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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. In Canadian Calgary, sun sets you. #thesundoesnosuchthing #thatsnomoon RT @NikkiGlaser RISE OR SET?

  2. In France it's a prescription -- With cheese. RT @JennKirwin gave me a prescription for a Happy Meal

  3. In his defense, Jerry comes from an earlier time. Heck, in his day, Jerry Lewis movies were still considered funny,

  4. In the Robbins cave. Just shine the Robbins signal and he'll come. RT @AmberTozer Where's Tony Robbins when you need him

  5. In your face weird podcast listener who doesn't like to hear about him--For some reason. RT @saraschaefer1 BRAGGING ABOUT HAVING A BOYFRIEND

  6. Including second hand sawdust? RT @iliza How much sawdust does the average American inhale by using wooden chopsticks?

  7. Iron Princess Ymir from Queen's Blade: http://t.co/fohVyK5j ;) RT @breagrant I need Halloween costume ideas. Think blonde. Go.

  8. Ironically. RT @AmberTozer how do you iron

  9. Is "Riel Housewives of Manitoba" a thing? RT @SabrinaJalees You'll never be a Real Housewife without me

  10. Is dog comfort ever really wasted money? RT @iliza a big waste of money

  11. Is it a big swirly thing in space? RT @mariancall Houston, we have a timehole

  12. Is it possible the police just caught that guy in New Jersey mid Chicken Song?: http://t.co/VZ5HHjLl

  13. Is it right this rumour I've been hearing? That NASA is a little Mars curious?

  14. Is it weird that I do my hair special 4 Game of Thrones? Actually, it's not so much the hair as the blue, tripartite beard that's a hassle.

  15. Is it, "Ow! Stop poking me with that! Do you need a timeout?" RT @aots First rule of Toddler Fight Club?

  16. Is that the "Dude, you're getting a Del" guy from those ads, or something else? ;) RT @KarenGillan2 “TBritish folk hero known as Del Boy."

  17. Is that when you're so tan your skins is like leather? ;)#calftan #mymistake RT @natashaleggero CANNOT wait to start wearing caftans

  18. Is that where the drummer from Def Leppard loses his arm&invents the vibrator 2 compensate? RT @TheDaniStew Just saw Hysteria&it was awesome

  19. Is there a Heisenberg's uncertainty principle for Twitter followers? Sometimes it says I'm not following people I am and vice versa. Weird.

  20. Is this some kind of weird chest sniffing therapy? @morgan_murphy my therapist has a nose ring. it feels really good 2 get that off my chest

  21. Is this the same Blue Jean from the David Bowie song, or a different 1? RT @CarrieKeagan There was a girl named Blue Jean. She was torn up.

  22. It involves not being a Jedi anymore, so I can see an upside. #bestreally RT @nickbreckon @MorganWebb Force Quit: the lamest jedi power.

  23. It might be this: http://t.co/BKO1wdcJ RT @WendyLiebman Muskrat Love “@DeepakChopra: Music of the cosmos is embedded deep w/in our souls."

  24. It probably would've had a more directed-by-a-zombie feel. RT @pagetpaget what if Bob Fosse had directed "The Hunger Games"?

  25. It really does just come down to the gown&stirrups round. RT @NikkiGlaser Forget Miss America! http://t.co/pddBH0uU
