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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. It turns out Scrooge was allergic ... http://t.co/RGctQHKE

  2. It'd be weird if they detonated the irreproachable ones. RT @KariByron Amazed @ how often the bomb squad has 2 detonate "suspicious devices"

  3. It's another adaptation of PKD's story, not Total Recall remake. Should've called it Memory Whole. RT @ActionChick Total Recall (2012)

  4. It's Cena. I think we can safely assume he was always booked to win. RT @pariskennedy Do you guys think Cena was suppose to win that?

  5. It's from back at the Angie's Leg thing, whenever that was. RT @aots did you have that awesome pic at the ready

  6. It's just like napping around. Or it would be if that was a thing. RT @NikkiGlaser I found my hell and it is mattress shopping.

  7. It's like a modern day story of Icarus. ;) RT @alysiawood I just got too close to my fan... to tune the tune of 8 hairs ripped from my head

  8. Joan Rivers being awesome on the Nerdist podcast: http://t.co/iYIz5HcQ

  9. Just 'cause it's overdone is not reason not to run it further into the ground. Well, it is, but still: http://t.co/7LMBbk1X

  10. Just as long as it's not tidally locked -- It limits the composition of the shots. RT @oliviawilde her head looks like my head's moon

  11. Just ask Sidra from Seinfeld. RT RT @iliza My boobs are real http://t.co/OfqJ50uH

  12. Just happy to be part of the process. RT @morgan_murphy hey fellas most of your twitter profiles make me un-cum.

  13. Just noticed my shirt's been inside out all day. Oddly, it didn't make all that much difference.

  14. Just so long as no more are made, that's just as good an excuse as any other. RT @ActionChick At this point in his life, is it too late?

  15. Just so you know, Toyota, that's not how I'd build the Tundra. I'd use machines. I wouldn't try to stretch components with my bare hands.

  16. Just so you know: those are absolutely not the rules. RT @laylakayleigh "Also you have to vote or you can't bitch later. Thems the rules!"

  17. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the desert! RT @saraschaefer1 I DON"T CARE IF THAT KUWAIT SHARK PIC IS FAKE

  18. Just you and the owls. RT @WendyLiebman I'm on the "Who? Who?" list

  19. Just your followers. Bcc 4 every1 else RT @WhitneyCummings Replying 2 some1 on Twitter is like emailing someone&cc'ing everyone w/a computer

  20. Ka$ey RT @keshasuxx my cat needs a name...

  21. Karaoke Gong Show! RT @gracehelbig It's karaoke, but someone interrupts you and tells you to stop if you get too 'into it.'

  22. Kim was surprised the Kanye blurted out the news of their pregnancy. Yeah, because if he's known for 1 thing, it's keeping things 2 himself.

  23. Kleenex is the Kleenex of having shit named after itself.
