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Everything posted by RyanSz

  1. RyanSz

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    There were points though where she was doing what she could to not be a part of the group and disparaging the job in front of them, only proclaiming that the pay was great. She didn't hate the girls but really didn't do much to endear herself to the group outside of the story about her daughter. Also, this was peak Chicago Bulls era Jordan, he was getting at least 50k for that two second cameo. As for Carl Hiasen, I've always felt he was the poor man's Elmore Leonard, in that he could create some pretty off the wall and humorous stories mixed with crime and thriller elements, but he could never really sew it so perfectly like Leonard could.
  2. RyanSz

    Episode 192 - Striptease: LIVE!

    I will write the following the best that I can as it isn't my words, but that of my girlfriend's, who was a stripper (her preferred term), years before I met her. I basically asked her how this matched up in terms of how the women interacted with one another rather than the goings on in front of a crowd. Basically it was about what June was talking about in that the Demi Moore is representative of an outlier person who wouldn't want to be part of that close-knit group because she looks down on the profession, when there really isn't a need to, because they are wanting to look out for each other and encourage each other to do there best to make a living, which is all the job really is. Hell the women she worked with at her first club just had a ten year reunion party from when the club had closed and from the other stories she's told me, they all really helped each other through some trying times, which unfortunately doesn't really get disclosed in the media outside of documentaries. I was about to post a similar thing because I've had the privilege of meeting a number of porn stars, male, female, and trans, who have so far been nothing but incredibly nice and informative about their work and outside lives. One in particular actress I talked to was in Las Vegas while one of the adult conventions was going on and what I had originally wanted to know was what made her decide to go into the industry. She said that her husband and she talked about it for a while, and felt that since they were already swingers and fairly open about their sexuality, why not get paid for doing something they loved. She said after a couple years in the business she decided to increase her size and that her doctor recommended the gradual growth, rather than instantaneous because it could damage the skin and also the implants could come out basically looking like they did in the 80s as awkward boulders in her chest. She did say the only real complaint she had was having to buy custom bras know but it was a small price to pay for further enjoying her body and her work. I had asked if she wanted to go bigger, to which she did say yes but that the only place she would be able to do it was in South America because many states have laws one the amount of the implant solution a person can have in their body, and most doctors won't go much bigger than what she was already at, but she also said she wasn't going to risk her health and safety by going to an unregulated doctor to get the size she was thinking of. One omission that I was surprised wasn't brought up in the show were the two stupid bodyguard of Burt Reynolds who believe that Ving Rhames was George Bush, and that he claimed that Meryl Streep was a stripper before she started acting, using a name like Frenchie Avalon if I recall. Considering Streep really started screen acting in 1976, that would mean Rhames has been a bouncer since he was 17, considering the fact that he was born in 1959. Also, why did Michael Jordan think this would be a great film to cameo in, because that is him in the club when the dancer mentions he's at table 8. Was he just in Florida doing promotion for Space Jam and thought the cameo would be cool?
  3. RyanSz

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    So far I've liked the second season of Glow as much as the first and felt that Luke Cage was a vast improvement over the first, as it seems to be following the model started in the Punisher where there is a solid B storyline interwoven with the main story, which was the problem for all of the first seasons of the Marvel Netflix shows. I'm still ticked that there wasn't an Usain Bolt cameo for Luke Cage season 2 tho I do think the seasons should be max ten episodes a season, especially if there is no B story to pump up the main story. Defenders as an eight episode mini-series worked because of this reason, despite its other issues. In regards to Striptease, I am ten minutes in and have so many issues. First, that judge overseeing the child custody case would be removed from the bench so quickly after an appeal was filed due to blatant favoritism shown to one party in the case. Also I don't who the fuck is helping Demi Moore on her appeal, but no way in hell should it cost 15k, any court will take a filing without cost, so long as you fill out the proper forms and show that you cannot afford the filing cost. Plus her being a stripper would not play into it so long as she shows she's working at a steady rate and has a proper home and can provide for the child's needs. As for the strip club, I think it would be better suited to be called a burlesque club that shows nipples. In the times that I have gone to a club, there are no real costumes outside of holiday times like Christmas, and each dancer performs for a couple songs, before the next comes up. The only time there's something like shown in this club is when there's a guest/featured dancer like a porn star there. Also any club worth a damn has more than one bouncer, especially on busy nights. If a patron got onto the stage, he wouldn't be kindly asked to get off stage, he would be dragged out of there like the cowboy in Casino. Plus, any worker leaving the club is escorted to their car by a bouncer to prevent a patron getting too close, like in the case of Jerry with the roses at the start of the film. Finally, did anyone else get the feeling that Burt Reynolds saw Weekend at Bernie's and used that as inspiration for how he would act as a drunk while at the club. When he hit the guy with the bottle he literally was bouncing around like Bernie including the glasses.
  4. RyanSz

