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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Auto Focus - Creepiest Film Ever?

    And they carry on a conversation while doing it like there's nothing strange about it! I like this movie a lot though and still watch it from time to time, but I'm a real sucker for the subject material, like biopics about public figures or actors that you didn't know a lot about aside from the fact that things ended super horribly for them. See also: "Wonderland". There were quite a few of these movies semi-recently, like in the last decade or so, that barely got released that had really good casts.
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)

    It's a shame that "Top Gun" came out so soon after this, as it really didn't get to hold the title of Most Homoerotic Mainstream Film EVER for all that long But yeah, this thing ejaculated rainbows, it was THAT gay.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 61 — Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

    As difficult a time as they had staying focused on the movie this week (Amanda Bynes talk? REALLY?), it seems we're having an even harder time here. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that forced viewings of "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" is how "Children of Men" happened. It's been a while since I've seen THAT film, so I might be wrong. It just makes perfect sense though...
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Hemlock Grove

    I too find it difficult to commit to not giving a shit about something for more than, oooohhhhhh, I'd say eighty-eight minutes or so (tick tock), and even then it can be a bit of a chore. If this were a network show or at least wasn't dumped out in one big 13-episode chunk, it might be easier to do an episode on it because sometimes it's fun to imagine it can better or you can speculate on what might happen next, because no one really knows what the hell is going on yet. Speaking of that, I'm not sure how dumping out a whole season of something all at once is that good of a thing. Others have mentioned that you could get a free month subscription, burn through it all, and then never use Netflix again, and while I'm sure they're prepared to take the hit, wouldn't it be much better to drag it out for a couple of months and keep people talking? They might pick up more subs along the way, and those people that want to watch it all at once would have to wait past the initial buzz.
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Predator 2 (1990)

    I think it's more a case of him being too old for this shit...and hilarious miscasting. Mostly hilarious miscasting.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

    Nah, I'll probably go back and watch it just to find out that like most things I liked when I was 10, it realllllllyyy doesn't hold up.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 61 — Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

    I remember my cousin having a "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" t-shirt that she wore unironically, but it might have been because she grew up poor...in Detroit...where it's not just a movie title, but a very real, very valid threat. Anyone seen that picture of young Eminem in an ALF t-shirt? It reminds me of that, only ALF was incredible.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 61 — Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

    I think they did. I'm pretty sure I remember them saying something about a grown man giving another grown man a swirlie.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 61 — Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot

    There should be an "Absolutely horrified by this" button.
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    No Holds Barred (1989)

    Also, if you're interested, the Old School Wrestling video podcast (they're on Facebook) did a nearly a feature-length review of this last year that was pretty good. They're a group of Irish guys that do video podcasts about the Hulkamania-Era pay per views starting with his WWF debut in 1984, and they're just about to put out their Wrestlemania VIII (1992) show. They also did an episode a little while back where they covered "Marine 3" and a brief history of every WWE Studios film. Great stuff!
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Birdemic 2

    Well, I'm not sure if anyone liked it, but it's internet LAW that people have to bitch about remakes, reboots, revamps, etc., so even terrible films retroactively become untouchable classics. This will be an interesting test of that.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Birdemic 2

    And I'd still buy Nic Cage as a pile of ash more than I'd believe anyone in this Birdemic flick as thinking, feeling human beings. That kind of reminds me, I can't wait to see if the usual "Nothing can match the masterpiece that is the original" crowd comes out of the woodwork when Cage's "Left Behind" comes out.
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Birdemic 2

    "Knowing Now" is a sequel that I want to see. I mean, sure, the first one seemed a bit...final, but that's never stopped anyone...
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    "When I Saw the Trailer..."

    It's usually the second trailer that kills hopes I had after seeing the first one, not necessarily the movie itself (which may end up being fine), because there have been some WICKED teasers that seem to set one tone, but then when you actually get a sampling of the acting, dialog, and story, it really diminishes it. See nearly any disaster movie, "Independence Day", or just about anything from Roland Emmerich's filmography for that matter.
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Snakes on a Plane

    I saw this once in the theater when it came out, was pretty disappointed by how NOT crazy and over-the-top it was, and then have had a hard time remembering much of anything from it when it's popped up on TV. If ever there was a movie that failed to live up to the unrealistic expectations that the internet put on it, this was it. Once they decided to go R-rated with it, they should have gone CRAZY with the kills, but they were pretty standard and unimaginative. This wouldn't even be the best killer snake movie that the HDTGM crew has done if they ever do an episode on it.
  16. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    order of operations

