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Posts posted by DanEngler

  1. I guess I’m being confrontational here, because I really don’t see how this supports your point or what reason you’d have for posting it other than embarrassing him.

    All of TheNarnold's assertions about this woman's fake nerddom are wholly unsupported by the available facts. While Gamerscore as a metric is pretty useless, you don't accrue tens of thousands of points unless you are actively playing and enjoying games. What criteria, then, can be used to discount a person as a gamer? Are they not playing the "right" kinds of games? Or is it simply the fact that they have a vagina?

  2. Not trying to be confrontational here or to take sides in any way shape or form. However, that seems a bit unfair to me. I really hope you're just kidding because that ain't right. You seem like a rational and reasonable person (you're from Seattle after all), so I won't waste any more of your time explaining why.

    What do you propose is the correct course of action when someone calls a woman a "gold digger" (that is, a woman who has sex with men for material gain) and, presented with evidence to the contrary by an unaffiliated third party, accuses said third party of being a "white knight" (that is, a man who defends a woman with the belief that doing so will allow him to have sex with her)?


    This is neither rational nor reasonable behavior, and not the sort of community I want to foster.

  3. One last thing there buddy, you should chill cause you seem to be really over sensitive over shit that does not concern you

    See, it does concern me, given that I'm responsible for moderating a community where anyone who is enthusiastic about the content feels welcome to participate, and not only those people who meet your arbitrary and fact-free criteria.

  4. Or were just saying, β€œYou annoyed me with this thread, and now you’ve annoyed me with this other thing” and the degrees of offense were irrelevant?

    This, although I would be remiss if I didn't point out that fake geek girl shaming is absolutely a "legitimate social issue worthy of concern".


    Per past episodes of the Nerdist podcast, Hardwick met Chloe Dykstra at a local Dr. Who convention, where both of them were cosplaying the same character. While it is difficult to imagine something nerdier than that last sentence, TheNarnold feels comfortable tarring a woman as a "gold digger" (absent any evidence, in public, attached to his real name) because geek culture is a fucked-up echo chamber where this sort of bullshit is standard operating procedure, and even attempting to discuss the subject results in threats of rape, murder, and endless harassment.


    Irony: Half of all gamers are women.


    Double Irony: Chloe Dykstra's Xbox Gamerscore is negligibly lower than TheNarnold's, yet she's a fake nerd and he's totally legit.

  5. Is Chris Hardwicks much younger gold digging girlfriend who used to date the guy who did that ultimate showdown song gonna be on it? She's like a total nerd you guys and definitely not just pretending to be one cause its cool.

    You proved yourself to be a jackass with your "LOL SUICIDE" thread, and you've upped the ante by playing the "fake geek girl" card, despite your target's easily google-able history with nerddom that began years before she met Hardwick. Please, continue.

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  6. To hear Scott tell it (on his recent Long Shot Podcast appearance, I believe) he only did punch-up on Shark Tale. He wrote a well-received treatment for Shark Tale 2, but the original didn't make enough money to warrant a sequel.
