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Posts posted by klemjohansen

  1. I'm very glad they were so fastidious about closing their verbal parentheses on this episode. People think it's a joke, but if they don't close them the pod might not parse properly on your mp3 player. You would hear up to the first open paren, then it would skip to the next closed paren. This is almost as bad as the Who Charted episode with all the verbal curly brackets.

    • Like 1

  2. Nic Cage as an imaginary childhood friend would be incredible. "We're going to steal the Jefferson Memorial!" "No, Nic Cage. You're going to get me in trouble AGAIN!" "You don't understand. Everything is riding on this! We must get to the core of the sun in the next 15 minutes or everyone is doomed!"

    • Like 1

  3. If Arman had a sit-com there would be whole episodes about a to-do list with one thing on it (1. pick up the dry cleaning) and the other 20 minutes details how and why he can't get that done. Then he runs into Matt, his reluctant surrogate father, who works very hard not to tell Arman how disappointed he is in Arman's inability to pick up the dry cleaning. "I'll try harder tomorrow. Well, I'll try harder to try harder if you know... uh."


    I'll be called "I'm a mess!"

    • Like 3

  4. A U2-related news item from 2025:



    As is usually the case with U2 records, the final push to finish Juggernaut required the aging band members to spend twelve to eighteen hours a day in the recording studio fine-tuning performances and mixes. The resulting strain left the band's guitarist with a greatly diminished immune system, after which he fell into a pneumonia-related coma for several months. However, due to his loyalty to the band as well as several unbreakable contractual obligations, he continued to tour with the group, strapped to a gurney and identified onstage as "The Vedge."

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  5. This episode nearly made a reference to noted adventure author Cliff Hanger (pronounced Hang-yay because he's French). His books are the kind you can't put down- and I don't mean that hyperbolically. Remember in Crank (and Crank 2) how Jason Statham kept having to get charged up or he'd die? Well, Hanger's books are printed with a special skin-absorptive poison on the odd numbered pages and an antidote on the even numbered ones. If you stop reading at chapter-ending moment of peril you could very well die. Only when you finish the book and wash your hands thoroughly are you assured of survival.
