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Everything posted by choochoo_the_wonder_slut

  1. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 25 β€” The Locker Gifts

  2. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 25 β€” The Locker Gifts

  3. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 25 β€” The Locker Gifts

    First you pull us all in with Sir Richard's unquestionable honor and integrity, and only too late do we realize we're rooting for an apparently insane jihadist of Bahamut. Gerry you magnificient bastard.
  4. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Scarface (just hear me out, I am not trolling)

    They should never remake this movie but I would be ok with someone on the internet remixing a new soundtrack into it. As it ages, the horror of 80's pop cheese music and overuse of Moog background really becomes more and more distracting. Just my opinion.
  5. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 25 β€” The Locker Gifts

    Is it Brown Julius gift cards? I hope it's Brown Julius gift cards!
  6. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Let June speak!

  7. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 219 β€” Farts and Procreation 3

    Yeah Scott has totally gone Hollywood since he got that IFC blingblang
  8. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Premium Rush

    Here's the scene that introduces Michael Shannon: MS - "Hey I need that envelope back." JGL - "I can't do that." MS - "Do you have any loved ones that will miss you if I murder you? Because I'm going to murder you."
  9. The general consensus is that John Denver probably had weird balls
  10. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 62 β€” Joyful Noise

  11. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 219 β€” Farts and Procreation 3

    I dream of an Avengers-type episode. The FNP crew, Fourval & Lord ALW, Wompler & Listler, and Don Dimello.
  12. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    The Island of Dr Moreau

    I agree this movie would be perfect
  13. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 1 β€” Cat Ranch Chaos

  14. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    The Wizard (1989)

    This was on tv today. I kept thinking how great a shot-for-shot/line-for-line remake of this would be with Jason as Fred Savage, June as Haley and Paul as Jimmy. ps - Haley was definitely on a sad, inevitable trajectory to becoming a Craigslist hooker in Vegas.
  15. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    great gatsby? a current movie!

    Saw it and I wouldn't recommend it to HDTGM. I might recommend it to a constipated epileptic.
  16. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    great gatsby? a current movie!

    Imagine if prequel-era George Lucas remade The Grapes of Wrath in 3D and let his teenage daughter pick the soundtrack.
  17. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Death Bed: The Bed That Eats

    I haven't seen it but first heard about it on Patton Oswalt's Werewolves and Lollipops
  18. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 80 β€” Do You Sell Fuck Pillows?

    Hey Matt, did you know Jason Mantzoukas majored in religious studies in college and spent a few weeks living in a silent monastery on a Greek island? I'd love to hear you discuss religion with him sometime, I think that'd be a great convo, and guaranteed to be funny as well. Thanks.
  19. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    HDTGM Voting Site is HERE - For Your Inconsideration

    Just pray the 4chan community doesn't stumble upon the site.
  20. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 80 β€” Do You Sell Fuck Pillows?

    I like your passion and all, Matt, but you should have got the pillow girl on the phone instead.
  21. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

    I would be way more surprised if After Earth doesn't bomb. Many people consider M Night films to be bad and consistently getting worse, and I get the sense the general public is starting to be turned off by Will Smith, what between his force feeding his offspring to entertainment consumers, his weird semi-scientology ego trip and his strange Hollywood open marriage/not an open marriage thing.
  22. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Enemy Mine (1985)

    I love this movie. Hell in The Pacific on Mars. I'd love for a good director and a good cast to do a faithful remake.
  23. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Demolition Man

    ((which are stolen Bill Hicks things))
  24. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 218 β€” The 4th Anniversary Extravaganza!

    Too much negativity in this thread.