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Status Updates posted by wyldride


    #NikkiAndSaraLIVE "Why did the ex-Pope cross the road?" "He didn't. If he did, he'd leave Vatican City jurisdiction." #ilikealaugh



    #NSLFailedMemes Just because it's destined to fail doesn't mean I shouldn't knowyourmeme it: http://t.co/LQhAXPd33G #probablydoesthough



    #shakespeareanporno Much Ado About Fucking


    #WeirdSecurityQuestions What does it got in its pockets, precious?]

  5. ... And Lex Luthor. RT @SabrinaJalees America's greatest villains: Muslims, Gays and Obesity

  6. ... And roll out! RT @bifnaked Action of The Day: Transform

  7. ... While dancing the Charleston--With this guy: http://t.co/XGYT85zQ RT @WendyLiebman Eating Charleston Chews in Charleston

  8. .@alisonhaislip, but for some strange reason, she was Prime Minister of the Geeks RT @ActionChick who emerged instead as Queen of the Geeks?

  9. "... That's it -- I'm just going back to Angry Birds." RT @saraschaefer1 “fuck I was almost to thetan level 34.ba!!!!!!” - suri

  10. "All the boys think she's that guy, she's got--Matthew Perry eyes" RT @NikkiGlaser "She's got Matthew Perry eyes"

  11. "Also--I smacked his kid." RT @AmberTozer "He checked nanny cams to see if I smacked his kid & discovered that I have IT"

  12. "Always a bridesmaid, never the pope." - Someone not entirely clear on the process.

  13. "And here, of course, is your bridesmaid burqa -- Enjoy." RT @iliza If brides always want bridesmaids to look less pretty than them

  14. "Can't we go back to the way it was - When I pirated you?" RT @NikkiGlaser @SabrinaJalees "I just like you as a friend, Adobe 6.0"

  15. "Chief Wiggam: Don't eat the clues. This suit burns better." #wrongbackwardstalker RT @ClareGrant the owls are not as they seem

  16. "Danger -- Undertow!" RT @NikkiGlaser "no lifeguard on duty"

  17. "Depends -- Who are you planning to ask?" RT @AmberTozer Can I borrow some money #ThingsMaleComicsSayToFemaleComics

  18. "Did you ever know that you're my haunches? You are the meat beneath my wings/" RT @iliza Flying w/out Blanche is like flying without wings

  19. "Do I get a rose now?" RT @iliza at least 3 of the contestants on the #Bachelorette help me out at the Encino Verizon Store
