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Everything posted by Mathey

  1. I hope someday to find a lady who podcasts at me the way Fun Buns podcasts at Matt
  2. It took me a second listen to realize this episode is a secret sequel to the one with Rubber-Band and Millionaire.
  3. I am perplexed by the New Orleanian Paul mentioned who claimed that cross-walk timing was some sort of local vocation or point of pride or whatever. There's no shortage of other weird regional things to latch onto and NewOrleans-splain to visitors, like how people pronounce Calliope or the proper way to eat a shrimp or whatever. Based on personal experience as a driver and pedestrian in the city, getting confused by street signs and street lights is very New Orleans. As far as Zahn's character in Treme, he's based on a real guy apparently, and a friend of a friend reported that they really captured his character. Make of that what you will.
  4. High Energy Golf Action!
  5. Pretty sure I heard "The Gonk" from Dawn of the Dead early in the improv. #ebanref
  6. Mathey

    Episode 141.5 - Minisode 141.5

    The old 1943 Republic Serial based on the Phantom comic strip is actually pretty good, if you can get past the grosser bits of '40s culture (i.e. racism, sexism, etc.). It may just be that it shines in comparison to some of the really BAD movie serials of the era - The Lost City in particular is four hours of jaw-droppingly awfulness - but I'd argue it does the character better than the 90's film. You can find it on the innernet if you know where to look and have the time. As far as Suicide Squad, I really loved the old Ostrander comic book, but nothing about the trailers for the new movie appealed to me. I like weird paramilitary supervillain mayhem as much as the next guy, but the tone and look just turned me off immediately.
  7. Mathey

    Episode 141.5 - Minisode 141.5

    Things I remember about The Phantom: 1) Kristy Swanson in jodhpurs 2) The Phantom shooting people's guns out of their hands without looking 3) Thinking that the action sequences looked like they came out of one of the Action Pack shows like Xena or Hercules
  8. Shrimps Radio on twitter liked my dumb drawing so my existence is now valid.
  9. Regarding the White Guy Goes To Tibet thing, even Sherlock Holmes did it - in The Empty House (the story that reintroduced the character after he appeared to die going over the Reichenbach Falls with Moriarty), he claims to have wandered around the world, including a visit to Lhasa and the "head lama". Don't know if he picked up any psychic powers or anything, but I wonder if its one of the first appearances of this whole gimmick.
  10. Put in those terms - that does sound pretty cool. The recent Iron Fist teaser and the mention of the new Doctor Strange movie reminds me how heavily those origin stories lean on the same sort of Orientalism and Shangri-La/Atlantis mystic hoodoo stuff that the '30s Shadow (and legions of other pulp guys) were founded on. Back in the day, everybody and his brother learned how to do Superhuman Thing X by studying with gurus in Tibet.
  11. When I was a kid I got into pulp novels and old radio shows, mainly due to stuff like Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Rocketeer comic book - another character that got a 90's movie adaptation – though that one was actually fun, even if it bombed going up against Terminator 2. This fandom was a bit of a proto-hipsterism, 'cuz I could look down my nose at other comic book nerds into '90s heroes like Spawn and bore people with my knowledge about proto-superheroes like Doc Savage and The Shadow. I was (am?) pretty insufferable about it. So, with that in mind, its probably no surprise that I aggressively hated this movie when it came out. The movie bends over backwards trying to include all the wacky elements of the original character while also updating it for a '90s audience with a thick lacquer of camp and irony that does service to neither goal. It just hurts your head trying to wrap your head around what they were going for. If they were trying to out-Batman the 1989 Batman, they obviously didn't succeed. As overblown as that movie could be, it still had a consistent tone, style, and focus that this mess never approaches. So much awful camerawork that just drags things out and draws attention to itself...ugh. If they were trying to make a camp comedy, it also doesn't come together – its not enough to just underline the dumbness you're depicting to make it funny. You need some wit and maybe even something other than contempt for your own material to pull that off. And if this was meant to be a love letter to the classic character...well, all the odd revisions to the origin, sci-fi power explanations, and the inconsistencies in the script only leave nerds like me ticked off while utterly baffling the rest of the audience. I have honestly no idea if a coherent and successful Shadow movie could be made nowadays (the premise was born on the radio and thrived on '30s era mysticism) but this was definitely not it.
  12. Fun episode! As with all of the children's lit references, I appreciated the shout-out to NIMH (Rats of).
  13. This episode went...everywhere. Wow.
  14. As goofy and blue as this got, it was actually kinda sweet and heartwarming.
  15. My avatar is a picture of me as a kid wearing an "Isn't Swatch Special?" t-shirt. So this was a big deal.
  16. Mathey

    Episode 430 - Man Veils

    neeeern neeern - neeeeeeeeern
  17. Mathey

    Episode 429 - Almost Mandatory

    Middleditch dropping GURPS knowledge.
  18. Congrats to Todd on a great first time appearance on this dumb show!* I appreciated the perspective of a PSR fan at courtside, and he did a good job of keeping up with Mark's patter. Also, somebody else brought this up before, but it does seem like the Shrim's tend to win games when one of our two regular hosts are away. I'm not saying I want to see Matt and Mark break up the duo, but maybe they can adopt aliases and disguises or something. * also congrats on marrying sara watkins
  19. The latest ep (last game of the season) showed up in my podcast catcher but not on here. Not sure why, but this should be the Soundcloud link ->
  20. So good to have Mark back. Those Game of Thrones flashbacks were roughly 10x better than the book or show.
  21. I want Zouks to write and star in a romantic comedy based on this.