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Posts posted by DanEngler

  1. I am not an Earwolf employee and I am not in any capacity commenting on Earwolf's behalf. That said, as the person who performs most of the janitorial service around here, I have appreciated the civil and humane tone of this conversation.


    Don't go fucking it up now.

    • Like 4

  2. So, "long time/first time etc" aside, I have a question about the first photo in the gallery below the podcast. Maybe I missed the context as I was into the fourth hour of a flight delay (thanks earwolf for helping to keep me entertained), but who or what is it of? It's the big guy in dungarees, bloodied and the smaller guy with the beard.

    At the end of the episode, Matt reads an excerpt from the book Come Twilight by Tyler Dilts, a friend with whom he acted in college. That's a photo of Tyler and Matt assaying the roles of Lennie and Curley in "Of Mice and Men". (Note the gloved hand.)

    • Like 1

  3. woah how does dan know all this hip hop stuff??


    engler, engler teach me more about rap. is it in any way like the poetry of the streets?

    Yes! While rap may have originated in the streets of the Bronx (New York City) in the 1970s, many argue that the art form wasn't truly perfected until 1990, when

    was unleashed upon the world. Study it carefully.
    • Like 9

  4. I have tried several different times to change it, including times where it changes but then goes back to a blank one and I am beginning to suspect chicanery.
    I have the same issue and it's driving me nuts. I even emailed Earwolf about it, who either don't give a shit or have better things to do, of which I understand both.

    If you're having av problems

    I feel bad for you, son

    I got 99 problems

    but PM me the URL to the image you want to use and I'll try to fix it sorry nobody knows why the forum is doing this

    —Jay Z

    • Like 20

  5. How did Al A. Peterson (the smooth criminal) get so many jobs reading ads for companies?


    He's such a considerate criminal, not wanting to wake the hotel guests next door. I like that guy.

    I can't help but imagine Paul's quiet recording session being interrupted by Gabrus busting through the wall like a drunken Kool-Aid Man.


    Consequence of Sound published some high-quality photos from the show in their gallery:


    I was really hoping for a shot of Craig and Janet blowing through that stop sign on a scooter, but no luck.

    • Like 2

  6. That one gets me really mad because I'm a programmer. I have the body of a heavy reader, not a outdoorsman. You send me out into dangerous territory with dinosaurs, I'm going to say, "Fuck you, buddy! I need to be here to run the startup script."

    Glad to have you back, Shariq.

    • Like 2

  7. Listening to Jonah Raydio and having them consistently shit on Incubus has given me the ability to laugh at all of it, and Jason's comments were accurate and hilarious lol.

    Imagine how I feel hearing them shit on Stone Temple Pilots who, unlike Incubus, were a legitimately great band. ;)

    • Like 4

  8. It's been a bad couple of weeks for the Earwolf family; Kulap and Scott also lost their beloved Rocky last week.

    And, not long ago, PFT's wife Janie lost her beloved step-father Bill as well.


    We're all just trying to get through the goddamned day! Be nice to each other, people!

    • Like 6

  9. Also one last thing after this long-wided bullshit: in an episode with a bunch of guests, like a Christmas or anniversary episode, I would actually love that "yeah!" mom character to be a full-time thing, and I bet Tig could commit to it.

    She did it pretty consistently throughout CBB's second anniversary show, culminating in one of the best heat-induced-delirium songs ever recorded (starting at 04:52):



    • Like 3

  10. Where the fuck was Jubilee!? Like seriously where the fuck was Jubilee during that entire fight.

    Speaking of Jubilee, I assume you've seen the deleted mall sequence that made its way online?


    At least in the original trilogy they met when Jean was an adult.

    By that time, Wolverine had moved on to having weird romantic/parental tension with another minor, Rogue.


    Cause AOP was and this entire 2nd trilogy was so bad it actually makes me thing Last Stand was the best one of the entire series. It had a legit marvel Civil war feel to it, a great cast, better effects, better costumes, reasonably high stakes, etc.

    It also had Cyclops dying offscreen, Xavier being reborn in some rando's body, and "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" So, no.

    • Like 6

  11. 1. Be sure to play this video before watching the Sherlock Holmes special.




    2. I realized years ago that made-for-TV movies were responsible for all of my irrational childhood fears: flying, falling elevators, and driving under highway overpasses. Thanks for nothing, TV!


    3. I watched all of Take My Wife over the weekend and it is as good as (literally) advertised. Paul plays a delightfully non-Paul version of himself.


    4. I haven't even gotten to the improv portion of the show yet, but I could listen to this group of people chat forever.

  12. I've given up nearly all movies/TV/music in favor of podcasts (because the return on time/money invested is infinitely higher with podcasts) so, in order to complete a Top 5 Movies, I must include every movie I've seen this year.


    1. The VVitch

    2. 10 Cloverfield Lane

    3. Captain America: Civil War

    4. Star Trek: Whatever

    5. Batman v Superman: Whatever


    Top Albums

    1. Lera Lynn, "RESISTOR"

    2. Radiohead, "A Moon Shaped Pool"

    3. Angel Olsen, "MY WOMAN" (came out on Friday and I've already listened 10+ times)

    4. Allie Goertz, "Sad Dance Songs" (a concept album about Rick and Morty, which I hadn't watched until 2016 so fuck off)

    5. The title track of Chantal Claret's "Conquistadora" (because the rest of the album is tonally unrelated)

    • Like 3