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Posts posted by GianniRed

  1. If anyone's not familiar with HR Giger, they should definitely listen to this Superego sketch:




    I love Giger's repeated calls to get back to the topic of cooking.



    Good God, why I have never seen this before?!


    And the first 12 minutes of the podcast are even better. I have to wait until tonight to listen to this, as i got to Giger's entrance and had to stop, since my office discouraged belly laughing. I can't wait for the Pope's entrance.


    ADPP is hands down a distillation of the best parts of CBB.

    • Like 2

  2. Now this is the CBB I love: a CBB veteran going down the darkest and most twisted rabbit holes, the newby just rolling with it and having a great time, and Scott acting as the glue to keep it together.


    Please do more of these and less episodes revolving around recurring musical numbers and acronym games.


    And Jim O'Heir was just fantastic. Would love to get him on with Don Dimelo.

  3. So I'm guessing a couple of you are regulars on the CG tracker? Because I'm pretty sure that where digital rips of this first came up. Maybe on eMule before that, but I think that's where the current following of Deadly Prey began. Anyways, it's on DVD now.


    So many good scenes in this. The part where he's hiding in the trees, like six feet above and clearly visible by his attackers.


    Or probably the pinnacle of this masterpiece, when Mike Denton slices a dude's arm off with a machete and then beats him to death with the arm.




    This film absolutely has to be on the podcast. It's amazing how bad it is. But, unlike "The Room" it's actually possible to watch it and enjoy it.

  4. Damn posters are basically the same too! There is more than one way to stage four people.





    Just thought of this while re-listening to the Fast 6 episode.


    I would love to hear a Jason vs. June debate on the hotness of Fairuza Balk.

    • Like 1

  5. I was very happy to see Halfway to China breaking the top 3. I only wish in the selected clips they included Don DiMello's description of the 'Chocolate Lady' who has 'no idea what's going on.'


    That line destroys everyone in the studio, and is one of my favorite things DiMello has ever said.


    Here's to a great year! Cheers!



    I was pretty disappointed as well, but I suppose there wasn't time. Andy Daly's character's are always just amazing. The sheer depravity of his characters never fails to make me laugh.


    It was a very strong year, and while I had hoped "Halfway to China" would be #1, I can't begrudge the one that did.


    In any event, am looking forward to hearing Andy's new podcast cavalcade of the characters we've come to know and love/fear. The Don Dimello episode alone should be amazing.

    • Like 3

  6. Overall a great episode, with Leo Carpazzi and "Monster Fuck, Part 2" being particular highlights. Steven was great too, glad to see him back on the show.


    I like Paul Rust,and usually enjoy him on the show. But on this episode? His character's interactions with the other guests were pretty good but by the 3rd or 4th time he did the whole "CREEEEEPY" line I was praying for someone to deck him. It was like fingernails on the chalkboard every time.

    • Like 2

  7. Conal Cochran is the real name of the character known only as "The Old Man" in Robocop. He's the CEO of Omni Consumer Products and that explains where Silver Shamrock got the funding for its massive advertising campaign, not to mention the technical know-how to produce those robot people.


    Seriously though, they're played by the same guy (Daniel O'Herlihy), who was actually born and raised in Ireland, so I guess that accent wasn't a fake one. Another funny tidbit, his son was Gavin O'Herlihy, whose most famous roles is probably as the murderous gang leader in the Charles Bronson classic, "Death Wish III"


    • Like 1

  8. Holy shit.


    I just read the Wiki to see how big a difference the movie was from the book and its insane. Munro really was white in the book, hence the joke by Ernie Hudson saying he was the great white African hunter but he was black. Also Dr. Peter and Amy were treated almost as an afterthought and were used more as a possible safe gaurd against any gorillas that they may come across in the jungle. The diamonds were meant to be used for new computer processors rather than lasers, and a lot more of the team survived. Also, Tim Curry's character wasn't even in the book, so his character was created SOLELY for audiences to watch a douchey European guy get killed by a gorilla. The one thing I glad wasn't transferred over to the movie was the idea that the gorilla's may have been gorilla/human hybrids. Also the volcano only exploded in the book because the Laura Linney character was setting off explosives to do geological surveys of the area, rather than just because.


    What's weird is that the screenwriter basically decided to give Crichton the finger when he wrote the script, especially after how well Jurassic Park did. While he did have some elements of Crichton's style in the book with the tech talk and some corporate espionage, it was all so rushed and came off has unnecessary. And instead of a post-credit scene of just the balloon not taking them to a safe place, I want it to be that along with Peter saying something like "I know Amy is now happy and safe" and then cut to the Silverbacks just viciously killing Amy since she's not part of their herdand came off as trying to take over as the alpha.


    Ditto. I got on a real Crichton reading kick after I saw Jurassic Park and read through all of his earlier stuff. Congo was one of my favorites. I was very excited for this flick, but man was it a disappointment to my 15-year old self. It's like the screenwriter took the basic beats of the movie, threw out any of the technical stuff, shifted the focus to the damn talking gorilla, and rounded it off with a set piece monster-killing scene. They lost a lot of good stuff, like the scene in the book they find a way to make peace with the grey gorillas and leave Zsinj, and later have an encounter with the ghost tribe(who throw poop at them).


