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Everything posted by Mathey

  1. Kyle interrupting Tig's deep discussion with Emily pretty much sums up what I love about this show.
  2. My votes: Episode 67, Missed Date at ~35m Episode 75, Albinos at ~ 35m, Chik-Fil-A at ~52m Episode 77, Anything Episode 81, Scouts at ~ 31m Episode 82, Gamer at ~38m Episode 83, Yellowjacket at ~27m Episode 87, Middle America at ~20m Episode 89, Radio DJ at ~38m, Telemarketer at ~58m Episode 92, Pineapple at ~1hr 4m
  3. Southie in the Houthie! Jen's discussion of dying alone reminded me of the documentary "Dreams of a Life". Check it out if you want a laugh*. * not really that funny
  4. Mathey

    Episode 99 — Pregnancy

    Great episode, you guys. I enjoyed the part where silly things happened.
  5. Mathey

    Episode 97 — Viruses

    I am deeply invested in Name That Punky.
  6. Mathey

    Episode 93 — Youth

    Daniel reminded me more of myself at his age than I'd like to admit. This is a good thing, since it brings the subject matter into sharp relief - namely that being a teenager can be a bummer. Best wishes to him and thanks to the crew for being so kind to the guy.
  7. Mathey

    Episode 80 — Honesty

    The To and Fro gang rolls HARD