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About jerseypin

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    Nashville, TN
  1. I want a freak in the sheets and a Billy on the streets.
  2. I need to turn off the dark and listen to this right away.
  3. Prediction: This appearance will produce 2 new UTU2TM eps: One of the live podcast taping, and one of the Scotts in the Bonnaroo crowd, taking in the U2 concert, giving live commentary, before and after highjinx, backstage hangouts with, what else, college girls.
  4. jerseypin


    in the final 30 seconds of this ep, Gourley says: "Jean Tripplehorn and Khaki Doubleflute" Might be the best one of those yet.
  5. jerseypin

    Episode 282 - The Long-Haul Machinist

    McKay returns?!! And with Neil Casey! 2 of my favorite all-stars together in an i3h episode. Thanks, Matty B!
  6. Props to Eban Schletter for playing "Pictures at an Exhibition" when the Art Gallery scene starts. Only the best.
  7. Great ep. Great songs and lots of improv energy. Gabrus spikes the football in the endzone: "I'm glad you guys were all able to find your keys and cell phones to make it to the march."
  8. I know Scott phased out the old games long ago for the most part. Seems he only relies on the occasional Would You Rather? at the end of shows if things are lagging and he needs to fill time. And we got a fresh Freestyle Rap Battle this week, so that was fun. What are some of your favorite eps that featured any of these games? I feel like listening to some greatest hits... Would You Rather? Who Said It? What Am I Thinking? Hollywood Facts (more of a jokey quiz than a game) Fortunately Unfortunately
  9. jerseypin

    Episode 450 - Throw It On the Floor

    Kinane commenting the value of comedians posting dog pictures on Instagram made me sad for Scott. RIP Rocky.
  10. jerseypin

    Episode 435 - Jim Gaffigan Says No

    I could listen to Scott and Jim (Karl) talk for hours. Great chemistry. Cool bros! C+
  11. jerseypin

    Episode 432 - Dana Carvey's Micro-Impressions

    His repeated knocking of SeeSo made me cringe possibly more than the Chinese accent. C+
  12. jerseypin

    Episode 422 - The WoodyVerse

    "When you think of New York you think of the end of Sleepless In Seattle." Good one, Scott.
  13. (sorry/notsorry)
  14. jerseypin

    Archive eps

    Will the old eps be available on Howl? They appear to only be available on iTunes. Also, someone with time and ability should make a clip of Mark & Matt announcing all the referees.