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Status Updates posted by BenNesvig

  1. "Breakfast served all day." is the most beautiful sentence in the English language.

  2. "I learned nothing in college. It was really kind of my own fault. I had a double major: psychology and reverse psychology." - B.J. Novak

  3. "True change starts with changing ourselves. For everyone else, there's election day." - @PriscillaPWood

  4. "We're not that different, you and I." - Every villain in every movie

  5. "You don't have to know anything. You just have to know people. And once you know people, you know everything." - @AdamCarolla

  6. “Nonsense, man! They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance!” — U.S. General John B. Sedgwick, last words

  7. “You need to learn to sing. Because if you don’t, you’re always going to be at the mercy of some asshole singer.” http://t.co/WVOmCy5i

  8. A beard is just a mustache in camouflage.

  9. A lot of bumper stickers are being removed this weekend.

  10. A time lapse video I made of myself making a stop-motion video: http://t.co/SOB96sjQ

  11. An entire debate on foreign policy and the name "Jack Bauer" wasn't mentioned once? Ridiculous.

  12. Are Jean Ralphio and Tom Haverford from Parks & Rec behind @INGDIRECT 's name change to CapitalOne360? http://t.co/03Mhu4Tg

  13. Before buying a house, know the definition of "phantom costs."

  14. Being that I've taken a photo of myself (almost) every day this year, I'm looking forward to this app. http://t.co/cRs0tDuy

  15. Business people of Colorado: Here's a link to franchise a Taco Bell http://t.co/VAh74iVt

  16. Buying a case for my iPhone feels like putting a burqa on a supermodel.

  17. Chocolate cake hands coming in fast toward the camera. http://t.co/YEj2s8N0

  18. Cooking is hard. My Union Square Zucchini looks like the "smokes 2 packs a day" version compared to the book. http://t.co/vUKSJRxc

  19. Definition of "Dystopia": RT @Sarah_Ricard: I dream of a future where Dippin Dots are an ice cream of the past.

  20. Google Trend for "Who is running for president?" http://t.co/uTyWe0D7

  21. Government should only allow people to purchase one lottery ticket per book they've read that year.

  22. I don't get out of bed for less than 3 pieces of bacon.
