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Everything posted by AprilFoolsRebel

  1. AprilFoolsRebel

    EPISODE 381 — Kitchen Stand-Up

    On behalf of Canada, I apologize for Nathan's comments and assure you that he does not speak for the rest of us. We have revoked his Tim Horton's gift card privileges accordingly.
  2. Indeed it will simply have to sit. Comfortable chairs all around!
  3. I begrudge the Voblex nothing! How could I when I also keep one under my bed?
  4. That's the Smurf and the Smurf of it.
  5. Because we believe in interviewing people of all stripes.
  6. I just dropped off my Yamaha keyboard at the hospital because I'm an organ donor.
  7. AprilFoolsRebel


    I just listened and it's CLEARLY a bit. Daly and Gelman play along. If a person finds it personally offensive, well, that's certainly their right. Who am I to say what an individual should or shouldn't be offended by? But to suggest that it's some indicator of a deep-rooted problem with Jewish people is pretty ridiculous. Look at the people Scott and PFT work with on a regular basis; pretty diverse group. Would they be super keen on working with them if they had this deep disdain? Not bloody likely. Sorry to the OP; while you were personally offended, that is your right. But looking for some over-arching, underlying hate? No, that doesn't exist. There's simply no evidence.
  8. He was so consumed by jealousy that when she took a pregnant pause, he would demand to know who the father was.
  9. AprilFoolsRebel

    Proud to be gluten-free!

    How many other podcasts can say THAT?