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Posts posted by DanEngler

  1. This was that strange period in the 90's where Tim Curry decided to just do random vague European/Russian accents for funsies in movies.

    This movie began production in 1994, when America was still reeling from the loss of Perfect Strangers. It was a dark period in our nation's history. Hollywood was desperate to fill the vacuum left by the disappearance of Balki Bartokomous, and certain concessions had to be made.


    Many credit the Clinton administration with the economic boom of the mid-to-late 90s, and outright reject the contributions made by Dr. Pinchot, but to them I say "Don't be ridicu-los."

    • Like 1

  2. Nice song, Edewede! I despise modern country music with the fire of a thousand suns, but I've found myself drawn into the nebulous "Americana" genre over the past few years, by way of Andrew Bird, Brown Bird, Harlan T. Bobo, and Sara Watkins, among others.


    The albums I've listened to more than any other, however, belong to Lera Lynn. She is goddamned amazing.





    as well.
    • Like 2

  3. So I politely asked them to be quiet a few times and eventually suggested they should "leave if they're not enjoying it" because they were being rude. I'll admit I did poke at the situation a little by telling him he was being rude, but I didn't expect that kind of reaction!

    Good lookin' out for the Seattle crowd, Hunter.


    Given the fact that it was also PAX Prime weekend, maybe he got lost on his way to an Xbox Live booth, where that sort of behavior is par for the course.

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  4. Also, I never noticed how big The Grove plays a part in Los Angeles culture. They make it seem like everyone is there.

    See, I recall The Grove being mentioned on numerous podcasts last year as the place people spotted (a washed-up) Fred Stoller on a daily basis. That made it sound like the saddest place on Earth.
