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Everything posted by VampiresVampiresVampires

  1. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 192 — GoodFelines

    The star of "Spizies?" Oh, I love the non-traditional casting.
  2. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 17 — Best of Shortwave 2012

    I'm sad to see this go away, too. It seems that all the comedians and musicians know each other in LA, though. The Largo/UCB crowd seems to be tight-knit. Think someone else could take up the mantle? Please? For the love of god?
  3. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Jeff Q&A

    Oh, she just organizes a couple of ComicCon and Anime Conventions. They are only a few thousand people right now, but she is looking to organize something larger. I was just wondering what it might take to have one of the podcasts as guests of the convention. (This is simply a "what if..." for the future.)
  4. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Jeff Q&A

    Oh, and for a real, but boring question: Miiiii Wiiiiiife organizes Cons in Texas. What would it take to get an Earwolf Podcast as a guest at a Con?
  5. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Jeff Q&A

    Is that the orange peel in your mouth like when Don Corleone has the heart attack in the first prequel to "The Godfather, Part III"?
  6. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode BO2012.2 — Best of 2012 Pt 2

    Only number 4? Oh well, I'll just go fuck this hole in the ground.
  7. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 17 — Best of Shortwave 2012

    Again, you had me at Rhett. But, Mr. Miller, do you think "a pint of ale" is enough to wish Jennifer good luck with her...with her bottom? (Inside)
  8. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 108 — Jersey Brawls

    I know I'm late on this because of the holidays, but I wanted to give some propers. There are people I think are genuinely funny who have awful podcasts. There are people who have fantastic podcasts because the hosts know how to bring the funny out of the guests. Aukerman is the master of this. Howard and Kulap and Jimmy Pardo also come to mind. Then there is the rare breed of guest who brings the best out of the hosts and the formats. Ben Schwartz and Paul F. have this down to a science. This episode has me convinced that Jessica St. Clair breathes the same rareified air as those treasures.
  9. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode BO2012.2 — Best of 2012 Pt 2

    I haven't listened to this yet, because I only have dial-up at the family's house (until tomorrow), but I hope to god that my hastily chosen username and avatar get some love in this episode. I may just have to jump out of a first-floor window if it doesn't.
  10. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 107.5 — 12/21/12 TWO CHARTED 46

    I think I can finally tell my Summah Secret. My password at work (that I just had to change) was Summah! It's now a Whoch related password as well, but I'll never tell. (It's Kremer)
  11. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Submit clips here!

    I did some searching after your 120 Minutes Pixies' clip. This made me so happy.
  12. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 15 — Blood City

    Har Mar, it's like you're a little Ann Hog.
  13. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 6 — Building The Track

    I put off listening to this, because I thought it would just be like watching boring cooks preparing boring food (I'm looking at you all of cable). Christ our Lord was I wrong! This is some of the funniest stuff I've heard on Earwolf.
  14. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 191 — 2012 Holiday Spectacular

    I was hoping Sappity Tappity was going to be Jon Daly's character, but as soon as Bill Cosby Bukowski said "Jammin' on the One," I was so happy.
  15. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 19 — The Christmas Womptacular

    So I was making a bologna sandwich at 2:45 in the morning. I hadn't had time to pantzoukis myself yet. And this weird woman held out her hands and asked me to back up. I stayed still from anywhere between 90 minutes to an hour and a half. Anyone else have this experience?
  16. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Jeff Q&A

    I thought I heard on an Earwolf podcast about a year ago that Scott and Neil or Scott and Hubel were working on Mike Detective 2. Firstly, how would you rate my memory? Secondly, is there any talk of another MD?
  17. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 106.5 — 12/14/12 TWO CHARTED 45

    Please chartists, listen to the Kate Micucci episode again. I've never heard HMMC (Howard Michael Motor-Cycle) awkwardly hit on anyone so blatantly (count the times he says "That's just like me!"). Such genius.
  18. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 18 — Yo, Is This Racist?

    Yeah. I became inconsolably giddy and then immediately dejected. BUT: This is such a great episode that it needs to be advertised again.
  19. On Thursday (no joke), I was in a restaurant and asked the woman to which I'm married to check on her computer if the new Fogelnest Files was out. That's when "My Wife" said "No Wi-Fi." I started laughing, and she said she hated me.
  20. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 106 — Alpaca Dinghy

    I fell asleep listening to this podcast just after Lee's "Squarespace dokums" commercial. I then woke up with a full blown panic attack; I fell out of bed, tripping over my comforter; I knocked over a cup of water on the nightstand trying to turn on the lamp. Turns out I was just listening to Al sing "Skyfall."
  21. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 190 — You Know What I Mean?

    James and Scott seem to be the absolute best of friends. I mean, they perfected the "What am I thinking?" game on a car trip. But I'll be damned if James doesn't confuse Scott more than any other guest. Scott seems to have no idea where James is going with his characters half the time (Alan Rickman, an early Cro-Bot, the soap guy, etc.). Hilarious.
  22. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 17 — CBB Nativity Pageant Special

    I actually misted up a bit around the 70th minute when I realized there will be show like this for the podcast one day. Please, please, please let me old and confused by then.
  23. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 105.5 — 12/7/12 TWO CHARTED 44

    Julia, I hope you brought enough cookies for every chartist.
  24. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 105 — Chart Remix!

    I've never heard Mr. Starr laugh that much. It delights me to no end when the guest is as charmed and disarmed by Howard as I am.
  25. VampiresVampiresVampires

    Episode 189 — The Pancake Man

    Even though I am smiling like a stupid chicken on the inside, I have forced myself to Klaus Kinski my mouth on the outside. I accept your judgement.