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    Yeah on paper Big Trouble seemed like a solid win with the people involved, but then it was just a jumbled mess. It's an odd thing where the characters themselves are pretty good for the most part, namely Farina's hitman and Wharburton and Garofalo as the cops, but the main characters of Allen, Russo,Sizemore just fall flat while having Jason Lee narrate as hippy hobo Jesus added nothing to the film.
  5. RyanSz

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    I think after Boogie Nights, Reynolds just sort of embraced and fell into full tilt crazy when doing his roles. From basically playing an oversized version of himself in Saints Row 3 to doing voicework for Robot Chicken, there are loads of behind the scenes outtakes where he had to be reeled in otherwise it was too crazy. It's really saying something when the least crazy thing he's done was his guest spot on Archer, and in that he still drives around with a pimp cup, just because he had never done so before in his life.
  6. RyanSz

    The Boondock Saints (1999)

    Well just go to any one, he's most likely there. Apparently the royalty checks from Simply Irresistible stopped rolling in a while ago.
  7. RyanSz

    The Boondock Saints (1999)

    If you've ever been to a local comic convention or even one of the bigger name ones, you've almost always seen the celebrity with absolutely no line surrounded by booths with one hundred plus people waiting for autographs from a person they actually want to meet. I witnessed this again recently at a show in Sacramento where both Sean Patrick Flannery and David Della Rocco have literally less than ten people in either of their lines while on one side they had Norman Reedus finishing his autograph period with still forty people waiting for autographs and on the other side Jeffrey Dean Morgan with over one hundred. If I had wanted to I literally could have walked up to either guys and gotten a signature for thirty bucks, but it was just too sad. At least with them they were making the most of it with the people coming up to them for signings, unlike Malcolm McDowell who had a similar situation and was basically a curmudgeony asshole to anyone who came up to him.
  8. RyanSz

    USS Indianapolis (2016)

    HOLY. FUCK. I'm watching this now on Netflix and this needs to be covered so badly by the show. The CGI is worse than Sky Captain, every 40s trope and cliche you can think of is on display. Many characters are just racist caricatures. The main Japanese antagonist has scenes with dead ancestor, which is shown by having the guy stand behind him talking in voiceover, and for some reason this shitshow is over two hours long. Cage is actually trying in this film which makes it that much sadder. Also during the ancestor scene, the ghost basically talks to the captain about being afraid of the atomic bomb being dropped, which is so historically inaccurate it's shocking that it was left in the film.
  9. RyanSz

    Monkeybone (2001)

    To be fair, Chris Kataan did cost a lost to get on screen at that time.
  10. RyanSz

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    Oh no, that is something that the world needed to behold, a past-his-prime Burt all slimy and slick.
  11. RyanSz

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    He did have a family, which was mentioned by his partner Janeane Garofalo because Wharburton was attracted to her and the reason why she wouldn't sleep with him. In the closing montage it's mentioned how the escapade caused him to lose them but also made him feel more comfortable in his skin and he loved the attention he got as a stripper so he never looked back. As far as the actors in this, in hindsight it looks bad but when it came out they were at the perfect level for a movie like this. Allen was just getting off Home Improvement. Renee Russo was done with the Lethal Weapon films. Stanley Tucci is good for anything needing a sleazy character actor. Ben Foster was just finishing up being a kid's TV star. Zooey Deschenel hadn't really been in anything. Johnny Knoxville had only been in Jackass and was looking to start in movies. Tom Sizemore needed the work. Plus it was a pretty well regarded book by Dave Barry, who has found success as a writer as a sort of bobo Carl Hiaasen, the author of Striptease. Sort of like a Dean Koontz to Hiaasen's Stephen King, so it seemed like this would be a decent comedy hit. Then 9/11 happened, and the movie was bumped from its 9/21 release date into a release wasteland of the following April. At that point the controversy and the fact it's not plotted out well at all meant it was DOA.
  12. RyanSz

    Episode 191.5 - Minisode 191.5

    It actually kinda is. When you start work in most jobs related to criminals at all, you have to disclose any possible relationship with a criminal before you start work, otherwise it's grounds for termination. When I started as a librarian at the prison I work at, they gave me a sheet to fill out asking if I knew any inmates currently housed in the facility, so that they could move them to another facility, so there would be no chance of collusion or informality. My supervising librarian recently went through this as her mother-in-law admitted to being a penpal to an inmate in the facility for a very long time. She had to let our supervisor know, the assistant wardens, and the warden, for full transparency and to have the guy removed from the facility. So if it's like that for librarians in a prison, it's much more for someone working for a federal agency like the FBI and CIA. In regards to woman becoming a stripper to save her kids, the only time I remember it being flipped was in the Dave Barry book which later became the film Big Trouble, where one of the side characters played by Patrick Wharburton when he lost his family because he was fired for running through an airport nude in order to get away from vengeful TSA agents. It's kind of a weird film. The one thing I remember about this movie was all of the hype about Demi Moore being nude, since she was also then the highest paid actress in history for the role. This then led into the uber-hype for GI Jane when the big deal for that was she was getting her head shaved. And no real big spoiler, but I just finished season 2 of Luke Cage and the only thing I'm upset by
  13. RyanSz

