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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 54 — The Odd Life of Timothy Green

    I imagine that that's also the kind of person that uses Stamps.com. Anyone else find it ironic that entering "Bomb" on a mailing web site gets you a DISCOUNT and a no-risk trial? Seriously, that sounds like a service for serial killers and kidnappers. If you're that concerned about avoiding confrontation at the post office and you're putting packages in mailboxes in the middle of the night, you're PROBABLY dealing in body parts, ransom notes, drugs, or other materials that will get you the exact opposite of a "no-risk" trial. WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!?!?
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Rocketeer

    Watching this again after "Captain America", you can see that Joe Johnston (who directed both films) was sort of ahead of his time as far as being able to pull off a period comic adaptation. I think it was pretty influential, but it may not have seemed that way at the time because the films most similar to it that followed, like "The Shadow" and "The Phantom", weren't very well received at all. Slam evil!
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 53.5 — Minisode 53.5

    I'm curious to see how they conclude the "Jennifer Garner playing barren women who adopt kids with wacky origins" trilogy. I'm pretty sure that the next one will be from space or an alternate dimension or something.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Deadfall (1993)

    I keep forgetting that Cage HIMSELF is a Coppola. Just imagine what you guys might be able to pull off if you get in good with the family...
  5. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Next (2007)

    This is what happens in movie universes where David Copperfield, Kris Angel, and David Blaine don't exist! Nuclear threats, planes full of convicts crashing on the strip, and a lot of other craziness that only Nic Cage can save us from! It's like he's forever indebted to Las Vegas after it won him his Oscar.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Next (2007)

    I imagine there was some critic's review somewhere where the entire review for the movie was just the title of the film.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 53 — Anaconda

    Have you ever heard Scott Hall speak WITHOUT any kind of accent? Like when he's not drunk? It's...uncomfortable. To his credit though, I admire him for never sinking to the depths of "Say 'ello to my li'il fren'!" and for being a more convincing Latino than Academy Award-winner Jon Voight.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 53.5 — Minisode 53.5

    Stamps.com, really? "If you need to send a package at 3 in the morning"? I don't want to know the guy that HAS to ship something in the middle of the night like that, and I sure as hell don't want to be the recipient of said package. I don't want my mailbox becoming a crime scene.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Jason X (2001)

    From drowning victim to Olympic-class swimmer over the span of 8 movies, and people claim there's no character development in these films? I know, it's pretty subtle, so you may have missed it. Of course, that subtlety would get hacked to pieces and buried in an unmarked grave once Jason became a demonic force of nature, which was before he became an astronaut...
  10. Last night on Netlfix streaming, I watched "Bernie" and "Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation". Both were films about funeral directors with questionable hobbies, but while one was a creepy, suspenseful, darkly funny, unexpectedly great and well-paced film, the other was the burning shit pile that was "Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation". This is the sequel to the equally shitty 2006 "Night of the Living Dead" remake from 2006 or so, starring Andrew Divoff (Wishmaster!) as the character previously played by Sid Haig. The fact that he didn't come back is very telling, because Sid Haig (of the world famous acting troupe "The Rob Zombie Players") isn't exactly picky when it comes to projects. While we're on the subject, I'd like to suggest "Creature" again. Apparently, this latest "Night" takes place IN the Romero-verse, making reference to zombie outbreaks in 1968, 1978, and 1985, but then there's also a discussion about whether or not these new zombies or slow or fast, causing one of the (and I use this term loosely) characters to talk about Romero zombies. Also, there's someone that's supposed to be Sarah Palin and some jabs at Fox News, because apparently that's still a thing. I read something on the IMDB message boards about the crew not getting paid, and other problems on the set, so maybe Mr. Haig would have some insight if you could get him on as a guest to talk about this film or the one he was actually in, as it looks like the same guy made both of them.
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Monkey King AKA The Lost Empire (2001)

    Can you ever REALLY be an ex-cannibal, or is it like alcoholism, like you just spend your life as a "recovering cannibal"? I mean, good for them, they were able to beat their addiction, but where's all the praise for the people that grew up in that environment that never took up cannibalism in the first place? Huh? Or do THEY need to start eating people to get attention too?
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Thrashin' (1986)

