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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. Lady Gaga has a gold plated wheelchair, but I'm waiting until she gets well enough to get around w/her crutches&C3PO costume from Paparazzi.

  2. Lady Jewel of the Staite. RT @JewelStaite I demand to be called Lady of the Manor now

  3. Lance Armstrong admits to using rugs? That's a hairpiece? OK, I was fine with the doping, but you've lost me, pal. You're on your own.

  4. Lannisters always pay their debts. I'm a rich noble. Pay my ransom&you will be rewarded handsomely in return. RT @mariancall #JunkRavens

  5. Lavya from Hyperdrive. You'd be the only one. ;)http://t.co/wdz4tS8k RT @milynnsarley trying to figure out my Halloween costume

  6. Left by the Lilith Fairy? RT @saraschaefer1 very old mystery blank CD

  7. Legit-I-Mitt: The game where civic rights battles you thought you'd won, keep popping back up. RT @morgan_murphy "LegitiMITT ROMNEY"

  8. Less a play, more of similar root: http://t.co/yWsuVK0r RT @amber_benson "excitations" in the song Good Vibrations was a play on excitement

  9. Like he isn't sexy already. ;)http://t.co/qzkyMfLJ RT @pariskennedy "You are like a sexy little Yoda"

  10. Like my app: scans check, tells U when it's safe 2 dine&dash. RT @saraschaefer1 App idea: it scans the check&tells everyone what they owe

  11. Like the Harlem Shake -- But kilted http://t.co/hZbJqTVS

  12. Listened to the 2 part Gabe Newell episode of the @nerdist podcast. You know what? I could go w/ some @skydart on more episodes. #justsayin

  13. Look at all of them there together. What are they, some kind of cult? RT @ErinLCummings Blue Point oysters for brunch?

  14. Looper: The Kid, Part Two #sadsequels

  15. Lord of the Rings, part 7: Shopping List and Remember to Pick Up Dry Cleaning. RT @ActionChick So LotR should have been a 9-parter?

  16. Love that movie: Especially the end when Darth @cheezitslut saves @wyldride Skywalker from the Emperor&they make out bc they're not related

  17. Luckily, there's always room for it. RT @iliza a packet of jello pudding should be added to everything in life

  18. Maybe -- Do you smell blackened toast? RT @thegynomite Am I having a slow seizure?

  19. Maybe don't go with a 12000x11328 gif as your avatar if you don't want me to block you for screwing up my @ replies. #justsayin

  20. Maybe his friends are stopping him: http://t.co/FRrdj6V8 RT @MaryPattersonB if he doesn't even text you whilst intoxicated

  21. Maybe I'll finally be able to get rid of some of this ... http://t.co/5Z1qfLM9x9