    I've been a big movie watcher and collector, I've worked at a movie theater for approximately forever, and I've even BEEN IN a lot of movies (see the "Abduction" thread for my adventures on that set), so I've seen many of the films that have been covered here. If they're going to do an episode on a film I haven't seen, I may or may not check it out depending on availability, my free time, and whether or not it's something I want to see anyway. If it's something I HAVE seen that I have readily available, I'll give it another spin as a refresher like I did with "Devil's Advocate", which besides the movie being bonkers was actually a pretty fun re-visit, as I'd seen it in the theater and purchased a first generation DVD of it nearly 15 years ago, but hadn't watched it since. It may as well have been on VHS. SOME movies have been so bad/memorable though that I could still recall every crazy little bit of it, such as "88 Minutes". Fuck "Dark Knight" or "Avengers", THIS was one of the most enjoyable and funniest after-work screenings ever. On the flip side, you've got "Speed 2", which I've seen several times, but can never seem to remember any details to. I think it says a lot about a film like "88 Minutes" when you can watch it once and it's so bad it sticks with you forever.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Boondock Saints (1999)

    I HIGHLY recommend the documentary "Overnight", filmed by his own friends, which chronicles writer/director Troy Duffy's rags to...rags story about a guy that got plucked out of nowhere to be the next big thing, only to completely ruin it by being the biggest asshole that anyone ever dealt with and acting like someone that could get things done and not just the lucky bartender that he was. Seriously, he's in the business for all of like three days before calling people talentless cunts that he refuses to work with. In a pretty great twist, whatever wheeling and dealing he had to do to FINALLY get the film made after taking a flamethrower to every bridge he had ended up leaving him with no rights to the merchandising or anything, so he saw nothing from the success that the film had later on as a cult hit/Hot Topic content provider. I think he finally got a piece of the action once he got to make BS2, which was probably more about getting the rights back than actually making a successful film.
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 60.5 — Minisode 60.5

    Have you seen "3 Dev Adam", the Turkish Spider-Man vs. Captain America & El Santo film? In this, Spidey is an insane serial killer that dispatches people in pretty gross ways, like backing an outboard motor to their face, so American superhero Captain America (who is clearly not American) and Mexican wrestler El Santo are brought to Turkey to stop him. The guy playing "Spider-Man" has literally the craziest fucking eyebrows I've ever seen, as they seriously poke THROUGH the mask. Later, when it's revealed that *SPOILER WARNING* there are multiple Spideys, it's still incredibly easy to spot the real one.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Favorite Bad Movie Quote

    "House of the Dead" Rudy: You created it all so you could become immortal. Why? Castillo: To live forever!
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Olympus Has Fallen

    I've had this at my theater for a few weeks and haven't seen more than a couple scenes, but I know I've seen so many movies LIKE this when I can walk in during a random part where a bunch of hooded hostages are being led out, someone says "There are 11 hostages, so one of them HAS to be the President", but I already know that NO, the President is absolutely not one one of the hostages, there's obviously some sort of switcheroo going on. Everyone that ISN'T the lone hero in these movies is a complete fucking idiot. That reminds me, I never saw more than a couple of scenes from "Vantage Point", but I walked in during a part where one of the characters REALLY makes a point to say "You guys go ahead, I've got this", and they do, so I instantly think "OK, that guy is totally in on it", and I guess I was right.
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    How has NO ONE pointed out that Dee Jay was played by "Juwanna Mann"? I'll always remember him better as "guy that gets stabbed through an outhouse wall after singing a song to his also soon-to-be-dead girlfriend while taking a shit" in "Friday the 13th Part V: It's Not Even Jason In This Movie".
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Magic Mike

    Yeah, the opening weekend crowd for this for us was mostly the asshole soccer mom "Sex and the City" crowd that only make an effort to come out for like one movie a year that were disappointed that it wasn't wall-to-wall balls to the wall the entire time. They're the same people that would talk about what pigs GUYS are if they're going to a movie just to see tits. I didn't see "Magic Mike" until it hit DVD, and I liked it quite a bit, but I would have hated seeing it in the theater those first couple of weeks. That type of crowd may actually be worse than their asshole kids that are being jackasses of themselves in whatever PG-13 horror flick is playing down the hall. If you haven't seen the film already, or if you're going to see it again soon, imagining that Matthew McConaughey doesn't even know that he's in a movie adds another layer of entertainment value. I could picture him doing this on weekends and not finding it unusual at all that a camera's following him around...
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)

    Funny you should mention that, because I've been at a theater for years, and the most successful films on Christmas Day have traditionally been the most violent, inappropriate movies out there. In fact, it's often the ONLY good day that something like "AVP: Requiem" or "Wolf Creek" might have. This year it was "Django", but I think that was just more of a coincidence than anything, as it was going to be a hit anyway. Actually, "Les Mis" may have edged it out slightly, but "Django" still did awesome Christmas Day business for a controversial western (southern?) shoot-'em-up.
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Poughkeepsie Tapes

    I DO remember a trailer or two, but I'm having a hard time remembering what it was supposed to be, as I'm sure it was originally being heralded as "the next _______________", but I can't remember what the big horror trend was at the time that it would have been capitalizing on. "Saw"? "Hostel"? I don't think the found footage thing was really in full swing yet.
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Superman Returns (2006)

    He didn't save the stadium full of people so much as just land the plane there, I think, actually putting them in more danger, didn't he? I think it was probably the only place big enough to put the plane down though, so it makes sense at least. That whole sequence was definitely the highlight of the film, and it's a shame that it came only a third of the way in.