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Everything posted by RyanSz

  1. RyanSz

    Terror Train

    I love this movie. I liked the idea that the killer would "take the identity" of his victims by stealing their costumes and that even though the viewer has a pretty good idea of who the killer is, it's still surprising to see how that person is revealed. That along with you just wanted to see these college kids get theirs because of how snooty they were or for the prank in the beginning of the film, which needs to be done for any good slasher.
  2. RyanSz

    Vertical Limit (2000)

    Cliffhanger would make for a good episode as it has a bunch of Stallone-isms and weird slow-mo scenes. Then you add John Lithgow chewing scenery like a sonuvabitch and randomly killing members of his own crew, it would be a much more fun and light episode than this movie, which really doesn't know what it wants to be most of the time.
  3. RyanSz

    Maximum Overdrive

    I think they just re-released a AC/DC album with a new cover and title.
  4. With as long as this show has been running and the die hard fanbase that it has, how has HDTGM not had a Wikipedia page made for it? The magic of this show needs to be spread to the unwashed masses and a "Literally" table needs to be made for each episode.
  5. Yeah that's I'm talking about, there is definitely enough information to warrant a full page, that way it would really help push the idea of getting a Nundercover movie made, or even better and HDTGM spinoff TV show from the CBB show.
  6. RyanSz


    And that the narrator the whole time was looking to just hook up with his local priest.
  7. RyanSz

    Noah (2014)

    I'm still waiting for the Jesus and Moses team-up film as predicted by Family Guy, now seems like the perfect time to release it.
  8. RyanSz


    Wait so it's not Nundercover: And Then There Were Nun?
  9. RyanSz

    Sabotage (2014)

    Same here. The funny thing is, this movie along with the Last Stand critics have gone on to say that Arnold has done some of the best acting of his career in these movies, even if the story of the movies haven't been the best. I honestly love the amount of blood spilled in this movie and the fact that everyone basically said "fuck innocent bystanders" as at least a dozen regular citizens get mangled and shot, sometimes to the delight of the main characters. Also, I have to say that no white man should EVER wear cornrows, especially a dude as huge as Joe Manganiello. And if you're wanting to hear a good bit from Arnold, listen to the Nerdist Podcast from last Monday. I was laughing my ass off the whole time as the first sentence of it is Arnold asking, "So you have a puppy" which just made me laugh for some unknown reason and the fact that Arnold's day to day life is basically an 80s action movie with him smoking cigars, having exotic animals brought to his house for parties, and DRIVING HIS PERSONAL TANK AROUND HIS PROPERTY.
  10. RyanSz

    Noah (2014)

    Yeah that whole article is great about these proposed sequels that were batshit insane.
  11. RyanSz

    The Wizard (1989)

    I don't know if I want Savage as a guest as the gang tends to hold back on trashing a movie if it deserves trashing as to not hurt the feelings of the guest, and this movie definitely needs to be trashed hard.
  12. RyanSz

    Sabotage (2014)

    I really enjoyed this movie as it was like an old school 80s action movie. An over the top elite team of crime fighters, Japan level of blood loss (the refrigerator scene for instance), Arnold never being more than 6 inches away from a cigar, and everyone that isn't a part of the team are super dickholes. I was actually surprised how the movie played out as the trailer made it seem like it was going to be a run of the mill "my family was taken because of one corrupt guy on my team," but instead it was something totally different which worked really well. Though I'm surprised they were pushing this as a loose adaptation of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie when it's only real connection were people were getting killed one by one.
  13. RyanSz

    Noah (2014)

    That was basically Russel Crowe's response. I think he was still pushing for the script to be made even a couple years after the studio turned it down.
  14. Yeah that was the gist of it, Jack's alcoholism opened him up to suggestion by the spirits and it was downhill from there. The character also had a slight anti-authority issue to where he always felt people were trying to control him and his life. The hotel manager is a shrew of man in the book who talks down to Jack and goes as far as saying he didn't want to hire him, but because Jack was friends with a higher up in the company, he got the job, so Jack was already showing signs of anger and distrust towards the world, making him the best option for suggestion.
  15. RyanSz

    Noah (2014)

    Still a better sequel than the proposed Gladiator sequel. From Cracked:
  16. He was the second choice to be done in under the influence by the spirits of the hotel after they tried to get the son but his Shining ability prevented it from happening. Jack actually saves his wife and son at the end by momentarily freeing himself from the hotel's control and sacrifices himself to save them by letting the boiler explode, destroying the hotel and killing himself.
  17. RyanSz

