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Everything posted by choochoo_the_wonder_slut

  1. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 15 — As The Dust Settles

    It really doesn't make any sense that they use basic attacks so often, but to be honest they are missing a ton of 4e rules shit anyway, so whatever. Technically their daily powers have all reset twice by now since the first battle on the catwalk and will reset again for the 3rd time once they wrap up their 6th battle of the day that they ended on this time. And daily powers are cans of pure whoopass. I don't think the 4e build was really intended to have over 2 encounters a day. But again, whatevs. I mainly come here for the dick and fart jokes.
  2. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 15 — As The Dust Settles

    This one. There're almost 200 now episodes so I just let it play in the background while I'm working. It's pretty cool but the one guy is like Blaine on crack sometimes.
  3. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Blackie Greene

    It's physically impossible to dislike someone with a 19 charisma. Does not compute.
  4. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 15 — As The Dust Settles

    Yeah I listen to another d&d podcast and they all just share the same account and password for the wotc site's character builder. When the episode ended they were in their sixth fight of the same day. Don't they need a nap or some lunch by now? Is healing surge code for fat rails of cocaine?
  5. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Blackie Greene

    Blackee Green can sometimes lockpick a door, but Blackee Green can always wipe shit on a door
  6. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    improv4humans: greatest podcast ever? Why or why not?

  7. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 70 — Freaky The Rasta Clown

    Two of my Youtube submissions got used, no big deal. #humblebrag
  8. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Nerd Poker Wiki

    http://nerdpoker.wik.../wiki/The_Party http://nerdpoker.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
  9. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Nerd Poker Wiki

    Thanks. It's not that hard if you sprinkle the details with an occasional "assholes" and a few dick jokes. I'll eventually be adding a redirect page for all of the art I stole from here.
  10. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Insane Gary Busey interview dvd extra for a children's movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_BzHVq5qg4
  11. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Watch this trailer before watching Gary Busey's dvd interview below.
  12. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    Who said anything about wanting them to get home?
  13. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    D&D Personality Test

    http://www.easydamus.../character.html I'm a Lawful Good Human Druid/Ranger which I guess translates to mediocre hippie with a compound bow.
  14. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    I kinda hope we don't see 12-pack dude again, because I want them to hijack a ship and get the hell off this planet. I guess they could rescue them, though. 12-pack dude was an engineering genius so he could come in handy on a carjacked space boat.
  15. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Questions for Sark

    Sark, wondering what your some of your all time favorite video game RPGs are? I liked Skyrim (when it wasn't crashing my xbox) but I still go old school turn-based every now and then with a little Fallout 2 or even Bard's Tale. MMO's have kind of sucked ass since they all went themepark WoW style in my nerd opinion. SWG ruled.
  16. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    I'm hoping for a campfire episode too. Maybe when Gerry's new character is introduced?
  17. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 69 — Fill My Butt With Air!

    Each Tim appearance further cements his position in my Top 5 favorite black guys.
  18. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    "Hard to watch, like Arliss" had me rolling. That and someone mentioning taking a dump on a picture of Robert Wuhl in a recent episode reminded me how much I disliked anything Robert Wuhl was ever in.
  19. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    D&D Personality Test

    We probably all lied about working out.
  20. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    Holy shit that album cover. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  21. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    New, New Star Wars

    How does the general nerd population here feel about the planned Ep 7-9 movies and now these character spinoffs they're planning? Now they're talking about a young Han Solo movie, a Boba Fett movie, a Yoda movie, and Ewan McGregor is throwing around he'd be all in for an Obi-Wan movie. Harrison Ford in Episode VII
  22. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    Listening again with my buddy at work and realized there was no crazy shit segment in this one. Felt they really found their stride in this episode so maybe they should skip it more often. Also looking forward to the gang looking out the window next week and seeing Carn gruesomely impaled on something. Bonus irony points if he somehow landed on and crushed Tras.
  23. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 14 — The Control Room

    This was an epic episode! An extra 25 minutes AND major Duke Nukem style ass kicking throughout AND the funniest Blaine Ad yet AND our first taste of a vorpal botch apparent self-manslaughter!?
  24. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Favorite quotes from Earwolf shows!

    CBB, Time Bobby, PFT as LALW recounting the 3 Men and A Baby ghost story which turned out to just be William Shatner drowning his wife.
  25. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Navy Seals

    2 things that really stand out in this one. Bill Paxton's non-ironic pornstar moustache. Perhaps the best 80's "we're just blowing off some steam" montage ever.