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Posts posted by wyldride

  1. One of the weirder things is that this movie is the third reboot of the X-Men movie franchise to feature Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (X-Men, Origins Wolverine, First Class). Normally you'd think, yeah, same guy as same character means the same continuity. Nope.


    "Yeah, I grew up with Mystique. She was pretty much like my adopted sister. Did I never mention that before? Yeah, that is weird." - Professor X from any of the X-Men trilogy of movies.


    It's like suddenly making Sabretooth be Wolverine's brother in Origins. Even if Wolverine has amnesia, Sabretooth doesn't. How does that never come up in that first movie? Or Cyclops never bringing up meeting Wolverine during this timeframe.


    Anyway, yeah, this was a really boring movie.

  2. I rather liked this movie, although I am partial to a bit of farce. It's been awhile, but when I would catch it mid-movie while channel surfing, I'd often get pulled into watching the rest of it. I'm aware that it's not popular with non-farce fans.

  3. The idea that after only a few decades people forgot about violence is reminiscent of the Star Wars universe where, in the 20 years or so that it took for Luke and Leia to grow up, everybody forgot that the force was a thing. At one point, they can give you a blood test and tell you exactly how much force potential you have, and 20 years later they act likely it's the equivalent of believing is Santa Claus. Heck, Chewbacca was best buds with the jedi kindergarden teacher (I think he may have had a second job, too -- some council job) and then he's acting like Obi-Wan is an unrelatable, madman. Keep in mind, using the force is something that, with a five minute primer, Luke can pick up and use to better aim a torpedo than a computer designed for the job.


    Remember when there was no web? That was only about 20 years ago. Remember when home computers weren't ubiquitous? That was only about 30 years ago. Rotary phones? These movies treat the passage of less than half a lifetime as if it was hundreds of years. Not just that you wouldn't have direct experience with something (or its lack) but that your parents and grandparents wouldn't have been around to constantly tell you how things used to be (which is, let's face it, what they live for).


    It takes centuries, not decades, for the the past to get that mythologized.

    • Like 3

  4. More along the lines if how did this awesome crazy thing get made? A sequel to one of the worst films is next level bonkers amazing. It turns movie making conventions on its head and laughs at all of them. It features George Clooney before that was a thing, plus Anthony Starke and John Astin.


    Full contact America's Cup!

  5. One of the weirder things is the amount of screen time devoted to "weaponizing" something that's already contained in a warhead. If it wasn't already a weapon, why were they carting it around in a warhead? They could've just said, "arm" or "activate" or "charge" but instead they tried to use a cooler word, except they didn't actually know what it meant.


    Not the worst thing in the movie, but it slightly annoyed me, so there.


    And, apropos of nothing: http://telly.com/X1EVD4 ;)

  6. It might be fun, one time, to do a How Did This Make It In special episode: Take several movies that aren't specifically HDTGM worthy, but include one otherwise squicky element that you can't believe someone didn't say, "OK, the rest of the movie is fine, but were not putting that in."


    Surely substituting your sperm for the donor sperm belongs in a episode of Law and Order (Spoiler: It is) than in a rom com. That's gotta be some kind of sexual battery. That would be worth discussing, but the rest of the film isn't.


    But there are plenty of other movies that have similar things, like Crazy Stupid Love which is mostly fine, but features a 17 year old (played by an adult) taking nude photos of herself (which may be illegal based on jurisdiction) originally for the purpose of giving to the adult man she had a crush on, but at the end of the film hands, what certainly appears, to be the same envelope of pictures to the 13 year old (played by an actual 13 year old) who had been pretty much stalking her throughout most of the film. She even says it's to, "get him through" until college.


    You could easily make an episode out of the isolated squicky bits of various otherwise OK movies.

  7. "You see, I'm one of the Muses, from Greek mythology."

    "Oh, that makes sense. I hadn't realized you were a crazy person. Very well, then."


    "Ah, so you're saying you're really gods and Greek mythology is all real."


    "Well, that's all very interesting, but can I date this chick or not?"

    • Like 1

  8. From imbd -- A second opinion:


    So boys it looks like you didn't know girls could fly


    The only known heroes in the days were Superman, Batman, etc. It seemed like Superman was the only one fit to fly. Then man invented airplanes, then man has been in office as president for over a century. It seems like we have had enough of men thinking they could fly over tall buildings like twin towers. Well cruisin back to 1984 we have Supergirl and the woman who plays her role is outrageous and perfect for the role at that. No one shows such drama and character for the part. In fact I suggest we remake the movie and cast someone else to appeal to this new generation. The supergirl movie appealed to me cause I grew up as a child in the 80s. I think it was the most wonderful movie to escape to and to really believe in women as heroes, for example modern day police officers really do protect you and they are women, so supergirl was like my hero in the 80s and Faye Dunway did an excellent job as the wicked witch. I liked the part when she gave the construction worker a spell beer and he fell into her haunted house.


    The purity and essence of supergirl is almost unattainable by any other person fit to play her role. It is true and realistic that supergirl would save the world from some evil spell caster who wants to wreck the world.


    I think this movie is far underrated on IMDB and should get a perfect 10.


    Angelique McCall
