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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    I'm holding out for the long-awaited third installment, "I Am Fast and Curious (Tokyo Drift)".
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    At first, I thought it WAS Super Cat or whatever the hell it's name is, because there was the whole Superman Family that of course included Krypto, some horse, and a monkey, but then I did realize that this was in fact Superman, and that he had TURNED INTO a cat. I mean, that's still great and all, but I was happier thinking that we had another Amy the gorilla on our hands.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    Jesus, my previous comments have led me down quite the rabbit hole...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    When trying to find the exact one they were talking about, I stumbled across these too, as well as several articles that talk about what a fucked-up comic it was. Again, it comes down to making Lois look like a fucking idiot at every turn. Apparently, there was also one where her and Supes were also incredibly racially insensitive in one of those stories that addresses a societal injustice in such a misguided way that really does more damage than good. Oh yeah, and that first cover there reminds me of one for World's Finest or Secret Origins or something where it proclaimed "The Origin of the Jimmy Olsen and Robin Super-Team!", and then you open it, and the very first page is Batman and Superman standing at the graves of Jimmy Olsen and Robin. Today, that would have been a good joke, but since it was back then when they almost certainly didn't see it with those eyes, it was a MASTERPIECE of unintentional comedy. Of course they weren't dead though, but later on, it did inspire me to do a project for some class or another that I was taking in college where I pitched a comic called "Kid Crossfire and the Fantastic Union of Costumed Kids Evading Demise" ("F.U.C.K.E.D. For Life!" for however long that was going to be...) that featured a sidekick character that wore a bright green and yellow costume with targets all over it and a mask that really didn't disguise his identity at all, as well as a (constantly) revolving roster of supporting characters. Jeez, I need to get that idea rolling again...
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Crow: Salvation (2000)

    Kind of interesting/stupid Boreanaz story: I've worked at a Regal Cinema for a long, long time. For as long as I can remember, we had this anti-piracy poster where this dude's slumped down in his seat filming a movie, looking all suspicious while an usher's at the top of the aisle or something. There isn't anyone recognizable in the shot, just some dude. Anyway, earlier this year, we get told we have to get rid of this poster that probably hasn't moved in like half a decade. Turns out that someone met Boreanaz at a con or something and was like "Wow, you were on this anti-piracy poster at my local theater" or something, and he didn't know that, that his likeness had supposedly been used for this thing (because it's completely NOT him), so lawyers got involved, and this thing had to come down, although I'm sure that he's never seen the thing to know that it wasn't him. I think we still have it around somewhere, and if he does any shows or appearances around here, I'm TOTALLY gonna try to get him to sign it. Now why in the hell can't I find a picture of it online? Hmmm....
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    I don't remember MUCH from the Justice League pilot, but I DO remember a part where Flash's super speed is demonstrated in his ability to move from one side or end of a kitchen table to the other in what can only be described as about a half a second faster than a mere normal human being.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 50 — Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 2

    Why does it look like Paul?!?!?
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    I wish I could remember what site it was on, but I remember a pretty hilarious interview with Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction (who were co-writing Uncanny X-Men at the time) where they talked about the Lois Lane comic from the 50's-60's, like how it was the most hateful book ever and that they were surprised how every other issue didn't end with a suicide attempt. Apparently, most of the stories were about how Lois was thiiiiiiis close to proving that Clark was Superman, Supes would catch wind of it, and then he'd drag half the superhero community into his scheme to publicly embarrass her. In one issue in particular, she's going to marry Clark/Superman, and as they're about to tie the knot, "Superman" (really Bruce Wayne or somebody in disguise) shows up at the wedding, and she's all the "What the FUUUUUUCK?!?!? Wedding's off!" and everyone's like "Lois, Clark isn't Superman! You're just a stupid, stupid woman with a small woman brain!", and everyone laughs while a sad trombone almost certainly plays in the background.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    Funny you should mention that, as I've heard the same thing said about the Nolan Batman films. Well, not that his movies are Tim Burton films with Batman in the them, but that they're more like gritty crime dramas that happen to have Batman starring in them, which is fine, because they were very well done for the most part.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Crow: Salvation (2000)

    It's got nothing on the fourth one with Eddie Furlong, David Boreanz (or however you spell it), and Tara Reid. The third one was bad, but the next one was straight up dog shit.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Daredevil Problems/Comments

