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Everything posted by vgfitzger

  1. If I'm not mistaken, the last ever piece of foam is the first ever Foam Re-run. Which is hilarious and very foamy.
  2. I tuned out when he unironically tried to use Cheers and Seinfeld to explain Friends to "younger listeners".
  3. It looks like it's qualifying the "Best Podcast In The Universe" moniker to "Best Earwolf Podcast In The Universe". Which I guess is still technically fine since Earwolf podcasts are the Best Podcasts in the universe. Still, I think the casual observer might think the wearer of the shirt isn't confident that I4H is indeed the BPITU, which it is.
  4. vgfitzger

    Yet Another Sponsor Complaint

    It's right in the main navigation bar. Third from the right, it says "Adult Movies." Pretty obvious. Maybe if you navigated the web with less then 50 tabs each buffering a different asian anal anime clip for once you'd have seen it. Embrace the fact that you're a cog in the porn industry. It's good money, millions of hopelessly addicted users can't be wrong!
  5. Why would you want to argue with someone who has the conviction that there is no such thing as right and wrong? How annoying. If he truly thinks there is no such thing as morality why does he draw the line of acceptability at causing harm to other living things? Seems arbitrary. Asking a normal person to argue against Gemberling about bestiality is like asking Gemberling to defend his belief that it's wrong to cause suffering for a animal to a sadistic psychopath. It would be pointless.
  6. On yesterday's podcast Matt Besser said something to the effect of, "I'm not successful enough to take this kind of criticism without being really insulted." I don't know if that was recorded before or after my comment, but it still made me feel bad for exacerbating Besser's body of work image issues. So, I'll actually backpedal on my original statement a bit here to clear my conscience. I deliberately attacked Freak Dance as a dance movie, because as a musical dance movie, it was a failure. The music, lyrics and choreography were not up to any standards. A good satire needs to at least approach the quality of the genre it satirizes. As a surreal comedy movie it was great, clocking in at about a laugh a minute. However, the plodding, boring dance sequences make it impossible to recommend. So, my hate of Freak Dance leaves my respect for Matt as a comedian unscathed. That statement is idiotic. How could one insult a person's only dance movie without insulting their demonstrated ability to make dance movies? Also, if you're going to split hairs like an idiot, I never insulted his abilities I only insulted his knowledge on how to make a watchable dance movie, which doesn't infringe on his character at all. Did you notice how I never called you an idiot? Is it really any better to beat around the bush like that? You still idiotically feel as if I called you an idiot. If I were Matt, I would be most hurt that with all the people standing up for Matt and against "unnecessary snark" nobody is standing up for Freak Dance. Implicitly agreeing with me about Freak Dance while also agreeing with Matt's assessment of his career esteem not being able to withstand snark.
  7. Just because someone disliked Freak Dance doesn't mean they're not a Besser fan. Your body of work isn't like the old testament of the bible, I can pick and choose what I accept in my heart and still expect to be let into improv heaven. So, to someone interested in preventing a torturous eternity, I wouldn't recommend either lying with a man as with a woman or watching Freak Dance. I figured you, as a sumptuously accomplished comedian, should be able to take a little ribbing about your old projects in stride. Shall I cite my sources? I only have one and it's wikipedia, but I think it helps my case: http://en.wikipedia..../Roast_(comedy) What's your thinking on why it's not cool to flippantly insult Freak Dance? Is it because I know you read the forum and should spare your feelings? Or is it because you've had me on the show and I should consider you a friendly acquaintance? You know what? You're right. Yeah, I really regret it and would delete it now if I knew that doing so wouldn't make you call me out as a fool and a coward. I'm completely backpedaling, okay? You win sir. Please don't intellectually bully me any farther, I've had enough. Let's talk sports sometime.
  8. So, Grand Theft Auto trains kids to jump off of third story balconies and Commander Shepard is the guy from Halo. Matt knows almost as much about video games as he knows about making a watchable dance movie.
  9. How many episodes of this misandrist am I going to listen to before I realize that Professor Blastoff is never going to get Sacha Baron Cohen as a guest and then misspell his first name and omit his middle name in the title?
  10. Of course we thought you probably said the n-word. Generally, that's THE slur that you can't say unless you're making some sort of shocking point about using the n-word. Don't put it off on that guy, like he's got the n-word on his mind. It's also funny that you give a hint, then ask us not to have a guessing game. That's like saying "Ready... Set... Go! But please, let's not have this turn into a race!" Anyway, my guess is "Gubba" the derogatory term for White people used by Aboriginal Australians. Am I close?
  11. Gabrus messed up the song. It should be: Who can take a cheese grater, Strap it to his arm, fist fuck the bitch and make pussy Parmesan? The S & M Man. How is one to make pussy parmesan just by grabbing the bitch without fist fucking her? Shoot the boot ya idiot! Also, is it now canonical that the name of the announcer is "The Improv4Humans Robot"?
  12. This episode was the cunt's tits! Raiders!
  13. So, since they've already taken a knee jerk shit on the bill or rights we shouldn't mind if they hop a squat and do it again? This is the line of thinking that makes the slippery slope fallacy less than fallacious. What exactly is the problem with that? We frequently have armed guards to protect our money. Why not extend that same precaution to our kids?
  14. Do you think that in your double barreled shotgun only America, when someone eventually decides to achieve CNN celebrity by walking into an elementary school and shooting two kids, people's reaction would be, "Thank god it was only two!" No! Two is still two too many. I'm not saying it's a slippery slope, but when knees are jerking, gun rights are gonna be the first thing to get kicked.
  15. Straw-man arguments rarely do. I'm not interested in the logistics of a treasonous uprising. I'm interested in just how far we are willing to tolerate constant restrictions of our rights, trading freedom for safety at every turn. If you think that the desire to have any small guarantee to soften the ever looming threat of intolerable oppression isn't valid just because of the existence of nukes and drones, well there's nothing that can be said to you.
  16. As long as we're talking about subverting clauses of the bill of rights for the sake of safety, let's put the rest of it on the table. If the press weren't free to sensationalize these shootings into historical watersheds, turn the gunmen into dark anti-heroes and rattle off death counts like high scores, maybe disturbed individuals wouldn't be inspired to try and become famous by commiting suicide by massacre. What about freedom of speech? If film makers, game developers and authors weren't free to depict and describe violence and cruelty, maybe the gunmen wouldn't have been pre-desensitized to the violence they were planning and never be able to take a life. Taking away protections of search and seizure would free the government up to do routine checks on every gun owner's home to make sure their weapons are locked up safely out of the reach of their pyschotic sons. If the government could force a state religion down our throats maybe the fear of eternal damnation would enough to prevent a shooting. If there was no due process and no restriction on cruel punishments maybe the promise of swift and sure retribution would make all violent crime a thing of the past. If you trust the government enough to restrict your ability to physically resist and rise up against tyranny, why don't you trust the government to remove all of the safe guards put in place by the bill of rights to prevent tyranny?
  17. vgfitzger

