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Everything posted by RyanSz

  1. RyanSz

    Drive (2011)

    I think we all assume the 2011 one and not the Marc Dacoscos one.
  2. RyanSz

    Drive (2011)

    And to that point, even movies that are well received but are batshit crazy like Brazil or to an extent Inception are crazy for art's sake. Drive may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it was well made with a coherent story and great performances. If anything by this director is going to get nominated I could see it being Only God Forgives as critics are being brutal to that movie, mainly for it's extreme violence.
  3. RyanSz

    Drive (2011)

    No way. With a 93% RT score and being a big hit financially, there's no way this get's done.
  4. RyanSz

    Mystery Men (1999)

    Talk about a great guest to have for the episode then.
  5. RyanSz

    Space Jam (1996)

  6. RyanSz

    Bullet to the Head

    That to me is just the usual action movie leaving out of common everyday things like how Jack Bauer never went to the bathroom in 24.
  7. RyanSz

    Bullet to the Head

    Last Stand underperforming was kind of a bummer as it was a decent no brainer movie, and it showed Arnold accepting his role as the old guy. Stallone still thinks he can be like he was 20 or 30 yrs ago and people don't want to see that. The reason the Expendables does better than his other stuff is that it acknowledges his age as well as the amount of names attached to those movies.
  8. RyanSz

    Basic (2003)

    That and for some reason he felt the need to wear a cape and a beret so further sell the superhero/villian side of his character.
  9. RyanSz

    Summer Movie League. Year 2?

    For some reason it is still showing some older studios from last year. I don't think the totals will be as high this year in comparison to last year as there was huge blockbuster after huge blockbuster, and this summer is proving to be sort of a dud money-wise.
  10. RyanSz

    Basic (2003)

    But this was early 2000s.
  11. RyanSz

    Basic (2003)

    Bumping this because I really want to hear the crew freak out over trying to figure out the story.
  12. RyanSz

    The Island of Dr Moreau

    I would love to see these bloopers. From IMDB:
  13. And that was solely for the fact to make it seem as if Vin is as tall as the Rock, but it was a shitty example of really forced perspective.
  14. RyanSz

    After Earth

    Made me think of another no payoff.
  15. That was one of my favorite episodes in recent memory solely for that rant from Graham Elwood and Matt Mira. And it was good to hear that I was not the only person who thought the "humor" in this movie wasn't that fucking fantastic.
  16. Next week on celebrity rehad with Dr, Drew, the entire discussion board for How Did This Get Made?.
  17. They've been talking about there being a few upcoming live shows, so maybe the FYI site is for deciding what those will be for the most part. And for a movie like The Happening, it would be better suited for a live show as they get a lot of audience participation and the movies are usually a lot more crazy (Superman 3, Birdemic, From Justin To Kelly,) so a movie like the Happening would be perfect for this environment. Also FYI got put up at a time when there were going to be a lot of topical choices for the show, Fast 6 was a shoe in to be done the moment it was released and After Earth became a viable choice after all of the background information involved with it and the fact that it was Shymalan and Will Smith and it still TANKED. The main thing that makes a site like FYI and these forums difficult is that this is the only Earwolf show that is bi-weekly, so it will take a while to get to all of the films fans want discussed. I always thought they could have a new episode on Tuesday followed by a mini episode on Thursday or Friday to prepare fans for the following Tuesday, but with June and Paul's schedules becoming more hectic at least, it doesn't look like that is happening any time soon.
  18. RyanSz

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    The thing is most of the pictures you see of Shymalan for this movie, Will Smith is right there pointing or gesturing how he wants it all to go.
  19. Are you gonna feel like an ass if he was just screwin' with you and they are doing this for the live episode?
  20. RyanSz

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    Doubtful, for the most part Shymalan wasn't even being promoted as the director too much, instead relying on the star power of Will and "star power" of Jaden. Even Will knows how much people are realizing he's egotistical, so he probably took on Shymalan to put that blame on him. And remember most people don't realize how much his family is involved in this movie, but since it's in producer and story by roles it doesn't get promoted as much as if Will was making his feature film directorial debut.
  21. RyanSz

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    Yeah that's what I was talking about when I said that Shyamalan was basically chosen to be a figurehead for the movie since he would most likely take any job offered to him at this point.
  22. RyanSz

    The Internship

    Tech affirmative action.
  23. RyanSz

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    Oh yeah, like I said this was his pet project in order to make his son the next "Mr. Summer Blockbuster." I honestly believe he thought this would be a passing of the torch movie where he could ease back further from acting while allowing his kid to take the reigns as acting's next big thing.
  24. RyanSz

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    I think M. Night was doing this as the payday since most studios are wary to touch him with a 10 ft pole now. This was Will Smith through and through, I feel he was either going to go with a director with little credibility left after numerous bombs, M. Night or Renny Harlin come to mind, or he was going to pick a director who's first movie it would be. Either way he could push them around to get his desired results, no matter how shitty they are. As for his kid getting trashed by critics, that is the risk you run by putting oneself in the spotlight like that. You better Marlon Fucking Brando if you're going to be spoonfed the lead in a major summer release or act the way that you do in public, otherwise you are giving more reason to be ripped apart by critics. It's why I admire a guy like Harrison Ford who for the most part, stays out of the public eye unless doing publicity for his films, and you never see him complaining about being harassed by paparazzi since he doesn't go to places that are surrounded by them to get free press. Yet you have Jaden Smith wearing an iron man costume out in public, attached at his dad's hip, or doing something else completely douchey, add to the fact that he's a terrible actor, so he becomes the perfect target. The only thing missing is him wearing Ed Hardy and hanging out with Justin Bieber.
  25. RyanSz

    Episode 63.5 — Minisode 63.5

    Yeah his interview about why he turned down that role, as it seems to be the same reason he turned down the Neo role in the Matrix, is really showing his ego. Add to the fact that this movie was produced almost solely by members of the Smith/Pinkett families or is a friend of those families, shows how they have lost touch with the Hollywood environment. And after it was revealed that Will Smith was basically the director of this movie and M. Night was only hired for blocking, this was Smith's Battlefield Earth.