    Trailer Talk

    Good or bad, this looks like a prime HDTGM film.
  14. RyanSz

    Gotti (2018)

    I always take the audience poll with a grain of salt, especially on RT as there have been many cases where both pro and con sides for a film have used it to trying and influence the score. Saving Christmas was the only one I remember where the star of the film was actively telling people to stuff the ballots when Kirk Cameron posted a video on Youtube telling Christians to pump up the rating, getting it as high as the mid 90s, but when he then had the balls to brag about it, the internet responded in kind by sending overwhelming negative reviews, causing it to tank the crowd score. This then led to Cameron calling them out for being trolls who voted on a film they didn't see, when he had started it by telling people who had not seen the film to give it positive votes. The recent Ghostbusters also had IMDB do a complete overhaul of their rating system as the film had hundreds of votes for both 10 and 1 star weeks before the movie even came out.
  15. RyanSz

    Episode 191 - Rad: LIVE!

    This was actually brought up by self-admitted RAD superfan Daniel Tosh on an episode of his show, and to this point was the last time Bill Allen was on the show. Omission: The one thing I noticed the hosts missed involves the final race where the announcer says that if a racer doesn't make the jump onto the stage at the end of the lap leading back to the drop, they were eliminated. When Cru makes the jump the first time there's another racer named "Hollywood" Mike who falls over the side of the ramp, yet a lap later he is shown wiping out again in the middle of the track. I assume someone on set noticed this as there is a line forced in at that moment from the announcer saying something along the line of "oh it looks like Mike wiped out for a second time, now he really has no chance," when all they needed to do was remove the line about elimination from the race. Also, since they are both at the star level required to be on the show, if either Bill Allen or Lori Loughlin go on Dancing With the Stars, and they recreate the bike dancing scene from this film, they should just win the season right then and there.
  16. RyanSz

    Gotti (2018)

    Since I love watching trainwreck films and have always wanted to watch a movie with the theater to myself, I have been looking at getting a ticket to this at my local theater. Yet every time I have looked at available seats, there are at least three seats already reserved, by whom I am hoping are people hoping for an empty theater like me.
  17. RyanSz

    Episode 190.5 - Minisode 190.5

    I have to assume that this fight scene was inspired by the bike dance scene from this movie,
  18. Imagine a movie where there is a family that are all like the aunt from Sleepaway Camp on crack, who have to fight a shapeshifting alien that looks like a melted rape tentacle monster. Then throw in Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite as a metalhead who constantly playing bad air guitar, swingers, and a knockoff Elvira character and you have the basic elements to Terrorvision. Knowing that the movie featured aliens as the main villain when I first saw the family I figured this movie was set on another planet, but they were just batshit crazy and the movie only ramped it up from there. What's more interesting is that this movie was written and produced by Charles Brand of the Puppet Master series fame and those films have such better stories and effects than this, despite this being a theatrical release.
  19. Lindsay Lohan's next movie is pure HDTGM, as evidence by the synopsis on IMDB. "A private investigator must unravel the murder of her uncle while keeping the secret that she is a descendant from a line of werewolves." Add to this that characters literally have names like Wolfe, Lycan, Uncle Harry, Bittencourt, and Colin Haroosen (basically pronounced like a howling wolf).
  20. RyanSz

    The Shadow Within (2018)

    Didn't realize she wasn't the lead, what kind of kick in the pants to the ego is it knowing you basically got a supporting role in a bad movie simply because the studio could use your name to promote it?
  21. RyanSz

    Trailer Talk

  22. RyanSz

    Trailer Talk

  23. RyanSz

    Episode 190 - Hurricane Heist: LIVE!

    At the public library where I work, our Friends are selling books everyday since we get literally hundreds of books a month, minimum, sometimes going into thousands if a family is clearing out a dead relative's collection. Right now we're trying to clear space so we're selling books for either a quarter or fifty cents, and up to two bucks if it's a hardcover in the Friends' bookstore inside the library.
  24. RyanSz

    Trailer Talk

    I can at least answer that to some extent.
  25. RyanSz

    Episode 190 - Hurricane Heist: LIVE!

    It's been over a decade since I last went to a strip club, but the one i frequented was well maintained and not dingy, the dancers there were raking in a few hundred a night, more if there was a guest dancer in town and it was standing room only. In regards to pay, I think a club is either like a salon or a restaurant, where the dancer either pays a rental fee for their spot to management, or in lieu of a full on wage, they get paid less hourly but they keep whatever they make in tips and dances. And what I've seen was only in Sacramento, I can't imagine how much more dancers are making in a place like Las Vegas where the high end clubs are uber high end. So now I think our plan is set, first we have to raid a Treasury depot, buy a bunch of strip clubs and car washes, and then wait a couple months before we can truly enjoy our money.