    Episode 90 — Doom-Wop

    This is the first time I've ever heard someone try to use a Netflix viewing marathon as some sort of substitute accomplishment. "Sorry son, I know that I promised I wouldn't miss your softball game, but I did watch 10 episodes of Breaking Bad. Now I'm all caught up! So, how about letting me off the hook?" If he cant keep his word on this why should the fans expect him to keep his word on anything ever? Should I just take his word for it that the Have A Summah album isn't just a collection of differently titled .mp3's each containing 18 minutes of static? I don't think I can take that leap of faith anymore. Is the whole summah being great thing just another fib, just like this 12 movie summah debacle!? Also, I find it abhorrent that Howard is trying to use the Aurora tragedy as an excuse to go back on his word. If he goes through with this movie cop out, everything I thought I knew and respected about Howard Kremer will be called into serious question.
  18. Episode 33: "Greenhouse is not a thing" scene 00:40:48 - 00:47:05
  19. vgfitzger

    Bunk: good?

    Bunk is great! You should definately stayed tuned to Comedy Central or http://www.comedycentral.com for the next hilarious episode of Bunk!
  20. vgfitzger

    Matt Besser Olympic Coverage

    Finally, Matt takes his place among Denzel Washington, Martin Scorsese and Zooey Deschanel as a celebrity featured in an Apple commercial. Flick Dance will be rocketing up to #1 on iTunes. Soon, no one will ever confuse it with Wayons brother's parody classic, Dance Freak ever again! Onwards and upwards!
  21. vgfitzger

    Episode 169 — Immortal Mustache

    "Have you ever seen me? ...Have you ever seen me with my shirt off? ...Yeah! Have you ever seen me with my shirt off?!" -Scott "Ripped Dude" Aukerman
  22. vgfitzger

    Episode 167 — New No-Nos

    New Homo!
  23. vgfitzger

    Episode 84 — Podcuddle

    I think the reason I find him so distasteful is that he thinks he's such a stellar guest that he cuts all his appearances together into his own podcast every week. Like some kind of greatest hits album. More like greatest shits.
  24. Seriously, shouting "Ah!Ah!Ah!" at people? LOL, so random! It's not interesting that yelling that noise makes people stop what they are doing, since it means, "Hey! Stop what you're doing right now! In fact it's so urgent I don't have time to say this!!" What an idiot. Also, Hawaii is essentially a sovereign nation currently in year 114 of an American occupation, brought about by greedy American businessmen. The implication that the illegitimate overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom and its subsequent illegal annexation, is something only a pedantic special needs child would bring up is an offensively ignorant point of view. I would be very offended by this if I weren't so chonged out on this sweet pakalolo.