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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. The only excuse for whistling is if you are a kettle&your water's boiling. #barelyacceptable RT @NikkiGlaser Stop whistling. All of you.

  2. The Dark Knight Rises. RT @skydart With a bat

  3. What kind of Ultimate Surrender match is thi--Oh, sorry. That's Women's Judo. My mistake.

  4. Politics can be tricky, especially with an election coming up: http://t.co/cXD7Sbd1 RT @aots @gracehelbig cast of The Campaign

  5. "They put the Bad in Badminton. The Olympic Badminton Scandal. Coming this Zzzzz." RT @cheezitslut "Badminton just got a whole lot badder."

  6. I'm sure if you ignore them they'll go away. RT @bonniemcfarlane Everybody's being funny again.

  7. Canadians were tricky&lost all their games so it wasn't suspicious. Now they're in the semis. RT @morgan_murphy failing on purpose

  8. You can't kill something that's already dead. RT @aprilmacie I thought it just killed her thirst for knowledge

  9. It involves not being a Jedi anymore, so I can see an upside. #bestreally RT @nickbreckon @MorganWebb Force Quit: the lamest jedi power.

  10. ... And roll out! RT @bifnaked Action of The Day: Transform

  11. Don't forget to do a proper salute to the judges. RT @AmberTozer I'm gonna show my roommate

  12. I was wondering how I'd know. ;) RT @iliza That's how you know I like you.

  13. "One previous owner. Only drove it to church on Sundays--For more than a century." RT @cheezitslut "Just show me the car facts."

  14. I'm watching Water Polo for the first time. I don't see any--Oh my god! All of their horses must have drowned. It's an Olympic tragedy.

  15. Lord of the Rings, part 7: Shopping List and Remember to Pick Up Dry Cleaning. RT @ActionChick So LotR should have been a 9-parter?

  16. I heard in NYC they'd spit on U as soon as look @ U. I thought it was just an expression.. RT @saraschaefer1 guy who just spit a huge loogie

  17. Woof! ;) RT @NikkiGlaser I want to attract a handsome Golden Lab

  18. So, like this, as an example: http://t.co/Y02cb7VQ #nightpatrol RT @SabrinaJalees til women are finally allowed to donate sperm

  19. This new season of Sports Night is weird. They seem to have replaced all the actors and they never seem to talk about sports anymore.

  20. Yes, and how he gets everyone around him to share in his delusion. RT @mindykaling It is an examination of an unhinged Notre Dame fan, no?

  21. Lady Jewel of the Staite. RT @JewelStaite I demand to be called Lady of the Manor now

  22. Look at all of them there together. What are they, some kind of cult? RT @ErinLCummings Blue Point oysters for brunch?
