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Posts posted by DanEngler

  1. You mentioned before all of the whitewashing controversy that’s been swirling around Iron Fist. Could you expand on that a bit?


    Yeah, someone made me vaguely aware of that. I try not to think about it too much. I have so little patience for some of the feelings that some people have. I mean, I understand where it’s coming from. You know, cultural appropriation, my god. It’s just an adventure story. Don’t these people have something better to do than to worry about the fact that Iron Fist isn’t Oriental, or whatever word? I know Oriental isn’t the right word now, either.

    — Roy Thomas, creator of Iron Fist.

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  2. Didn't know you guys got grief over YouTube stuff. Won't happen again.

    I don't know if Earwolf has ever been hit by takedowns in the past (I'm not an employee) but my chief concern is that they aren't targeted in the future. Google "[recent movie title] streaming" and look beneath the results where Google includes DMCA complaints. Studios generally send takedown demands with dozens of URLs at a time and, even if they're ridiculously broad requests, lawyers could become involved, etc.


    Just for clarity .. does this go for other copyright-dodgy stuff on there too? E.g non-official clips & music vids, fan made stuff etc

    I don't have a problem with any of those, just the full movies.


    Thanks for being cool. I love you nerds.

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  3. My friends, please don't link to full movies on YouTube. While we all know they're out there, Paul usually makes a point of announcing where movies can be obtained legally on the minisodes, and I don't want Earwolf to have to deal with any DMCA takedown letters from shitty overzealous studios. Thanks!

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  4. We've been getting hammered by waves of spambots since early this morning and, because each one posts from a number of different IP addresses, the filters can't catch everything. Part of me wants to turn off new user registrations altogether, but there have been a lot of nice new people joining lately, so…

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  5. This was a great episode and a very nice send-off for the live shows at Largo. Some things:

    Congratulations, Paul and Eban!

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  6. Another interesting bit about early computer graphics at the end of this article from a Star Wars VFX artist:


    Here’s one more bit of trivia about the geometry of the Death Star. Did you notice anything a little strange about the animated Death Star plans that R2-D2 successfully delivered to the Rebels?


    The weapons array (the dish) is centered on the equator! Of course, the Death Star we see in the film has the array clearly in its northern hemisphere. Why is there a discrepancy?

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