    The Kirby character was the stereotypical goofball movie coroner, and he was played by Kevin Smith. I'd say the filmmakers hated Jack Kirby.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    So, uh, why no gap in Daredevil's teeth for this one?
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    To be fair, I think it's always been referred to as radar sense in the books, so you can't necessarily blame the movie there. Or are you just blaming the over-explanation of it like they can't trust us to figure out what radar sense means? I have sort of a game I play with friends that's similar to your suggestion, only I call it "What Will This Movie Be Called When It Gets Released in the Philippines?". It usually involves taking the most mundane or out-of-context scene or bit from the trailer and pretty much centering it on that. For instance, I'm sure there's no real translation for "The Pacifier", so when it got released in Asian markets, I'd like to think that it had a title that more closely translated to "Hungry Goose" or "Fast and Furious Goose". If there's a wacky house pet or sight gag, it's going to be in your title, and it's not going to make a fucking bit of sense. Holy shit, this should totally be the new name game here...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    I'm trying to think of WHEN exactly it was that they finally got CGI under control to a point where it didn't stand out so bad, because there's a lot of post-"Phantom Menace"/turn of the century stuff that didn't look terribly believable at the time that looks even WORSE now. I'm thinking that at some point, filmmakers became less concerned about the "Look what I can do!" aspect and more concerned with integrating it with the real world because there really wasn't anything new under the sun. I could be wrong. Maybe it was when it became affordable on the cheap and EVERYONE started doing it. Anyway, Daredevil was always a guy that could kick your ass that didn't LOOK like he could kick your ass (the blindness thing helped a bit too) that seemed more like he'd be the size of a middle weight boxer or something. Not a huge dude, but really athletic and in great shape. Spidey was like a gymnast, DD was like a boxer, and a guy like Captain America seemed more like an old school bodybuilder or professional wrestler, which is probably more where Affleck falls. This reminds me of another HDTGM miscast, where Topher Grace played Venom in "Spider-Man 3". Venom should have been bigger, especially if they were ever to bring Carnage into the picture (who is sort of a Topher-sized mini Venom). Using THIS logic, Topher Grace could have made a good Daredevil, and Ben Affleck would have been a fine Venom. BAM. Casting problems solved...a decade late...
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Spirit (2008)

    On the plus side, at least he got to wear a mask, so even if he was recognized for this thing, he still might luck out and NOT be recognized for this thing. I thought I was actually on set with this guy on "Love and Other Drugs" the following year and wasn't sure if it was him, even though I KNEW he was in it. It was like "Is this that guy? I don't know if this is that guy, but it might be that guy...". Having watched the movie, I don't THINK it was him that was around that day, but maybe it was... And yeah, those other two were probably already at work on "Iron Man 2" I'd bet, and "Spirit" was just a minor misstep for everyone but Macht.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    No pun intended, but I think you missed the mark on Bullseye, as I always felt the House of Pain was there because he's IRISH, and they felt they couldn't trust us to figure that out unless there was a musical cue to tell us this, despite the fact that they're in an Irish pub and people are speaking with Irish accents. It's sort of like when there's a movie that takes place in California, it might even indicate it in the title ("Battle: Los Angeles" springs to mind), and they feel the need to start blasting "California Love" on the soundtrack, because the shots of the Hollywood sign, the L.A. freeway, and the Capitol Records building might be too subtle. Also, and I discovered this when seeing if he'd been in any other HDTGM films, Leland Orser is billed on IMDB as "Crazed Man in Massage Parlour" for his part in "Seven". I certainly think that's understating things a bit. Also, in "Alien: Resurrection", he's the guy that impales another dude with the chestburster that's coming out of him. Man, that movie would be so fucking great for this show. Anyway, having seen him in "Seven" already, he actually seemed LESS panicked in "Resurrection". I guess after playing "Guy Forced at Gunpoint to Shred Whore With Razor-Tipped Strap-On in Sex Dungeon", everything else seems at least a little bit less disturbing. It's like "Hey, I've got a thing that's going to explode out of my chest, but at least I don't have to bang some whore with razor blades or anything".
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    I liked Duncan a lot, but I think he was kind of wasted in the sense that they got a guy to play Daredevil that could look him in the eye. There was no big guy/little guy dynamic, because Affleck is also a pretty big dude. You're never gonna find a guy the size of Kingpin that's huge and intimidating, so you kind of need to go the other way and make Daredevil smaller, and they didn't do that. Yes, my problem with Ben in this movie wasn't his acting, but his size, which of course isn't HIS fault.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)

