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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. In your face weird podcast listener who doesn't like to hear about him--For some reason. RT @saraschaefer1 BRAGGING ABOUT HAVING A BOYFRIEND

  2. So that's where that guy in New Jersey got the idea: http://t.co/XYbBTrem #zombies

  3. I'm not sure that's how U ask, but I'm sure he would. RT @aprilmacie I wish Wolf Blitzer would cut the shit & show me that sweet dick of his

  4. Specifically: http://t.co/gi6PcW47 RT @saraschaefer1 Btw that’s a pinball machine

  5. ... While dancing the Charleston--With this guy: http://t.co/XGYT85zQ RT @WendyLiebman Eating Charleston Chews in Charleston

  6. Way too old for his tastes. RT @morgan_murphy hot, young cop?

  7. Surprise mosh pit, drunkies! RT @AmberTozer dance move where I push drunk people around

  8. A good article on them: http://t.co/eiEdTmk4 RT @jenmurphycomedy @TheDaniStew @sbellelauren I can't believe that christwire thing exists

  9. If the sun sets without instagram, does it really make a noise? RT @MeganNeuringer which came first, beautiful sunsets or instagram?

  10. Steve Guttenberg. Note: It's the Stonecutters. RT @ActionChick Which actors' success can only be explained by the work of dark forces?

  11. Hard sauce, Har[d]woods&Balls? What are you implying, Chutney? RT @iliza Lil dab'll do ya http://t.co/hEO9IXQB

  12. Then she wouldn't say, "Octomom? More like Adoptomom." bc Y would she? RT @NikkiGlaser Angelina Jolie ... you look exactly like the Octomom

  13. Oh, stop it -- That's crazy talk. ;) RT @aprilmacie The fastest way to infuriate a crazy person is to tell them not to be crazy

  14. Phil Plait has ya covered: http://t.co/ILKyIR5F RT @KariByron Is the another word for synonym?

  15. "Danger -- Undertow!" RT @NikkiGlaser "no lifeguard on duty"

  16. Not being on fire? RT @AmberTozer I wonder what I'm taking for granted right now but won't realize it until I'm in a burning car

  17. Karaoke Gong Show! RT @gracehelbig It's karaoke, but someone interrupts you and tells you to stop if you get too 'into it.'

  18. Well, at least it's not a dead cockatrice. Those things cause no end of trouble. http://t.co/kmNzCwuI RT @iliza IT'S A DEAD COCKROACH

  19. But you totally kickass at twilight, though. Right? #ionlymeanttostayawhile RT @WendyLiebman I'm neither a day person nor a night person

  20. There's nothing quite like an unexpected visitor. http://t.co/Ri7098Yb

  21. "Iliza-loo who, who was only too--Only too happy to excuse the Grinch from Whoville." RT @iliza total Who from Whoville http://t.co/HZLF9Ecf

  22. "... That's it -- I'm just going back to Angry Birds." RT @saraschaefer1 “fuck I was almost to thetan level 34.ba!!!!!!” - suri

  23. Watching the #CFL regular season opener. #onlyleaguethatmatters

  24. Just noticed my shirt's been inside out all day. Oddly, it didn't make all that much difference.
