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Status Updates posted by BenNesvig

  1. Most persuasive argument for marriage: Two Thanksgivings.

  2. "We're not that different, you and I." - Every villain in every movie

  3. Just endorsed myself on LinkedIn for the skill of being humble.

  4. "You don't have to know anything. You just have to know people. And once you know people, you know everything." - @AdamCarolla

  5. Being that I've taken a photo of myself (almost) every day this year, I'm looking forward to this app. http://t.co/cRs0tDuy

  6. Government should only allow people to purchase one lottery ticket per book they've read that year.

  7. Chocolate cake hands coming in fast toward the camera. http://t.co/YEj2s8N0

  8. Why do people use more than one question mark???

  9. "I learned nothing in college. It was really kind of my own fault. I had a double major: psychology and reverse psychology." - B.J. Novak

  10. Starting an audiobook partly narrated by @50cent http://t.co/CsANSCP3

  11. Seth Godin's Startup School via @earwolf continues to be an amazing resource each week. http://t.co/q6obeq0q

  12. This story from 1901 of a woman taking a barrel over Niagara falls blows my mind. http://t.co/bw2PheZF

  13. The Toca Band app may be for three year olds but I love it. http://t.co/NYyKoHxe

  14. New book review from my favorite person of the day: http://t.co/UOWdlSRq

  15. I don't order something from Amazon for once in my life and this is my punishment. http://t.co/gmEnr3hX

  16. If I started a tour guide service, I'd call it "Ben There, Done That." #badpun #sorry
