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🔒 The Earwolf Forums are closed Read more... ×


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Everything posted by RocHoover

  1. I really don't see why I can't name a fucking team and own it while one of you people's run it
  2. Is it possible to pay for and sponsor one of the existing teams if they do not pay thus giving away naming rights to said theoretical team?
  3. RocHoover


    You created an account so you could post code on a comedy podcast network message board. Those are the facts.
  4. RocHoover


    Did you all miss the heavy push in the ads a week or two ago about 'visiting the Earwolf subreddit'?
  5. RocHoover

    Is the show actually in danger of being cancelled?

    I cam confirm that there has been a lot of internal dialogue about this, but no one is actually supporting this move. Most of the problems have surrounded the ad reads and how they mainly rub Midroll the wrong way. Creates a lot of headaches for upper management (Scott and Jeff) at Earwolf and creates tension when Sean and Haze won't play ball
  6. RocHoover


    Is no one going to bring up the fact that they are also trying to migrate us away from the forums and use the Reddit subforum instead while they shut these forums down?
  7. So somebody give me the cliffs notes.. Will I still be able to download episodes with my podcatcher via rss feed?
  8. What is the password to get back in?
  9. Wow... I was asked to leave like seconds after joining. You people are a tight knit group. I was asked very politely though
  10. That isn't much different. Use a vinegar laced joint.
  11. Use vinegar to neutralize the HC's (Hazardous Chemicals). Remember the chemical burn scene in Fighting Club when Brad Pitt burned that guy's hand? I was the technical consultant for that part.
  12. RocHoover

