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Status Updates posted by wyldride

  1. "I just met you, and may be crazy, but here's my blacklist: Commie maybe?" - Sen. McCarthy

  2. Overshadowed by her stroking the shaft. RT @saraschaefer1 Not sure my point about Hot Buns hair product was clear http://t.co/Gl6068kt

  3. "You played it for her; you can play it for me: Everybody mambo!" #AwfulFirstDraftDialogue

  4. And wax cylinders. RT @cheezitslut First generation iPhones play records, right? http://t.co/EyY9mwQX

  5. Happy new year. Remember, kids -- Don't drink and dial: http://t.co/4yMmSefk

  6. Kim was surprised the Kanye blurted out the news of their pregnancy. Yeah, because if he's known for 1 thing, it's keeping things 2 himself.

  7. "That dress you're wearing would look great on my bedroom floor. Any idea if they make it in its size?"

  8. How bad must your product suck if you have to make up a silly, imaginary product to find something that yours compares favourably to?

  9. Hey, radio ad, giving your girlfriend who loves to shop a gift certificate is a great idea, but you ruin it when it's for Jean Coutu.

  10. I hear a spaceman came travelling ...: http://t.co/cHpdBAUN

  11. It turns out Scrooge was allergic ... http://t.co/RGctQHKE

  12. See: I told you it's not the end of the wo--

  13. "Your body is a winter wonderland." - John Mayer Claus

  14. There's a movie coming out next year called Hell Baby, which I can only assume is a prequel to Hellboy.

  15. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/0ahVuqlf How Many People Have You Slept With? - We Should Break Up Ep. 2

  16. Well, no -- Not with that kind of attitude it's not. ;) RT @feliciaday "Hentai is NOT a color!"

  17. My wants are: For them not to call it that. RT @ActionChick wants for the #Expendabelles movie

  18. Ready! RT @iliza 2morrow I'm going oversees to entertain the troops http://t.co/vQS9gkLp

  19. Breakfast at Tiffany's: Maybe having the general feeling that you both watched&enjoyed the same movie isn't the best basis 4 a relationship.

  20. RT @meganamram What's the exchange rate of toys to tots?
