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Posts posted by MattCameron

  1. I just started listening, but I noticed from the start that this ep is in stereo, usually the eps are mono, which I assume is to make the download smaller. But I figured the switch to stereo was because of the DBS taste.


    I'd actually prefer it if every ep was stereo, since music is such a big part of the show. It just sounds better, especially Howard's themes, they pop more.


    I noticed this right as I started it. The sound is outstanding. Even Adam Ant sounds good.

  2. 2. As a fuck you to the people who dislike characters because of a voice, I suggest an episode with the guests: Merrill Schindler, Neil Hamburger, Lil Gary, Nancy, and Lauren Lapkus' student.


    Giving the old "fuck you" to the fans of the show really doesn't seem like Scottabot's style. I think this whole thing has gotten way blown out of proportion. People are allowed to not like certain aspects of a program. Comedy Bang Bang is leaps and bounds the best comedy podcast being made right now. It certainly is my favorite. However, we, as fans, are allowed to voice our opinion about not liking a character because of the way that it is perceived in our own personal eardrums. I shouldn't have phrased my first post as exclusive to female characters, the sighing moan voice that Nancy offers just aurally displeases me.


    That being said, if this many people love the character then maybe I'm being overly analytical. I'm willing to give her another try.


    Please don't! I don't mean it as a lecture - it's just a nagging thing that's been bugging me lately and I wanted to have a discussion about it.


    Understandable. I guess one of the issues I've noticed too is that there are so many more options for men when it comes to impression characters (Ice-T, Jesse Ventura, Huell, etc.) for whatever reason. I suppose that breeds more of a responsibility on the female comedians to come up with their own characters more often. The only two female impression characters I can think of off the top of my head from the show are Jennifer Tilly and Gwyneth Paltrow when there has been a myriad of male impression characters.


    I think a better question is, why, when male comics do a voice, do male listeners say "that's hilarious," and when female comics do a voice, they get called whiny and annoying?


    Sorry to level sexism at some of you, which I know is difficult to defend against, but this is definitely something I've noticed time after time, and I am deliberately having female guests on to combat this perception. Pam's character REALLY makes me laugh, and everything she says is gold.


    I just find the character's voice grating. I loved the majority of the episode and I think that a lot of the content that was contained in the character's narrative was funny. It's just tough to listen to. That being said, there are certain male characters too that I have the same problem with. Merrill Shindler being a prime example of this. I suppose I shouldn't have lumped all female characters together, but it does kind of detract from the listening experience when the voice is so irksome.

    • Like 3

  5. I think the quality ratio is actually a lot better for the the female characters. That easy-listening radio DJ from a few episodes back was gold.


    I don't really mind Nancy either, truth be told. Sometimes the funniest moments in this show come from people being deliberately unfunny.


    That was Lennon Parham. She does Listler too. I take her and JSC out of this category.

  6. Only 5 of my favorites made it. Not surprised.


    Clones and Oliver Stones not being there is a total snub.


    I loved that episode. I think that the Mel Pelvin bit could have at least been a B-b-b-b-bonus-s-s-s clip (bro).


    I'm not at all surprised with the top 5. Those are the ones I predicted in the Pt 1 forum. I think like Scott said, it's a mixture between high profile guests and quality bits that are going to be at the top. I personally loved every episode that was on this top 10 and I think this year has been outstanding. There were definitely a couple shockers not making it for me (Climbing the Ladder, Breaking Bread and the aforementioned Clones and Oliver Stones), but all in all a solid list in my opinion. Looking forward to 2013!

  7. Fingers crossed that Apicklelypse makes it in the top 5, but probably won't :(/>


    You had me until there. Saul Goodman is great on Breaking Bad, but that appearance belongs nowhere in the Top 10.


    I'm guessing (hoping) top 5 will be Time Bobby, Wipeout!, Out of Bleeps, Farts and Pro 2 and either New No Nos or Scavenge and the Wisemen.

    • Like 1


    It wasn't my least favorite or anything, but I was pretty disappointed with the episode too. I really like all three of the guests, and there was some funny stuff there, but I agree that it just felt flat. I was really surprised it made the top 10.


    Really? I thought it was one of the funniest. The monologue for Newsroom was priceless. The discussion about the bet with Bruno Kirby was also great. Honestly, the first appearance by those two characs was not my favorite, but thought this one was outstanding. Maybe worth a relisten?
