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Everything posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. I know, you were at Wal-Mart today too, and you were ALSO asking yourself "The Dark Knight Trilogy on Blu-Ray for 28 bucks? That's too good to be true, isn't it? I mean, sure, there will be a double-dip eventually, but they'll at least wait until the next Batman flick or Justice League to pull some shady shit like that, right?". Sure enough, there's a slip in it (that I tried to post a picture of) that offers you a discount on collectibles that will be included in the ULTIMATE COLLECTOR'S EDITION Dark Knight Trilogy, Coming 2013. Assholes...
  2. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The FP (2011)

    But if they could get the Trosts as guests, that would be pretty awesome. They've got the Crank connection, as the one of the brothers has worked on all of the Neveldine/Taylor films, so it shouldn't be too too difficult to get them to appear.
  3. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 50.5 — Minisode 50.5

    I really don't know what they're going to have to talk about the whole time. I mentioned that last week, how it wasn't outrageously bad or particularly memorable in any way. It's very repetitive, as they seem to be breaking up and getting back together every 2 minutes, and it doesn't seem like there's a story so much as just a bunch of vignettes strung together. It wasn't clever at all when it was trying to be clever (Hey, it's like Lindsay's commenting on herself! GET IT?!?!?), and if anything, it just made me want to watch "Walk Hard" again. EVERYONE should watch "Walk Hard" again.
  4. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    December 21st: "End of Days"

    Actually, have they done "2012" yet? Or am I getting them mixed up with some other movie podcasts? It might be a good one to do to either finish the year or kick off the next one.
  5. I just remembered that they did this with "Watchmen" too, but they advertised THAT pretty far in advance, and I don't think everyone and their brother was running out to get that one right away to begin with.
  6. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Nineties Video Game Movies

    "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation" would be even better. The first one was dumb, but it was fine for what it was. The second one tried to jam in about a hundred different characters, each with about 2 minutes of screen time, and was just fucking stupid. It's probably the worst film I've ever seen in a theater, and I actually saw it in the theater the same day as I saw what's probably my favorite movie ever, "Boogie Nights", at the same theater. The universe has a crazy way of balancing itself out like that.
  7. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Equilibrium (2002)

    Bean checks out pretty early too, which is odd, as he was arguably the biggest name in this thing when it came out in 2002 or 2003. Yeah, think about that. This movie starred a guy that was THIS close to becoming one of the most successful stars of the last decade, but SEAN BEAN was the hook. I'm not being sarcastic here, but I thought it was pretty brilliant that this unbeatable fighting style was based around MATH. Being able to know and adjust for every possible outcome is fucking bonkers.
  8. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 50 — Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 2

    I think you're missing a zero or three, but you're right. On a related note, it's funny how no matter how much a movie makes, how many movies there are in a series, or how much they market the shit out of them, some people still won't know what they are, because I still have people walking into my theater that don't know what ANYTHING is. In the last couple of weeks, I've had a few "What's that Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie", and loving to make things difficult for people, I said "Well, it's the second Breaking Dawn film". "Oh...", they say. To which I add "Yeah, and it's like the fifth Twilight movie. They've each made a half a billion dollars or so". Blank stares... There's also been WAY too much confusion between this and another movie with "Dawn" in it's title that's currently also in theaters. I figure if you're there to see one or the other, you KNOW the difference between your dawns. One's a Twilight movie, and the other's a remake of a movie that's been on TV every day of your life that you've seen at least 14 times, whether you meant to or not.
  9. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    The FP (2011)

    There's already an FP thread around here somewhere...
  10. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Tank Girl (1995)

    I actually saw this in theaters opening weekend. Yeah, I was the one. Some of my friends wanted to see something else, but I was all "Tommy Boy, what? This is based on a COMIC! Fuck you guys!". Anyway, "Tommy Boy" was pretty awesome...
  11. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    How Do You Know (2010)

    WOW, I had completely forgotten about this one. That's really saying something, because I've worked at a theater for approximately forever, and I seem to remember every bullshit little thing that comes out. Did it come out around the holidays though? Those seem to be the most forgettable movies of that type, even if they do have someone like Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, or Meryl Streep in them. They're aimed at grandparents that force their families to take them to things.
  12. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Lambada (1990)

