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Everything posted by kwigibo83

  1. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093171/ This is a movie a friend of mine DVR'd on the basis of his cable provider's plot description. We were not disappointed. Starring Roddy Piper as Frank Hell, one of the only fertile men left in a post-apocalyptic America, who is arrested by what remains of the government for leaving a trail of pegnant women across the wasteland. They put a chastity belt on him that keeps his junk safe but explodes if he tries to escape, then task him and Sandahl Berman with rescuing a gaggle of fertile young women from the titular town run by frog-faced mutants at war with the government. A particular delight is "the dance of the three snakes". Also features an inspired performance from Rory Calhoun (standing on his hind legs) as a grizzled wasteland prospector named Looney Tunes. This is a ridiculous movie that fluctuates on how much it seems to realize it's own ridiculousness. A true how did this get made title, but someone behind the scenes certainly had a vision that he needed to commit to celluloid. Has anyone else seen it?
  2. kwigibo83

    The Last Starfighter

    The Music Man was really an alien. Would be a great choice. My grandparents lived out in the country when I was a little kid, the TV reception was terrible and this was one of the only VHS tapes they owned for some reason; my siblings and cousins and I must have watched it 50 times. The creepy clone Robert Preston leaves cooking in the dude's bed used to freak me the fuck out when I was 7 years old.
  3. kwigibo83

    Vampire's Kiss (1988)

    Not only a great movie, it's educational too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68BjP5f0ccE