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    COO (Chief Operating Officer) of WolfCool
  13. The top one will get the wearer laid
  14. I think it is great that Mike STILL is a close friend. For a while there things were shaky, but that didn't change the close friend status
  15. A: leave mom out of this B: mom calls you Joe McGirl behind your back C: no matter WHAT you do, you can't drive a wedge between me and mom. D: Comcast has been like up and down ALL day today
  16. Do you use them both during the same task? Sounds hot.
  17. Joe, I can't help but to suspect that you are a shill for Ackerman and the Earwolf/Midroll elite. Are you with us? Also, j/o sesh fodder: I'm covered in muscle and sinew.
  18. I have been relistening to this episode of the podcast all week and I really feel this must be addressed by US here on the forums.. I took notice how many times in the ads the new Reddit subforum for Earwolf was pitched. I REALLY believe that there is something sinister going on that has huge implications for out community. For the record, I am not AGAINST the Reddit subforum at all.. But I am reading the writing on the wall: Lets get rid of the Earwolf forums and let the community migrate over to Reddit. And it seems as if our brothers-in-arms Sean and Haze are TRYING to let us know the deal.. Did you notice how Sean was painfully absent during the ads this week? His VOICE replaced with a COMPUTER.. They are using metaphors to tell us that we need to use our COMPUTERS to VOICE our defiance!!! I can totally see the reason why they would want to close the forums down as well: to save face. The Hollywood Handbook forum is the most rapidly growing online community in the whole Earwolf/Wolfpop universe. We have more posts than almost all of the other flagship shows combined. I did extensive crunching on the numbers... This month, the Hollywood Handbook forum SURPASSED the rest of the Earwolf forum in total posts making US the most highly traffic-ed, most active online community in the Earwolf network. In less than 9 months the Hollywood Handbook forum will have more posts than ALL THE OTHER FORUMS COMBINED. You simply cant miss the insulence and indignation spewed at the direction of Sean and Haze every time they are on CBB (Comedy Bang Bang). You also cant help but notice at the total absence of other Earwolf Hosts on HH (Hollywood Handbook). The jealousy is almost system wide. Having the post counts listed on each form puts it out there in the face of every member of Earwolf, Wolfpop, Midroll, E.W. (Edward Willis) Scripps, and the internet at large that HH (Hollywood Handbook) is reaching out to more people than the rest. Post counts provide STATISTICAL PROOF. Think of how upset the powers that be at Scripps, Midroll, and the braintrust at Earwolf are, knowing that something OTHER than their flagship show has the most rabid and loyal fans. If we do not act I see the following scenario playing out in the next few months: INT. JACK'S DEN - MORNING An open window is letting in a cool summer morning breeze drift into the small room. Jack walks in with a hot cup of coffee and sits down in front of his 2013 MacBook Pro. He opens up Firefox and his homepage takes him to "http://forum.earwolf.com/forum/57-hollywood-handbook/". As the page loads up, Jack does a spit-take to camera as the page reads: "SORRY FOLKS! The Earwolf Forums have been closed down. Our Reddit Subforum has really made this place redundant AND it alleviates bandwidth costs which means more money to keep Earwolf going! Dont forget to buy some Earwolf shit at our online store!!" JACK: SONS OF BITCHES! The den door bursts open. Jack's wife Marion Cotillard rushes in. Barely clothed. MARION: What is wrong my love?? JACK: They did it... They fucking did it! I tried to warn everyone it would happen. Everyone just ignored the post.. No one even "LIKED" it. (Production note: "LIKE" is an actual website/forum function that is used to gauge social status on the Earwolf Forums. We need graphic mock-ups of various "LIKE" jpegs that would look good for on screen.) MARION: They closed the forums didn't they.. JACK (CRYING): Did you ever love something so much that you weren't willing to let it leave? Even though you KNEW it was going? MARION: I know my love.. But no matter how much we may love the ocean, nothing can stop the moon from pulling the tide back out to sea every night. (Production note: have someone research when high and low tide happens.. i dont know if low tide is during the day or at night. when we get the answer, just flip Marion's reply to match what science tells us.) JACK: That is bullshit Marion! A few times every week I pour my heart and soul into that place! I regale my brothers and sisters on that forum with tales of my personal life and career. How many of them are ACTUALLY HI's (Hollywood Insiders) like me? I even give away my personal belongings to them. I LOVE it more than life itself! MARION: More than you love going at it with me? MARION AND JACK START GOING AT IT WITH HEAVY KISSING AND MAKING OUT We need to voice our concerns and become very active online (Facebook Group for "Save The Earwolf Forums"?) to let "them" know that they need to swallow their pride and deal with the fact that the HHF (Hollywood Handbook Forum) is the heart of the EOC (Earwolf Online Community). Is anyone else seeing the writing on the wall or is it just me?
  19. Inbox is loaded. Getting the Young Einstein OST (Original Sound Track) out soon!
  20. Yahoo wrote most of the songs and lyrics on the soundtrack. A man of DaVincian talents and genius
  21. I can definitely speak to who Yahoo is and what he represents.. He is the "everyman" of Hollywood film making. He accomplishes his vision through hard work and dedication... Unfortunately he is as dumb as a bag of fucking rocks like the "everyman". I am on set for the eighth day of shooting on "Reckless Kelly" and production is at a standstill. So bad that it only took a weeks worth of dailies for the investors to start sweating. I show up on set at one to see how things are going. Shooting was supposed to start at 9am. I find out as I get there the DP had quit that morning and no footage had been shot yet that day. So I am a little agitated at this point and start to yell out to him because he is nowhere to be found. Think of how stupid it looks and sounds for someone to yell out "Yahoo" as someone's name. Eventually I find him alone in the DP's trailer. He is all the way in the back with a camera, but he is holding it up and slightly rotating it in front of his face like he is some kind of chimpanzee investigating a technological puzzle. He shakes it and then put and ear up to it. I'm super pissed at this point and yell out his real name "Greg". And ask him what the frig he is doing. He turns to me and calmly but sternly says to me.. "that's not my name anymore Jack. How about instead of standing there judging me you show me how to work this thing so that I can create this vision I have of my character Reckless Kelly and deliver it to all my fans." After talking to him, I find out that he was hiding in the trailer so that the crew wouldn't see him figuring out how to use the camera. He didn't want to lose their morale OR their respect. Hollywood Everyman. Anyways, it's like I said: the first person to PM me their address gets my copy of Young Einstein OST (Original Sound Track) shipped to them. It's a HH (Hollywood Handout). A gesture of goodwill to the community that I helped build through tireless promotion of this podcast.
  22. Dear Dairy, You give some people the butt pukes. But not me. I got all the love in the world for you. Milk and cookies. Sincerely, JRB
  23. So I completely understand... Is this butt to butt as in two butts touching? Or is this hand and finger(s) to butts. Does butt imply hole? Please advise.