    Robocop 2 (1990)

    Most definitely. Would love this to be a live double feature with either Robocop 3 or Highlander 2.
  18. Yeah he admits now that it was a good movie and stands up to being so old, though to be fair a lot of King's early work is autobiographical or some sort of therapy for him.
  19. RyanSz

    The Wizard (1989)

    Which is the most fucked up thing to say on a whim, and she says it without hesitation leading me to believe that she has done this numerous time. And I forgot about the step-dad basically says to Beau Bridges "I'll look for my retarded stepson because I'm legally obligated now, but your son who took him can go fuck himself and die."
  20. Some creative control? He had UBER-CONTROL when it came to his storylines, with how much WCW was letting him do what he wanted he could of had them change the name of the promotion to Hogan Championsip Wrestling.
  21. RyanSz

    The Wizard (1989)

    Holy shit just rewatched this and it is INSANE. If Mac and Me was a 90 minute semi-commercial for McDonald's, this is a mega commercial for Nintendo where nearly every adult is an attempted rapist and Fred Savage is a mega douche.
  22. King's thing is he will give anyone a chance to adapt his work, especially aspiring filmmakers. These are called dollar babies since he sells the rights to make them for a buck. He doesn't seem to mind if something is made multiple times, Carrie, the Shining, and the Stand being prominent examples. The whole Shining thing is interesting as Kubrick's movie is fantastic, but nowhere in the horror vein of the book. It's more psychological in its ghost narrative while King's is a mix of spiritual and slasher. Unfortunately because of how well done the movie is people call King arrogant or petty because he didn't like it for so long, though its understandable with how any author wouldn't feel well with seeing something they created be changed so much from what it originally was.
  23. You know, looking back on this movie, it perfectly fits into the Super Mario Bros world and I can tell you how. There has been a fan theory going around for a while that states that all of the characters in the Mario World are not themselves, but rather actors playing a part. It's why in some of the earlier games come off as theatrical productions, Mario 2 was blatantly a play on a stage while Mario 3's stages were made to look like sets built by a movie crew. Then in later games there is a character that flies around the stages on a cloud filming the characters and what they are doing, which can be seen in Mario Kart and Mario 64. Then there's the fact that they can change allegiance to one another at will without reason and that they can be cherry picked to be put into any kind of situation (fighting, adventures, various sports). So it would make sense that the dystopian world of the movie is just another role that these characters were involved in, but that it just didn't work out enough for another film to be made for that storyline. Here is a bit more in-depth look at this theory: http://www.cracked.com/article_20614_6-insane-video-game-fan-theories-that-make-total-sense.html http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/51734/features/mind-blowing-mario-zelda-and-pokemon-fan-theories/?page=3
  24. That's very true about picturing the characters. Just look at what happened with the Fifty Shades of Gray/Charlie Hunnam debacle. Hunnam may have pulled off the role very well and got himself out of being type cast as the usual tough guy, yet women went APESHIT because he didn't fit the image that they had in their heads and he was eventually dropped from the movie. With any adaptation, there is a fine line between fan service and making a quality addition to a known property, it's the main reason I feel that video game movies always fail. With books though there seems to be a better track record as there is a set line of points to be hit by movie makers with some room for alteration, but the choosing of actors is always a super fine line. It's the old adage of you can make some people happy all the time, everyone happy some of the time, but never everyone all the time. There will always be dissenting voices for a character choice, and unfortunately those voices are always the loudest. If you're wanting a good example of a terrible book adaptation look at Under the Dome on CBS. Easily one of King's best standalone novels with rich characters and a well created story, outside of the ending but that has always been King's flaw. The TV show though is so far and away from the source material that it is mind boggling. The actors for the most part are pretty good choices, especially Dean Norris who plays an excellent villain. Yet the characters that are miscast are so miscast it takes even more away from what could have been a great show. Unfortunately I am in that weird place where I have to watch now to see how it ends or else it will just bug the living shit outta me.
  25. See that match there is proof of why Rip didn't have to train for the final match. Even against 8 men, Hulk Hogan triumphed over them all because Hulk and Rip have the greatest super power of all time: the creative control clause, capable of allowing the user to get over anyone in their way, no matter the odds.