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Posts posted by PlanBFromOuterSpace

  1. This was one of the worst cases of "Everyone's deal is up, so let's not leave anything in the tank, because this is the final one...until the next one"-itis EVER (see also: the third X-Men, the third Pirates, the 80s-90s Batman series), which I completely don't understand when it comes to comic book films, like how the studio even lets it happen. I mean, if it makes money, they'll make more, but when you tie up every loose end, kill off half of the interesting characters, and leave nothing for the NEXT guy to play with, you're forcing a reboot. The new one, "Amazing Spider-Man" has one of the most unnecessary origin re-tellings ever, but the actors are great and it made Gwen Stacy an actual character, so I'd like to see where it goes. I'd much rather have this than a "Spider-Man 4" that would have tried to make something of the scraps left to it by the clusterfuck that was "Spider-Man 3".


    I don't know if any of you read comics, but on a flagship monthly book, when one creative team leaves and another takes over, the departing team typically isn't allowed to screw over the next guys. They usually wrap up the story (within the bigger ongoing story) that they set out to tell, maybe shake up the status quo a bit, but they don't burn through the entire roster of remaining characters and devalue them to the point that no one's going to want to touch them again. Again, who the hell wanted to see a continuation of "Spider-Man 3"? If "Venom" returned or got his own movie, would we give a shit? ThePeter/Harry dynamic was pretty interesting, but with Harry dead, is there anyone that can fill the best friend role? MJ's an insufferable bitch, what's left for her to fail at? Actually, I'd kind of like to see her downward spiral, maybe start doing drugs and porn and...where was I? Oh yeah...


    It's in the publisher's or studio's best interests to not have to start over, because no matter how much better it might be the second time around (X-Men: First Class OWNED), it's still an admission of guilt for fucking up so bad in the first place, and that's a tough shadow to have to step out of.

  2. Is this just going to be limited to films they've done on the show? Because if it isn't, the sheer volume of choices will just lead to a million nominations in each category. Maybe. I don't know.



    Of course it's only movies that have been on the show. It gives you a reason to go back and listen to the shows/watch the movies if you haven't already. Having them bag on stuff with no point of reference really wouldn't make any sense. It should be like a HDTGM: Season 1 (well, we're way past what would be a season by now...) Revisited.

  3. Something I thought of after coming up with the "Nicolas Cage Lifetime Achievement Award", like in how I said it should go to the most prolific actor of the next year, is that Nicolas Cage should ALWAYS be the recipient of the "Nicolas Cage Lifetime Achievement Award". There should always be more Cage than anyone else. They haven't even TOUCHED 1996-2000 post-Oscar movie star Cage yet, so there is PLENTY of Cage left in the tank.

    • Like 1

  4. "How Did This Get Quaid?"---Most puzzling appearance by Dennis and/or Randy Quaid in a motion picture (I'm not sure there are any yet that you've covered, but GI Joe would be a good start...)




    "How Did This Get Quaid?"---Biggest mindfuck plot twist within a plot twist, named the for the "Is he or isn't he a secret agent" Schwarzenegger character in Total Recall

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  5. The most ridiculous thing about "The Recruit" was that the trailers sold it like the whole movie was going to be about Colin Ferrell trying to figure out if Pacino was on the up and up, but it's really the end of second act twist that doesn't become an issue until like the last 15-20 minutes, so OF COURSE there's no doubt that Pacino's a bad guy. Has anyone seen the remake of "When A Stranger Calls"? Same thing. The trailer is the entire last 10 minutes of the movie.

  6. Oh Jesus, I saw this in the theater. I was stuck at Air Force tech school at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi from November 1996-May 1997, and I think I saw at least one new movie a week almost the entire time I was there, whether it looked to be any good or not. Yeah, I'm the guy that paid to see "McHale's Navy". I drew the line at "B.A.P.s" though. Look it up...

