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Everything posted by choochoo_the_wonder_slut

  1. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Guest suggestions

    Don't have any guest suggestions but it would be cool if they took the opening dialogue from famous movie scenes and then ran with it.
  2. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 55 — The Devil's Advocate: LIVE!

    The truly sad thing is that this might not even crack the top 10 of Worst Pacino Movies.
  3. And there, as I found myself on an alien world as it's red sun sat setting, I realized that the condemned man kneeling before the executioner was none other than that guy who played Radar on M*A*S*H*.
  4. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 10 — On The Catwalk

    Speaking of the elder I had never heard of the Kiss album until Brian mentioned it. Man... I fucking hate Kiss.
  5. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 65 — Computer Strength

    Little Donny, all grown up and born again, obliviously waving his junk around as he testifies, in what we all of course later realize is a snake handler church. I smell a spinoff.
  6. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    What guest do you want to see?

    Now that they're doing these video podcasts, we need another Choctaw/Jason Mantzoukas/Andy Daly episode, with Andy in costume (maybe as Dom Dimello)?
  7. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Character Drawings

    It would be sweet if someone came up with a wanted poster for Amarth (woman slaying/self-injury/general dangerous stupidity).
  8. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Excited fat guy waiting in line to meet Black Sabbath
  9. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Texan customer calls Jimmy Dean's sausage complaint line bitching that he can't feed his obese family with their meager product sizes.
  10. I wish I lived within range of a UCB theatre! I'd sign up for classes, if for no other reason than to be surrounded by other like-minded folks. I dunno what my goal would be other than the experience itself, though. But it's definitely something I'd like to do one day. And congrats Slunch on starting standup! I don't think I'd have the cajones.
  11. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Here is Pat Robertson basically saying adopting children from other countries is like buying a used car: it may have hidden defects. Wow.
  12. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 65 — Computer Strength

    Funny how God always shows up after the tragedy takes place, isn't it? He's pretty much the worst superhero ever created.
  13. Del Close is the teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off that's not Ben Stein. Oh and he did some improv stuff or something.
  14. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 10 — On The Catwalk

    Meh, sounds to me like they're just trying to learn the new rules together. I doubt they have many fucks to give when it comes to what a few people say on the interwebs about their gameplay. It's still funny as shit, like how Ken nonchalantly remembered he could breathe fire on that poor beat up bastard. That dude did not have a good day.
  15. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 10 — On The Catwalk

    They're just setting the scene for Gerry to swoop in unannounced and save their ass like Han Solo at the end of Episode IV.
  16. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 9 — Going In Recons Blazing

    I wouldn't mind these guys using character voices but they currently aren't playing anything that would sound funny imo. If one of them was a Warforged (cyborg) it'd be amusing if they only spoke in Nick Swardson's Gay Robot voice while in character.
  17. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 54.5 — Minisode 54.5

    Magical retarded psychics are the heroes in 85% of Stephen King's books.
  18. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 9 — Going In Recons Blazing

    Trolls and D&D, sweet irony!
  19. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Character Drawings

    That picture is friggin' great D.C. Do some more!
  20. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 9 — Going In Recons Blazing

    Yeah the "as intended" was a tongue-in-cheek comment like the rest of that post. But I do like listening to the roll for roll combat descriptions of the Critical Hit podcast on Major Spoilers.
  21. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    The Reincarnation of Gerry

    It's a shame the group is so fighter heavy, I'd like him to come back as a Warforged as they seem very hard to kill (not taking into account Sark's botch table). http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Warforged
  22. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 9 — Going In Recons Blazing

    All these awesome stories make me hope these guys get off this stupid fucking water planet soon. What's going to happen to them here, swimmer's ear? I hope they jump through a portal and leave these fish dorks behind for good. Actually I hope they start reading the rule books and playing 4e the way it's intended, it would make for better listening. And maybe their lazy asses could roleplay too. Fuck this podcast! Seeya next week.
  23. choochoo_the_wonder_slut

    Episode 9 — Going In Recons Blazing

    Like a teenage arsonist, these guys crave structure. Also, "speed-bagging a Butterball". Fucking awesome, Sark.