I saw "Wolf of Wall Street".
  14. Honest mistake, but I think this movie already has a thread under a different (it's original?) name, because it mostly just turned into a discussion about Schwarzenegger's incredible "Hercules in New York". At my theater, we had the trailer for this, the 300 sequel, and Pompeii all attached to the new Paranormal Activity, and I didn't realize until I watched them that they're ALL the same movie!
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 79 — Deck the Halls: LIVE!

    It sounds like those TVs got exactly the movie they deserved.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    junes pregnant!!!

    I think Pasta Robot would be a fine middle name, regardless of gender. I know about as much about naming children though as June knows about street fighters. I was supposed to be a Jason until 2 weeks before I was born, but then my parents got lazy and just slapped a Junior on my dad's name...
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Solo (1996)

    1:18 - How does backflipping through a series of explosions HELP? If anything, wouldn't it slow you down? This would be a great (?) double feature with "Universal Soldier: The Return", as they were pretty much two versions of the same shitty movie.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

    Oh yes, THIS is quite the bad one. Also, didn't they win the fake vacation by answering a trivia question INCORRECTLY? Of course it was a ruse by the killers, but from minute one, they couldn't even pretend like there was any sort of suspense to be had, as you knew it was a set-up immediately.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Brother Future

    Check this out from the trivia section on IMDB: "M.A.N.T.I.S. (1994), the highly-watched TV movie on which this series was based, featured a predominately African-American cast and racism was a major issue in the story. Fox executives thought that the racial focus of the movie was "too grim and too realistic". Except for Carl Lumbly, the African-American actors from the movie were replaced in this series. Lumbly, Gina Torres, and Christopher M. Brown stated in interviews that they were very disappointed that the tone of the series was changed." "The series was subjected to a drastic overhaul midway through its first (and only) season. After a half-season of serious urban action stories with a science-fiction twist, the show's focus shifted to overt fantasy, involving parallel universes, super-villains and monsters. This failed to reverse the program's weak ratings and the show was cancelled at the end of the season with two episodes unaired. The final episode anticipated this cancellation by killing off the title character." So you see, in "Brother Future", with the direction that "M.A.N.T.I.S." took, it could have actually BEEN M.A.N.T.I.S., not just the actor that played him. BAM.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    There wasn't NEARLY enough rooftop tuxedo football in "Wolf", so I guess Wiseau did manage to one-up Marty in that department.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    I'm not so sure about that. I think the only thing "The Room" had in common with "Wolf of Wall Street" was cocaine. Mountains and mountains of cocaine. Also, if Tommy Wiseau had made "Wolf of Wall Street", I think we would have been subjected to three hours worth of that same awkward sex scene, over and over and over...
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Brother Future

    When all else fails, just have a magical black man rap the instructions... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0whqNAN-wX4 ...and then EXPLAIN said rap! These are just the best parts of the Wendy's Grill Skills training videos. Please, for your own sake, watch the rest!
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    And that BAND!
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    The fight scene between Leo and Jonah Hill may be one of the finest action set pieces of the year, if not the decade. This movie was absolute gold, and it's fantastic that Martin Scorsese managed to make an insane 3-hour comedy that I didn't want to end, because I've seen plenty of 90-minute comedies that felt like they never would. It was nice to see DiCaprio not only channel his inner Arnie Grape with an incredible physical performance, but also discuss the preferred way to dispose of your retarded children while debating the ethics of dwarf-tossing, because they're sort of people too, and you don't want to unleash their superhuman strength.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Wolf of Wall Street
