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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. Which became substantially easier 1ce Google existed RT @gracehelbig My 1 long-standing Labor Day tradition is googling "what is Labor Day?"

  2. Actor, rapper, club owner, solo porn performer. Quite the resume. RT @pariskennedy Simon Rex was in a rap crew

  3. If U made them&they made U, who picked up the middle&who made who? #acdc RT @SarahKSilverman Did U make mankind after we made U #DearGod

  4. In his defense, Jerry comes from an earlier time. Heck, in his day, Jerry Lewis movies were still considered funny,

  5. Is this the same Blue Jean from the David Bowie song, or a different 1? RT @CarrieKeagan There was a girl named Blue Jean. She was torn up.

  6. But, on the plus side, you'd never forget your honeymoon. RT @AmberTozer 10 miles into the trip we die

  7. Maybe you'll get reviewed by this kid: http://t.co/Qlimxbwk RT @iliza Yankee Candle front of candle picture photographer

  8. Yes. But don't tell Pluto. We totally didn't invite them. They just whine about being demoted, anyway. RT @AmberTozer is this a planet party

  9. Is it right this rumour I've been hearing? That NASA is a little Mars curious?

  10. There's only so much photons blocked by rock can do--Or not do. RT @trutriciahelfer Ok, that eclipse was uneventful.

  11. The average Canadian sees a lot of American TV via cable/satellite&would recognize the brand. RT @iliza joke involving "using a CVS card"

  12. Confusingly, Garbage calls John Mayer "Jennifer Aniston". RT @NikkiGlaser John Mayer Calls... Jennifer Aniston... 'Garbage'

  13. Well, OK, as long as you're providing the sugar. RT @SaraUnderwood @aots Tune is please. Pretty please? With sugar on top? #aots

  14. Then nutritionists are understating it. ;) RT @cheezitslut When nutritionists talk about "the good fat" they're usually referring to my ass

  15. Don't believe everything you dear. RT @cheezitslut Don't believe everything you read. Especially you, dyslexics.

  16. Don't run into him if he starts doing the robot. RT @cheezitslut The guy on the bike in front of me must want to ask the teacher a question

  17. I've always thought so. ;)#beingmeantopixleythatis http://t.co/mPCTqcbI RT @mariancall You, sir, deserve merch just for being.

  18. To be fair "twitter follower" does not give one the authority to do that, anyway. ;) RT @WendyLiebman thank you for not having me committed

  19. Fifty Shades of Greys: The abduction and anal probing has a distinct BDSM kink to it.

  20. Maybe jazz it up next time w/a subplot about taxation of trade routes. RT @iliza I can't believe no one liked my brine shrimp story

  21. Breakinger new: The man who shot the Tupac hologram, has been shot. RT @carolzara Breaking news: Hologram Tupac has been shot.

  22. I dunno--How imaginary are these hamsters? Aw, heck, sure. Go for it. RT @iliza acting like imaginary hamsters

  23. "Also--I smacked his kid." RT @AmberTozer "He checked nanny cams to see if I smacked his kid & discovered that I have IT"

  24. Lannisters always pay their debts. I'm a rich noble. Pay my ransom&you will be rewarded handsomely in return. RT @mariancall #JunkRavens

  25. Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? RT @Jackiefabulous Please come support funny vaginas