    So was it the OTHER one where they tried to raise awareness of the destruction of the rain forests and the evils of corporate culture through dry-humping? The newest "Step Up" movie reminded me of that. The trailers were all like "Our dancing is going to cause change and revolution!". Sorry asshole, but no, it's just fucking up everyone's drive to work.
  13. I just mentioned this in the Twilight thread, but how about the monsters in "Doom" that have an extra chromosome? Extra chromosomes don't lead to super powers, they lead to Down Syndrome! The Rock vs. Down Syndrome patients!
  14. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 50 — Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 2

    I always though that an extra chromosome led to Down Syndrome or something. I forget what it was exactly, but I had just learned about how having extra chromosomes was a BAD thing right before the movie "Doom" came out, and wouldn't you know it, an extra chromosome was the source of power for THOSE monsters as well. Man, that would have been a much more interesting film, The Rock and Karl Urban taking down an entire planet full of Downs Syndrome patients...
  15. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    I'm most impressed that Jeff Goldblum was able to shut down an advanced alien race's defenses with a Macbook in 1996. And of course, there was like a laughing skull and crossbones or something when the virus was delivered, because the aliens know what that means...
  16. Who cares about the tired Superman spider fiasco. Jay and Silent Bob versus Pinhead was something that actually had a chance of happening! http://www.cracked.com/article_20113_5-insane-pop-culture-crossovers-that-almost-happened.html It's #2 on the list, a solid #2... Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_20113_5-insane-pop-culture-crossovers-that-almost-happened_p2.html#ixzz2DTFOR3Tq [/left] After 2001's Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back seemed to mark the retirement of the two characters, Smith received a phone call from Miramax head Harvey Weinstein, presumably looking for the quickest way to spray ropy diarrhea tendrils all over the Oscar cred the studio had built up during the '90s. Weinstein's idea was to do a Jay and Silent Bob/Hellraiser crossover, like the classic comedy/horror mashup Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein, only with more sadomasochistic demon torture. Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_20113_5-insane-pop-culture-crossovers-that-almost-happened_p2.html#ixzz2DTFOR3Tq [/left]
  17. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Simply Irresistible (1999)

    This was the one where SMG showed her range by playing someone with a different hair color. You think I'm kidding, but I remember seeing her in interviews at the time where she stressed that "In this one, I'm a brunette...". Game? Changed!
  18. I truly think that Archie vs. Punisher was ahead of it's time. It looked like just another stupid nonsensical crossover at a time where there were a billion, but it works SO so well, like it was a commentary about that period in comics or something.
  19. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Masters of The Universe

    I would argue that it would make even LESS sense, because who else besides fans of New Gods even knows where to start as far as those characters are concerned? Also, "Beastmaster 2" wishes it could be HALF as awesome as "Masters of the Universe".
  20. I instantly thought of Archie vs. Punisher when they went into that, but then they go on and mention it in the write-up anyway, so that's good. Unfortunately, the teased Wolverine vs. Jughead never came to be
  21. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Over The Top

    Have you seen the SNL skit with Norm McDonald and Stallone where Norm was in a car accident or something, and Stallone is trying to save him, but Norm's just dogging on his movies while he's sitting there bleeding to death? One of the remarks is "Kramer vs. Kramer was a good movie, sure, but it just didn't have enough arm wrestling in it".
  22. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 50 — Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 2

    Lautner has historically been pretty bad at being funny, so while you can blame the lame humor on the writers, his delivery doesn't help it sound any better. I mentioned months ago in the "Abduction" thread that if his characters existed in the real world, and not these bizarre alternate dimensions where he's the coolest and funniest guy in the room, you'd be telling him right to his face to just shut the fuck up before he even got the chance to make another quip. He's the guy that still says "Whoa, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel!". I met Lautner a couple of times when I worked on "Abduction" in Pittsburgh (Did you know the movie takes place in Pittsburgh? The movie itself tells you every 20 seconds just in case you weren't sure), and while he seems like a nice enough kid, I have the feeling that he's going to drop off the radar in a big way before popping up in bit parts in Robert Rodriguez movies in a few years or something.
  23. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Over The Top

    You're completely wrong! The grand prize was the love and admiration of his son! This is one of the most underrated divorce dramas of all time.
  24. PlanBFromOuterSpace


    Oh come on, it's got the Karate Kid vs. Steve Vai in....oooooooohhhhh, that's the OTHER "Crossroads".
  25. PlanBFromOuterSpace

    Episode 49.5 — Minisode 49.5

    I've caught the finale a couple of times now at work. Is it really a twist, or is it just Final Destination: Twilight Edition?