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Ska Tacoman

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Posts posted by Ska Tacoman

  1. When this film came out in 1995, I initated a competition between my friend and I to determine who could withstand watching this movie the most times before it left the theatres. The task was an agonizing one and we ended up sneaking in to many showings together. To alleviate the excruciating boredom at having seen this film four and five times each we often resorted to running around the empty theatre during the fight scenes and shouting "MORTAL KOMBAT!" in time with the music. My friend even carved the title of the film into the wood bannister at the back of the theatre. Needless to say, I know this film pretty well (you can see a car drive through the frame during the Scorpion battle in the woods) and it was great to hear the HDTGM take on it. My friend ended up winning the competition (I think the final score was six to five), and I don't think I paid for admission to any of the screenings I went to. A few years later, I tried to recapture some of my honor by initiating a second competition for Mortal Kombat II: Annihilation, which I think I won, but to this day still feels like a phyrric victory.
