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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. I know a little German: http://t.co/dwCYlRnr RT @mariancall I seriously wish I could read newspapers in German

  2. Well, I wouldn't be able 2 keep calling her that, for starters. #meganfox RT @jackiemonahan how different life would be w/hammerhead thumbs?

  3. So, blah blah blah Chipotle, blah blah blah Ginger, is right out? http://t.co/lTgGuOl3 RT @pariskennedy Know a real Chipotle tweet when I C1

  4. Which sleep number is that? sqrt(-1)? RT @NikkiGlaser COMFY! RT @KimKardashian: Goodnight http://t.co/LyCef8Wg

  5. Well, my lips were chapped riding in a fast car&now U've given me 1 reason. RT @NikkiGlaser you this winter, maybe, now that U've read this?

  6. To be contrasted with the "Waltz States". RT @WendyLiebman The term "Swing State" sounds kind of liberal.

  7. Blanche was awesome on her @aots debut. Also good: @iliza. ;)#aots

  8. Sure. Think of the children of therapists it put through college. RT @TheDaniStew Has couples therapy ever actually helped anyone?

  9. In Canadian Calgary, sun sets you. #thesundoesnosuchthing #thatsnomoon RT @NikkiGlaser RISE OR SET?

  10. Is it a big swirly thing in space? RT @mariancall Houston, we have a timehole

  11. Upside: It entitles you to wear a cape RT @morgan_murphy Oh no, just entered all my symptoms into WebMD & it turns out I'm "super retarded."

  12. We've been meaning to ask you: Please stop eating hotel room beds. RT @aprilmacie in to a hotel I get two beds. One for eatin'

  13. "Heeeeyy! Sexy lady!" My brain was singing this part, just before I read your tweet. RT @iliza Love having Gagnam Style stuck in my head

  14. Nah -- That's just the farmer's market. RT @GeekandSundry We have already seen a Poison Ivy cosplay

  15. &U have 2 take a look, right? U don't wanna give the girl a complex RT @NikkiGlaser "Who cares about Kate Middleton's topless photos" "many"

  16. Ottawa? It's a silly place. Besides, it's only a model. ;) RT @mariancall house concert hosts in Ottawa

  17. Ah, so it wasn't something your neighbour filmed through your window then -- I take it. ;) RT @amypaffrath I'm commenting

  18. Or if they do, you can't hear them scream. Plus, who care what your Hoover thinks. RT @aprilmacie #FF's Don't happen in a vacuum,

  19. I love your early work with DJ Rhythmic Rob. RT @cheezitslut I became a famous rapper first

  20. Oh, like suddenly we can't do both? RT @aprilmacie I'd rather a man have herpes than wear a kilt.

  21. Moments after this was taken, everyone pictured took an arrow to the knee. It was most tragic. RT @thegynomite Skyrim http://t.co/GlHyky7E

  22. Only 250,000 if you put it in quotes. RT @SarahKSilverman There are 835,000 results for the search words "sock bun tutorial."

  23. 18 months. Less would be presumptuous. RT @SabrinaJalees How long do you have to wait after birth to start asking your baby for rent money?

  24. Left by the Lilith Fairy? RT @saraschaefer1 very old mystery blank CD
