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Status Updates posted by adventureface

  1. SALT LAKE CITY = Hair removal billboards and TacoTime

  2. "All of the drums please" -Swedish Black Metal

  3. 2013 ADVENTUREFACE CANNOT BE TAMED http://t.co/87IBd88x

  4. Photo: GOUACHE SKI MASK BRAWLER Part of a series I am doing based on hats. http://t.co/ccusw2LW

  5. Photo: 60 Second Gesture drawings, to dust the rust off. #useitorloseit #woof #drawing #pencils... http://t.co/8lgDRieO

  6. Araab Muzik Please, you don't need to do the name drop anymore. It's silly. https://t.co/0OxmqYek

  7. Geographer with Medicaitlin. #portmanteau

  8. Stock Photo Portraits Number 81 - Frosting of the LambsInspired by Matt Besser on Comedy Bang Bang http://t.co/XWT1X8BU

  9. FTL is hard but super addictive. STOP BOARDING ME #rebelfleet #FTL #rainysaturday

  10. The new Knife song is interesting (What if Kim Gordon was in Ministry?) but the video is the opposite. http://t.co/ag42BfNI

  11. dtafm: HAMBROTHERS: I // DTAFM // TUMBLR WEDNESDAYThis is my creative cohort, Ben Braman, and myself in what… http://t.co/BfQxqMBT

  12. POS VIBES > Rough Nights