    #2 --- We still don't know how much that is, but I think we can agree that the Red Hot Chili Peppers WERE on enough drugs to kill at least one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Too soon?
  13. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Have you seen this? (Picture of Nic Cage in Ikea)

    It reminds me of my college TV station where we had a framed picture of Tony Danza on the news desk that no one could quite explain.
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation

    Oh, I just remembered something else! After talking about the outbreaks in 1968, 1978, and 1985, they mention ANOTHER outbreak in 1990 that was almost exactly like the 1968 outbreak, only gorier! You see, that's when they made the the first Tom Savini-directed "Night of the Living Dead" remake! *LAUGHOUTLOUD* Hmmm, Savini seems like someone that would be game for this too...
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The Black Dahlia (2006)

    I only saw it once, but from what I remember, they didn't seem all that interested in the Black Dahlia story at all. Didn't it go off on it's own tangent for about an hour before going back to Black Dahlia stuff in the last twenty minutes or so? This was just a shitty, sloppy movie, and the opposite of something like "L.A. Confidential", which did a great job of intertwining the fictional story with real life events. Oddly enough, James Ellroy wrote the novels that both films were based on, so I guess it really DOES make a difference when it comes to who is adapting your work.
  16. At least all the spam is gone. There was a lot of THAT popping up for a while, seemingly out of nowhere. I mean, I'm all for black market third-world knockoffs of name brand basketball shoes of somewhat dubious quality, but I've got an Air Geordan guy over at IMDB that already hooks me up with that.
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Undefeatable (1993)

    The part with Stingray spraying down his Mullet of the Gods is reminiscent of Stallone dressing down in Rambo: First Blood Part 2. And did you call Cynthia Rothrock a "perky youth 90's babe"? I know that these types of movies were famous for 30-year-old martial artists portraying high school students, but Rothrock is only like 2 years younger than my mom, and I myself had a driver's license in '93. That would totally be my luck that I'd pick a fight with a random dude in a parking garage and he'd turn out to be a kung-fu master...
  18. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bloody Murder

    I knew a guy that got written out of his mother's will for being metatextual. She wasn't hearing so good at the end...
  19. Yeah, that does tend to happen from time to time anyway. Maybe there should be some sort of Episode Guide or Most Suggested Movies thread that...well, will probably go ignored. Hmmmm. I know that things tend to get buried pretty quickly on the Bad Movie Recommendations page, so I can understand why certain things keep popping up.
  20. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Bloody Murder

    This looks like a homemade remake of "Friday the 13th Part 2" that someone was inspired to make after watching "Scream", only any cleverness at all would begin and end with characters repeatedly mentioning how they'd seen "Scream". "We're talking about a horror movie in a horror movie! That's so ironic!", only of course it isn't, but this was also about the time that the Internet definition of ironic became "the exact opposite of ironic".
  21. I almost feel like this movie should be done specifically for the purpose of just having it there so that no one will suggest it ever again. Let's retire "Hobo With a Shotgun"!
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    InAPPropriate Comedy (2013)

    Was "Underground Comedy Movie" the one that had the ad that ran during the Howard Stern Show on E! for years and years? I don't know of a person alive that's seen the thing.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Ewoks: The Battle For Endor (1985)

    Speaking of that, I LOVE when you see characters go through hell in a movie, you see them fight so hard to accomplish their goals or save the day or whatever, just to have them killed off in the opening of the next movie like they're extras. Having grown up on "Iron Eagle", "Iron Eagle 2" was the biggest offender to me personally. See also: Most horror sequels.
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 53 — Anaconda

    I like to refer to anyone that busts out a Tony Montana accent in a movie as being "Scarface"-LESS-than-inspired. Speaking of that, I've heard talks of an upcoming, modernized remake of "Scarface", which makes me wonder this: Will the new Scarface already have a "Scarface" room in his house?
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Reality Bites (1994)

    I think Stiller's follow-up was "Cable Guy", which got a lot of hate at the time, but I think it's mostly gone away. Stiller directing, Apatow producing, and Carrey doing something different? Yeah, that would have been better-received on its initial release if it would have been done in the following decade. Instead, it's a movie people claim to hate for reasons that don't seem to exist!