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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. They emerged as the cast of Butterfly. RT @rikilindhome Whatever happened to the cast of Cocoon?

  2. Nothing wrong with that: http://t.co/s7TY3AxX ;) RT @mslayel Kofi is singing adele isnt he?

  3. I just wish I could get this one going: http://t.co/lTgGuOl3 ;) RT @ActionChick Geeks and Gamers Anonymous @kickstarter

  4. Things are ruff all Rover. RT @NikkiGlaser The dog days are Rover. http://t.co/1uFbXce6

  5. But w/the rise of nerddom, you don't need one. After all, our queen is a ginger: http://t.co/8uvWn9Zc ;) RT @iliza still not get a tan

  6. Depending on the vampire mythology in question, they leak harmlessly into her ribcage. RT @JadedKitty What happens to her tits in 100yrs

  7. I do all my own, uh, I'm not sure what I do, exactly, but I know I do all of it. ;) RT @JewelStaite I do all my own stunts

  8. He's not dead, just sleeping. Just need a couple necklaces w/other horses standing guard, as they do. RT @iliza dead horse necklace?

  9. Galaxy Quest II: The Wrath of Con. RT @emmacaulfield why isn't there a sequel to Galaxy Quest

  10. That explains the gorilla suit. RT @NikoleZ I'm a sheep

  11. Daenerys Targaryen needs your help! Crowd fund her return to Westeros. Please RT. #kickstarter #gameofthrones http://t.co/lTgGuOl3

  12. Nope -- Me neither. Not even a clue. RT @alysiawood I don't know about you guys, but I don't know WTF I'm doing

  13. No real danger: Most of those zombies had Anorexia Necrosa: http://t.co/8xXwNPkH ;) RT @AngieGreenup I try to outrun hundreds of zombies

  14. Yeah, the current system of radioactive ducks could use an overhaul. RT @saraschaefer1 Way people found out they got nominated 4 an Emmy...

  15. Clearly the team needs a kilted bear. ;) RT @Rileah Vying for a @teamunicornftw mascot position #competion http://t.co/J0QK84lU

  16. Dumbo Drop it like it's hot. RT @MeganNeuringer operation dumbo drop

  17. Yes, but they are really just a bunch of butterflies glued together. RT @saraschaefer1 does Lady Gaga have to wear pants to jury duty?

  18. &it turned out just to be Smeagol? RT @saraschaefer1 I punched a cup of water on my night stand last night BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS GOLLUM

  19. It's like a modern day story of Icarus. ;) RT @alysiawood I just got too close to my fan... to tune the tune of 8 hairs ripped from my head

  20. Yeah, but think of all the jewelry you can buy with the divorce settlement. RT @NikkiGlaser such a long time to commit to a piece of jewelry

  21. That's why I wrote my own signature randomizer. ;) RT @cheezitslut You're only as funny as the "sent from" device in your email signature

  22. Something about being smokin'&milkshakes&yards. #imbeinglazy RT @TheDaniStew I've had 2 milkshakes this week. Thank god I still smoke

  23. Haunchosexual? RT @iliza I wanna put Blanche in this and tell her I love her no matter her sexual orientation

  24. Don't be silly--It was over when you asked. ;) RT @pariskennedy #TheDateWasOverWhen you wouldn't pay for my abortion.

  25. He did: He named it Dawg. RT @4EvaMartino who should name his fucking dog