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  7. I think she's a decent actress, but she ends up in some pretty bad movies. Oh jeez, I remember getting dragged to "How to Deal". I specifically recall a part towards the end where this girl goes into labor at a wedding (or on the way to a wedding or something), and then later, there's a scene where everyone's at the hospital looking at the baby, and they're all wearing what they were wearing at the wedding! Like, it must be a good day or 2 later and people are still in tuxes and wedding dresses and everything! Bonkers at around the 11 minute mark...



  8. Have cakes ever been destroyed in a movie for DRAMATIC effect? The only instance I can think of is that scene in "What's Love Got To Do With it?", but even that was kind of funny in an "Oh, Ike! What WON'T you do to humiliate your wife?" kind of way...

  9. In the future, cargo pants are still in style, and because Judge Dredd was made in 1995, so is blasting White Zombie on your flying car's stereo.


    The 5-star reviews this week reminded me of friends I have that like to tell me a movie is good by saying "I NEVER watch (insert genre here) movies, but I liked this one, so it's the greatest (that genre) movie ever". I see stuff like "Blow" and Boondock Saints", movies that look like or are clearly lifting from every other movie they look like, popping up in those conversations. Ohhhh, speaking of which, have you guys seen "Overnight", the documentary about the douchebag that made "Boondock Saints"? I'll have to go suggest that one on the right thread. It's a good movie, and probably even funnier to people that ARE still working in the entertainment industry...

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  10. Oh wow, I'd forgotten this one, and with good reason! Everything about this movie is PAINFUL. It's full of scenes where people explain things to each other in a way that you would ONLY talk to a total stranger about things, not like you would talk to your kid or a friend that's known you all your life that you've had the very same conversation with numerous times before. I believe there was a bit where the main kid had used his powers irresponsibly or something, for the umpteenth time, and the mom is all like "Now remember, when you got these powers on your thirteenth birthday, I told you how you must never reveal that you and your three friends, all descendants of the original lords of whateverthefuck, have magical powers..." or something like that. She was practically breaking the 4th wall and telling us to write that down.


    There's also some mispronunciations of towns that you wouldn't fuck up if you were a local that you would TOTALLY fuck up if you were just an actor reading off of the page and the director was Renny Harlin. I want to say "Gloucester" was the one in the movie. My dad is from Worcester, which I've seen get butchered a lot in other things, so anything spelled like that.


    I think I lost count of all the raining/not raining/raining/not raining edits in this thing...

    • Like 2

  11. lookit what was only on VHS at le video store...




    It's pretty funny how Dredd was never unmasked until that movie came out, and then all the post-release marketing (home video packaging, etc.) just eliminated the mask completely. The co-creator of Judge Dredd, the guy that designed the look of the character, actually drew the comic adaptation of the movie himself, and I imagine that it had to be pretty uncomfortable.

  12. Hopefully, the producers of the new Dredd will correct the injustice of the original film by remembering to include the Anthrax classic "I Am The Law" somehow. Those guys were the masters of adapting comics and Stephen King novels into song. Want to read "The Stand", but you think 1000 pages is too much? Give "Among the Living" a spin! You don't want to read "Misery", and your eyeballs start bleeding if you look at Kathy Bates for too long? Anthrax thought of that too! It's too bad that none of the band members got into acting, or they could have been like the Will Smith of metal. Now THERE was a guy that could sum up a film with three minutes and a stolen hook!

  13. -Best Performance by a Hairpiece in a Nicolas Cage Film


    -Worst Performance by an Academy Award-winning Actor/Actress


    -Best Unintentional Comedy


    -Worst Intentional Comedy


    -Worst Adaptation (of a book, comic, TV show, remake, etc.)


    -How Did I Get Through This "How Did It Get Made"? (most difficult film to sit through for the show)


    -"Not the Bees!" (Best Animal Performance...other than the bees, because they've got that shit locked DOWN)


    -Most Unbelievable Plot


    -Worst Action Lead


    -Worst Romantic Lead



    If there's going to be a musical award, I suggest that you spread the nominees out throughout the course of the episode before giving it out.

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