    And yeah, I think I unconsciously blocked it out before, but now that Jason mentioned it, Peter was definitely banging that gorilla.

  9. What an awesome episode. Really brought back a lot of memories of those days.


    I discovered the magic of taping shows in 1992 as a 6th grader and ended up with 54 6-hour tapes full of stuff like The SImpsons, In Living Color, and movies taped off of HBO.


    The discussion of the amazing box art that graced low-budget films of the time also struck a cord. I have a few favorites, but for my money, few if any VHS covers will ever top this one:



  10. Holy crap, Gymkata! Just an amazing choice and perfect for this podcast. I've had a couple viewing parties for it and it never fails to entertain/baffle folks that it got made at all. This should be fantastic.


    Points I'm hoping they mention


    1. The sad flag ninjas

    2. "Yakmallah!"

    3. Thorg's wrist guards


    and of course,


    4. The utterly bonkers, "Village of the Crazies"


    In case you don't want to devote the full 90 minutes to watching the flick on YouTube, there's a great rundown of it here:







    • Like 1

  11. Wow, what a fantastic episode, definitely in my top 10. Mad props to the HDTGM crew and Bobby, especially for these three reasons.


    1. I have a feeling they kept the lid on the whole "Mike Hawk" thing on purpose as a treat for whichever audience member got to it first during the questions. There's no way such a crew would have missed that, so leaving it for the audience was magnanimous of them.


    2. I have never ever thought of listening to the kids' arm-wrestling scene as a transaction between a whore, her john, and her pimp. Now I can never forget it. Jason, you are a twisted genius.


    3. And you're also quite prescient. Case in point:




    Also, for what has to be the greatest collection of "Over the Top" screen grabs and gifs, check this out:



  12. Well I understand what that guy's saying, sometimes Scott can get stuck on a particular bit for a little too long. Like when every episode had the anti-comedy contest of Alive or Dead or Hollywood Facts. But if you don't like something the show will eventually evolve and find new things to be obsessed with. I've listened since the start of the podcast and there are very few bits that perpetually stick; maybe everyone fast-forwarding to plugs. I appreciate the Scott's experimentation and it's not always gonna work for everybody all the time. So have some patience and enjoy the show!




    As it seems from the responses my post generated on this thread, I was right to say i'm in the minority in regards to how I feel about the show's latest swing towards more word-play and gimmicks. Still though, this fellow makes a very good point that all shows go through phases. I'm certainly not giving up on CBB, as it is a fantastic show. But will be screening them for guests I know will be good, (i.e. Kroll, both Dalys, Mantzoukas, St. Clair, Parnam, PFt as Herzog or Ice-T, etc.) in the future.


    But folks who love the stuff I don't like, maybe you have help me out. Can you tell me why Scott demands silence through the "Would You Rather" theme song? It's not funny in and of itself, takes up air time, and sometime when people do talk over it (which does make me laugh) Scott's fake anger isn't funny either. What's the point?

  13. I suppose I'm in the minority here, but this episode illustrated the best and the worst of CBB to me.


    On one hand I love the darkness of PFT's Herzog impression (especially the firefighter story), and Ben Schwartz is always great. I love the show the best when guests are allowed to run wild and get dark, i.e. Andy Daly's hilarious cast of demented deviants. More than anything, Brett Gelman's I-Brain bit and Don Dimello's appearance alongside Patton Oswalt got me hooked on this show and I wish we could hear more of that ilk.


    Lately however, I've been having to skip through or just not listen to more and more episodes, as Scott's really getting annoying. Stuff like the singing and lame wordplay is self-indulgent and and as Marc Maron put it so well, "precious." It's like hanging with a bunch of theater kids who can do nothing but reiterate the same tired inside jokes over and over again. I can't even listen to the ads anymore as they've gotten so drawn-out and grating that I'd rather miss a few minutes of content than suffer through having Scott do stuff like repeatedly and annoyingly yell "TING!" in my ear for 90 seconds. I wish more guests would tone Scott down a bit. Like in this episode, when Scott kept trying to force the bit about verbalizing every "period" and Ben responded with "This is so stupid." I practically cheered.

  14. I had the same look on my face when I saw this as a 9 year-old. I knew there was something weird about it but couldn't put my finger on what because I was too distracted popping one of my first boners. God Bless you Lea Thompson.





    Seriously though, this was one of the best episodes in a long time. Kristen Schaal was fantastic, and the trio was on top of their games.


    Between this and the future releases of episodes covering "Over the Top" and "Demolition Man" you guys are having a fantastic summer. Still crossing my fingers for a HDTGM of "Cliffhanger" though. The viewing experience is worth it for the first five minutes alone.

  15. I first heard about "Heavy Metal Parking Lot " a few years ago when I moved to DC and my musician friends described it in legendary terms. I did not get to see it until it popped onto YouTube a year or so ago and I was not disappointed in the slightest.


    So thank you for featuring it. Someday, when my grandkids ask me about the 80's, I'll sit them down in front of that film and be confident they'll have all the answers they'll need.


    Keep the great shows coming Jake, yours has definitely become one of my favorite podcasts, and is definitely the most consistently interesting and funny.
