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Everything posted by MattCameron

  1. MattCameron

    Episode BO2014.1 β€” Best of 2014 Pt 1

    All of the ones that were narrowly edged out were ones I voted on every time! Should have done it more! Great ones already on this countdown though.
  2. MattCameron

    Episode 326 β€” 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    I think the term that Tiny was trying to come up with is "damages."
  3. MattCameron

    Episode 326 β€” 2014 Holiday Spectacular

    Ho Ho is my new fave.
  4. MattCameron

    Episode 210 β€” Artisanal Podcasting

    Non-summah secrets!
  5. Please change nothing about this show, unless it's just more appearances by Eric the (Un)Paid Intern.
  6. MattCameron

    Episode 323 β€” Pie Quiz with Tears for Fears

    The TFF guy did pull out a "MY WIFE" reference, so it was probably just Jon Daly and Besser.
  7. MattCameron

    Episode 28 β€” The Hooray Show

    This is great. More more more. Also, liked hearing Phish on here...
  8. MattCameron

    Episode 322 β€” YouTube Phenomahna

    Also, as far as top 10 goes, I have to include DJs are Sleaze Js (292), Calvins Twins (266), Hollywild (263) and of course Suicide House (319) along with all of the typicals.
  9. MattCameron

    Episode 322 β€” YouTube Phenomahna

    I loved this episode so damn much. I believe you were thinking of Yellowstone, Scott.
  10. MattCameron

    Episode 321 β€” Big Fat Voice

    I fuquaing loved this ep.
  11. MattCameron

    Episode 159 β€” Rainbow Bridge

    Besser destroyed this Case Closed. DESTROYED. On a side note, having this great ep, plus Matt on NNF and DLM this week has been fantastic.
  12. MattCameron

    Episode 313 β€” Gumbo Challenge

    Shut the FUCK up, Benjamin!
  13. MattCameron

    Episode 153 β€” Spider Mouth

    I was going to say, I've never seen you speak so coherently, greggy. Haha
  14. MattCameron

    Episode 153 β€” Spider Mouth

    I have heard every episode and don't remember this story at all. I was hoping he would just go ahead and tell it. The only airplane story I can think of is the guy that was sitting behind him with the whining dog that later said he was great at flying. The whole airplane discussion is something I feel very passionately about too. I flew to Denver a few weeks ago from Charlotte, and I couldn't believe how much smaller the seats have gotten. It's not even knee room, it's that we are packed together arm to arm. I literally have to fight to get my arm on the arm rest or I'm sitting with my arms crossed the whole flight. Something has to be done, but it's hard to even determine where to start. It's like Anthony said, there is no way that we can fight against these monopolistic airlines until we allow more competition in the US marketplace. I mean, paying $500 or more for a 4 hour flight where you are uncomfortable literally the entire time is insanity. That said, I agree with Katie and Anthony that it would be WAY more agitating to have someone put a device on my chair to prevent me from reclining than to have the person in front of you recline. At the very least you can recline yourself when the person in front of you does. It's just a super shitty situation all around.
  15. I liked hearing this feets' interview and learning more about feets empowerment.
  16. MattCameron

    Episode 306 β€” Project Funway

    Highly recommend their last couple of appearances. The Bisco Boys and Clones and Oliver Stones.
  17. MattCameron

    Episode 306 β€” Project Funway

    Because it was past his bread time. Also, Kumail Nanjiani remix?
  18. MattCameron

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Guy talking about the "Bizarre" Phish Setlist from Charlotte.
  19. Great to hear from Mr. Tipcorn.
  20. I really hope Dabney comes back at some point.
  21. What up? Yeah, I am still saving up to get the Handbookbook. There is a school supply drive at my office this week so if may see if I can steal one. Holler at me in Charlotte. I'll show you the best haunts and we can hang with Claire Danes and Sergeant Engineer Cody Brody.
  22. I can neither confirm nor deny that it was or was not Checked Out.
  23. I will have to wait until I get home to my WiFi to download, but really looking forward to it. It's also been awhile since I've been on the forums, so hey everyone! I actually came here on other business. First and foremost, happy birthday, Sean. Hope it was great. And also, I highly recommend going to comedycentralcrew.com and signing up. They have a really good pilot on there right now that you can rate that I think everyone here will really like. Due to legal disclaimers and such I can't really talk anymore about it or Big Comedy might try and bring me down. You're welcome in advance (unless this has already hit the forums, in which case I apologize in advance). UPDATE: apparently you can't just sign up and go watch the video that was sent to me in an email (I signed up a couple months ago), and now that I have seen the video I can no longer access it. Signing up for that is a huge pain and sorry if I inconvenienced anyone, but I guess you still might eventually get a link if you sign up??? So please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. What do you want me to say?! I SAID I'M SORRY! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!
  24. CHEWING GUM! MAPLE SYRUP! SUPER GLUE! I think this catchphrase is gonna stick.