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Posts posted by wiscomedy

  1. Very true. Not to mention that they don't even for a second consider just testing it on a woman without telling anyone. Why isn't this the first idea they have? They work at a clinic and would have plenty of volunteers, but for some reason DeVito really really wants to impregnate a dude.


    Well, I think within the bananapants premise of the thing, with the caveat that I'm basing this entirely on the podcast summary of the science:


    * they have a drug that they think will prevent immune systems from mis-identifying embryos as foreign objects and attacking them, thereby preventing miscarriages;

    * if they inject the drug and embryo into a woman, they won't be able to tell whether it really worked or if the pregnancy just happened to work out normally, because women have bodies that will accept and nourish a pregnancy;

    * but if they inject the drug and embryo into a man and his body accepts the pregnancy, they know it definitely actually works.


    Since the testing is illegal and can't use multiple subjects -- and because they're PLANNING to abort after a few weeks -- using a man "makes sense" given that set of ludicrous assumptions.
