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Everything posted by Mathey

  1. New Stitcher Series: Horse Facts, with your host Tawny Newsome
  2. The revelations about Charles Gray's age in the Bond films rocked me to my 42 year old core.
  3. Listened to this one live with the Facebook chat; lot of sleepy fun!
  4. Mathey

    Episode 056: The Movie Posters of James Bond

    So I did some research as I celebrate the New Year, and it looks like Bond and Octopussy are around 8 to 8.5 Sir Roger Moore's heads tall, which is meant to depict superheroic scale in the visual language of illustration. That checks out. The weird thing is that their legs make up like 4.5 Sir Roger Moore's heads of that height, so they are more (Moore?) leg than man or woman. Speaking of Moore heads, I always thought Agnes Moorehead had a very Fleming name.
  5. Mathey

    Episode 056: The Movie Posters of James Bond

    For those playing along at home, here is a link that I believe has all of the posters they are referring to in this episode: http://www.007.com/galleries/bond-posters/
  6. somebody animate this and it will be a perennial classic
  7. Mathey

    Commentary Tracks

    Don't forget 'bout that Superego Cinema commentary of Man With The Golden Gun with Matt G. as I.F. Chris Tallman's Herve has a lot to say.
  8. Mathey

    Episode 053: Die Another Day with Andy Secunda

    So, I actually ended up seeing this movie all the way through for the first time a few nights back. And - while its clearly badly directed, poorly acted, and terribly written, I have to admit that I found it pretty watchable. I think the key for me was accepting that this was the most comic book of Bonds, as if it was a faithful adaptation of the old Dark Horse miniseries. All surface, all gloss, all Extreme. The first third almost kinda works, but as the Matts pointed out, once you get to that incredibly on-the-nose use of "London Calling", the stupidity level just shoots through the roof.
  9. Happy Holidaze, you buncha hangers!
  10. Mathey


    Did Funbuns beat her scoring record with those three point-makers?
  11. Mathey

    Episode 052: Villain Deaths Ranked

    An Unsolicited Internet Rando's Ideas for Discussion Points to Bond Over: 1. The Locations of Bond - talk 'bout the places the films have visited, their landmarks, featured local weirdness like that butterfly lady from View to a Kill. Rank 'em (or don't). 2. The James Bond RPG - long out of print and likely too arcane for people less nerdy than me to try playing, but a pretty influential game from my youth with a lot of fun supplements that blend the films and expand on the world. I'd offer to GM a session for the Matts on Roll20 but I don't know how much sadder I want this post to get. Anyway, it has stats for Sheriff J.W. Pepper, so it needs to be discussed. 3. Bond-fluences - a review of the fictional and real people and things that resulted in Ion Fleyming's 007. Probably too broad a topic, but fuck it, I'd love to hear the Matts chat about this. 4. Ken Adams - I love set design and film concept art, and I know Matt G. would love to ramble about the guy who helped set the visual standard for the Bond films. 5. Goldeneye Tournament - PFT is apparently killer at this N64 classic. I have no clue how to make this work in an audio-only format, but I wanna hear the Matt's challenge him (or whomever they can get) for the title. 6. Sheriff J.W. Pepper-mania - What if the producers of the Bond franchise had wedged the racist Louisiana redneck into every Bond movie? What hilarious hi-jinks would he have while stumbling across more of 007's adventures? Scuba-diving in Jamaica! Touring Europe on the Orient Express! Good God, imagine the nightmare of Pepper in Tokyo!
  12. I was genuinely moved by the Borrow Some Friends song and genuinely shocked by the big Turducken reveal at the end.
  13. Alvin is maybe the single best guest on any podcast ever?
  14. Mathey

    Episode 050: Indiana Jonesing with Paul Rust

    I'm on board for this in every way possible.
  15. Appreciate that Zach and Jess are now sponsored by Nintendo.
  16. Mathey

    Episode 3 - Zach Galifianakis

    Lot of fun! Glad to have both this and Dr. Gameshow on my feed.
  17. Ow damn, the hot takes burned me through my earbuds!
  18. Mathey

    Episode 049: Skyfall with Paul Sabourin

    I'm pretty much with agreement that the sentiment that plot isn't what I came to Bond for. In terms of character bits and imagery, Skyfall's hard to beat.
  19. I've been praying for the Bammer on this show forever! Yay!
  20. Breaking Away is one of the best movies about growing up that happens to feature bike racing. Pretty sure that's the one Mo was talkin' 'bout.
  21. All the stories of getting thrown out of bars reminded me that I am a very boring person.
  22. Mathey


    put this on loop in ya car, y'all https://youtu.be/TF0UJTmNuaY best part is the disbelieving, dead-eyed stare of the cast mates around 0:33. I like to imagine this is the look Matt got from the other people at the gym.