    This would have worked so, so well for "The Last Samurai"... I prefer to remember "Mission Impossible 2" as the reason why Hugh Jackman has an AWESOME career now.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Spirit (2008)

    Ironically, it was probably the high point for it's leading man, Gabriel Macht. I mean, it fuckin' bombed, no doubt, but it looks like the first and only time that anyone tried to build a big budget movie around the guy. He's on that show "Suits", so good for him, but it looks like his highest profile leading role since then was in the straight-to-video SWAT sequel. I wonder if even HE remembers that one time where he could have almost been a star?
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Miami Connection (1987)

    Sometimes that's the best way to go though. One year for Halloween, I just walked around in jeans and a black t-shirt that said "Vince" while carrying around a pool cue. I think like 8 people got it. The others? If they didn't know, I just didn't need them in my life anyway...
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Return of Swamp Thing (1989)

    The Now Playing podcast, another great podcast about (often) bad movies is right in the middle of their two-parter about the Swamp Thing franchise. Their review of the first film came out this week, and Return should be out Tuesday. They're good guys! As far as Wynorski is concerned, check out the documentary "Popatopolis", currently streaming on Netflix! Funny stuff, and lots of talk about his career, all while we get to see the making of the softcore flick "Witches of Breastwick", which he made with a bunch of off-duty porn stars, a borrowed house, and about 28 bucks.
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    I understand what you're saying, but I'm still more interested in what Carnahan would have brought to the project himself. I mean, a trailer's job of course it to make a movie look cool, but the cool aesthetic can be totally wasted if everything else, like the script, acting, costume designs, fight choreography, etc., is still shit. Speaking of which, Carnahan's first movie, "Blood, Guts, Bullets, and Octane" was a textbook late-90s Tarantino knockoff, so he's no stranger to trying to copy the look of something popular, but like most of those movies at that time, it was a pretty awful attempt. He's been mostly hit than miss ever since, and he's certainly gotten a lot better. Shameless plug: Be sure to keep an eye out for the Carnahan-directed pilot of "Those Who Kill", coming soon to A&E! Yours truly got to be a production assistant on the pilot last least year for a couple of days, and the entire first season is currently filming in Pittsburgh! I keep getting called about working on it in FRONT of the camera, but my schedule never lines up. *sigh*
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    As far as post-millennial action movies go, I'm not sure if I'm correct, but Shinedown seems to fit the bill as one of the bands most associated with action movie trailers at least, or they sound like they SHOULD have a song in every Stallone movie in the last decade, whether they actually do or not.
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 74.5 — Minisode 74.5

    Looking at the cast of this movie, it's crazy to see how many HDTGM first-timers we're seeing that I was SURE had been in other stuff they've covered. Here are some of the more notable ones: Michael Clarke Duncan-The man's resume was a bit spotty, having appeared in a mountain of crap in addition to the great stuff he did. Looks like the guy just had fun and loved to work. Colin Farrell: Another guy not known for strict quality control, but I think his crazy stuff leans more towards good, and his bad stuff is more boring than anything. Leland Orser, Erick Avari, David Keith: All recognizable actors that have been in a million things. If the gang ever does "Independence Day" (which ALL of these guys had bit parts in), that will be an HDTGM credit for nearly every character actor that was working in the mid-90s. Kevin Smith: Only because they're too scared to do "Southland Tales".... This film will also feature about the 128th appearance of Rob Zombie on the soundtrack of a HDTGM-reviewed film. I know of several right off the top of my head, but I went to Wikipedia to see if I'd missed any, and I'm shocked by how incomplete their list is. I mean, "Judge Dredd" wasn't even on the list, and that was dead center in the period between 1994-2000 or so where EVERY movie featuring any sort of action included a White Zombie song.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    HDTGM All-Stars

    It's a shame that they're not doing the Directors Cut of "Daredevil"....